13 Health Benefits of Lemon

Lemon is a widely used fruit in every Indian household because of its various benefits. The botanical name of lemon is Citrus Limon which comes from the Rutaceae family. Lemon water or Nimbu Pani is a “go-to” drink for every Indian in the summers. It keeps you hydrated and has a cooling effect with various health benefits. Lemon’s sour taste makes it one of the cherishing fruits for adding extra flavor to beverages and dishes. It is also used as a traditional remedy for many health and skin conditions.

It is full of Vitamin C and citric acid which are good for the heart, digestion, weight loss, skin, etc.

Lemon originates from North-Eastern India and is a medium-sized shrub. Apart from lemon juice, its skin, pulp, and even leaves provide many health benefits.

Nutritional Value of Lemon

lemon slice with leaves

As we all know citric acid gives it a unique sour taste. It is also termed citrus fruit which is rich in Vitamin C and fiber. Following are the Lemon’s nutritional facts:

This table represents several nutrients and their amounts present in 100 g of lemon:

Nutritional Value of Lemon
Nutrients (in 100 grams of Lemon) Its amount
Calories 31
Water 89%
Protein 1 gram
Fat 0 grams
Fiber 3 grams
Carbs 10 grams
Sugar 3 grams

Apart from these major nutrients, it also contains many vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Antioxidants: Hesperidin, Diosmin, Eriocitrin
  • Citric Acid
  • D-limonene

Lemon contains pectin fiber which is soluble fiber. It reduces blood sugar levels and helps the digestive system.

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Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Lemon

Lemon is one of the safest fruits for diabetic individuals. It has a zero (0.6) Glycemic Load and a NA Glycemic Index. It has no effect on blood sugar levels.

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Health Benefits of Lemon

Lemon has multiple health benefits because of its nutritional properties. It is abundant in Vitamin C, fiber, citric acid, plant compounds, essential oils, and minerals. Lemon has the following health benefits:

Good for Heart Health

This is one of the most significant advantages of lemon. It benefits heart health by lowering the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Lemon contains approximately 50% of one’s daily requirement of Vitamin C. Lemons are also high in fiber, which lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and allows blood to flow more freely through the arteries. It also improves heart health and lowers the risk of artery blockages, which leads to atherosclerosis. Lemon contains potassium, which benefits heart health. Lemon contains antioxidants such as Hesperidin, Diosmin, and Eriocitrin, which reduce the risk factors for heart disease and keeps arteries healthy.

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Increases Immunity

Vitamin C is the key nutrient to increase immunity. Since lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C with other major nutrients, it boosts immunity. A strong immune system reduces the risk of bacterial and viral infections and boosts the body’s ability to fight off illnesses. Antioxidants also aid in the prevention of illnesses such as the common cold, flu, and infections.

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Diabetic-Friendly Food

yellow lemon slices

Lemon has no GI or GL, so it has no effect on sugar spikes. Diabetics can eat a lemon without worrying about their blood sugar levels rising. It is also fibrous food that slows the breakdown of sugar from food, allowing sugar to enter the bloodstream more slowly. As a result, it controls blood sugar levels very well.

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It mitigates the risks of various chronic diseases. Lemon contains powerful antioxidants such as Hesperidin, Diosmin, and Eriocitrin, which help the circulatory system, heart health, and other health benefits.

Good for Digestion

This is not just a modern science-backed claim; rather, every household is aware of lemon’s medicinal properties. Lemon relieves gastric issues, constipation, and discomfort while also aiding digestion. Its juice, which contains citric acid, relieves heartburn and stomach aches. Its pulpy portion is high in pectin fiber, which aids digestion. It is a “go-to” traditional medicine for a variety of digestive issues.

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Improves Anemia

It must be surprising because lemon does not have any iron content but it helps in curing anemia. The reason is Vitamin C and citric acid. These components help in the absorption of iron from food which eventually helps in reducing iron deficiency.

Reduces Kidney Stones

Some studies show that lemon helps in reducing kidney stones. The citric acid in lemon juice is responsible for urinary citrate formation. This reduces the development of crystals, thereby preventing kidney stones.

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Controls Blood Pressure/ Hypertension

Although more research is needed, lemon consumption appears to reduce the likelihood of high blood pressure. People who walk and consume lemons have a lower risk of developing high blood pressure.

Weight Management

squeezing a lemon slice

This is one common benefit that everyone knows. Anyone who wants to lose weight must know about the weight reduction properties of lemon. A glass of lukewarm water with lemon pulp and juice and little honey helps in reducing the weight. The factor that triggers weight loss through lemon consumption is pectin fiber. This fiber makes you feel full with a limited diet and stops you from overeating.

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Prevents Cancer

Lemon is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C that helps in reducing the development of cancerous cells. It also contains limonene and naringenin compounds that reduce the risk of cancer because of their anti-cancer properties.

Good for Skin

Lemon acts as a natural bleach for a fair complexion. Vitamin C in lemon is an essential nutrient for skin health and this is why many cosmetic products use Vitamin C and lemon as major ingredients. Vitamin C helps in collagen formation that gives glow, fairness, firmness, tightness, and anti-wrinkle benefits to the skin.

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Helps in Throat Infection & Common Cold

This is a natural home remedy for a sore throat and a common cold. Lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water aids in the treatment of common colds and throat infections.

Good for Gum and Teeth Health

Vitamin C helps in strengthening the gums and teeth. It prevents bleeding and swollen gums. Lemon benefits the whole oral health and also removes bad breath problems.

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Ways to Consume Lemon

lemon and lemonade

Lemon is one of the major ingredients for tasty beverages. It is a healthy alternative to sugary and soft drinks. Lemon juice, lemon water, nimbu pani, and shikanji are all refreshing summer drinks. It is also used to add flavor to a variety of dishes. Lemons can be eaten in a variety of ways:

  1. Lemon Juice: Squeezing a lemon in a glass of water with sugar and salt is a tasty beverage known as nimbu paani.
  2. Lemonade: Prepare a lemonade with ice as a refreshing drink.
  3. Lemon Tea: This is also a healthy beverage as a hot drink for weight loss, treating the common cold, and as an immunity booster.
  4. Squeeze lemon on salads, vegetables, rice, and other foods.
  5. It can be used in the marination of meat.

Side-effects of Lemon

Although lemon does not have many side effects, it can have some negative effects if consumed in excess.

  • Because the citric acid in lemon can cause acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux. People with gastric issues should avoid it, especially on an empty stomach.
  • Lemon should be avoided by people who have ulcers.
  • If you use lemon on your skin, make sure you are not allergic to its acid content. It can be irritating to sensitive skin and can cause rashes.

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Can Diabetics Eat Lemon?

Yes! Lemon is one of the safest foods for people with diabetes. Its GI and GL is zero so it does not spike sugar levels. It has zero effect on sugar levels. Also, its pectin fiber promotes slow absorption of sugars from food that slowly releases glucose into the body.

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Lemon juice, also known as Nimbu Pani, is a popular Indian beverage. It’s a cool and refreshing drink with numerous health benefits. Lemon is used in many dishes for flavors. Lemon benefits the heart, boosts immunity, lowers the risk of cancer and kidney stones, is good for the skin and gums, aids digestion, and aids in weight loss. These advantages, combined with the fact that it has few side effects, make it one of the healthiest options. Its sour flavor tempts your taste buds while also increasing your appetite for healthy foods.

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Does lemon help in reducing kidney stones?

According to some studies, lemon can help reduce kidney stones. The citric acid in lemon juice is responsible for the formation of urinary citrate. This reduces the formation of crystals, thereby preventing kidney stones. As a result, drinking lemon water helps to prevent kidney stones.

Can I drink lemon water every day?

Yes! A glass of lemon water has a plethora of health benefits. It boosts your immunity, lowers your blood pressure, protects your heart, prevents kidney stones, gives you glowing skin, aids in weight loss, and improves your oral health. It is also thought to be a mood booster and stress reliever. Its antioxidant properties aid in the prevention of many chronic diseases. It also helps with a variety of gastric issues such as discomfort, constipation, gas, stomach ache, and so on. But do not overconsume it.

Does lemon help in diabetes?

Lemon does not raise blood sugar levels and is a healthy dietary choice for diabetics. Lemon has a zero glycemic load and glycemic index, which helps to maintain sugar levels and does not aggravate after consumption. Furthermore, its pectin fiber promotes slow absorption of sugars from food that slowly releases glucose into the body.

Is lemon good for the skin?

Lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C which is one of the essential nutrients for skin health. It improves complexion and acts as a natural bleach. This is why it is used in a variety of ubtan and face packs. Vitamin C also induces collagen formation that gives a firm and anti-wrinkle skin. Many beauty products use Vitamin C and lemon as the main ingredients. However, make sure your skin is not sensitive or allergic to lemon, and avoid applying it directly to your skin.


https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-lemonLast Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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