1800 Calorie Diabetic Meal Plan: The Cornerstone of Diabetes Management!!

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohammad Suleman Hussain, M.B.B.S March 7, 2022

Last updated on August 30th, 2022

It is important not to take more than 1800 calories of food each day. This diet is vital to control blood glucose levels, lose weight, or cut down the risk of heart ailments. Blood sugar is the quantity of glucose (simple sugar) present in the blood. And sugar is the major source of energy and it is derived from carbohydrates in the diet. The amount of carbs, fats, or proteins a person can eat is limited in this diabetic diet. An 1800-calorie diabetic meal plan contains a lesser amount of calories and fat.

Diabetes and 1800 Calorie Diet Plan to Manage it

A diabetic patient has always one question in his or her mind; what can I eat? Right food choices play a huge role in a successful diabetes care program. Diabetes is a nasty illness. In this, the body is incapable of metabolizing sugar effectively. Thus, diabetics lookout for effective ways to control and manage their carbohydrate consumption. This not only helps to manage their blood glucose levels but also gives a tremendous weight loss change. In addition, cholesterol and triglycerides levels drop down, because of which there is a reduced risk for other heart-related disorders.

1800 calorie diabetic meal plan

A calorie-controlled meal plan plays a great role for people with early signs and symptoms of diabetes (and who have been asked to lose weight). This is just an ideal option to delay the risk of diabetes. Studies determine that losing weight approx. 7% to 10% of a person’s body weight considerably assists in decreasing the risk of developing diabetes. Read on to understand what diet should a diabetic be on.

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Manage Blood Sugar Levels With Good Meal Plan

It is very much easy to choose healthy foods and includes a variety of menus with so many healthy options available in the market. A physician or a nutritionist can be a great help in developing a meal plan. The meal plan can work towards keeping the blood glucose levels under the normal range. Although you should keep tracking your glucose level by glucometer at home. A diabetic food plan for weight loss is working wonders for many people.

high carb diet good for diabetics

How Will an 1800 Calorie Diabetic Meal Chart Helps?

Diet plays a key role in controlling diabetes and keeping its dangerous complications at bay. A good diabetic diet menu must assist the patient in regulating their blood sugar and cholesterol levels. In addition, it must focus on how to prevent diabetes-related complications like strokes, eye problems, or heart issues. This certainly does not mean they cannot have their favorite delights. A standard diabetic diet lets any diabetic patient enjoy good foods along with keeping the blood glucose up to the mark.

Also Read: What is Normal Blood Sugar Level Range?

How to Choose Foods that Fit the Diabetic Daily Menu Plan?

  • Look at the total daily calorie levels in the 1800 diabetic diet plan below.
  • Plan the daily menu stated below together with the serving amounts from each group.
  • Assort the meals by selecting other items from the same food groups in the diabetic food plan.

Here’s a list of options that can help any diabetic make his or her meal plan more tempting. This list offers a number of substitutes. People don’t have to consume the same foods repeatedly. In this way, a balanced diet reaches the system. Also, if a person follows this diabetic meal plan, the possibility of skipping meals gets reduced. Gradually, he or she inculcates the habit of eating food portions mentioned in his or her meal plan. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), a good diabetes management plan includes good eating practices together with being physically active.

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1800 Calorie Diabetic Meal Plan According to American Diabetes Association

Meal plan for 1800 calorie diet for diabetes as per the American Diabetes Association Diet Guidelines

Calorie Meal Plans (per day) Total Daily Servings
Starch 8
Meat and meat substitutes 6
Fruit 4
Fat 4
Vegetables 3
Milk 3

List of Options That Can be Added to a Type 2 Diabetes Meal Plan

Starch 1 serving=80 calories Cereal, Beans, Grains, Brown Pasta Cereal (cooked) ½ cup Bread
Beans (cooked) 1/3 cup Popcorn (plain, unbuttered) 3 cups
Rice (cooked) 1/3 cup Bread (slice or roll) 1 oz
Pasta (cooked) ½ cup Crackers, snack 4­5
Corn (cooked) ½ cup Hamburger or hot dog bun ½ oz or 1 oz
Peas (cooked) ½ cup
Fruit 1 serving=60 calorie Apple, Pear, Dried fruit, Orange Apple (raw – 2”) 1 Raisins 2 tablespoon
Banana (ripe, medium) 1/2 Apple, orange or grapefruit juice (no added sugar) ½ cup
Pear 1 Cranberry, grape or prune juice (no added sugar) 1/3 cup
Dried fruit ¼ cup
Milk 1 serving=90­100 calories Whole milk 8 oz Yogurt (non­fat, plain) 8 oz
Buttermilk 8 oz
Vegetables 1 serving=25 calories

(A serving is ½ cup of cooked

vegetables or 1 cup of raw vegetables)

Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Leafy Greens, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Spinach, Tomatoes, Water chestnuts
Meat and Meat Substitutes 1 serving=35­55 calories (Lean Meats)
1 serving=75­100 calories (Medium/High­Fat Meats)
Lean Meats Cheese (1-3g of fat): 1 oz; Chicken (white, no skin): 1 oz; Cottage chest: ¼ cup; Fish (tuna): 1 oz
Medium/High­Fat Meats Beef: 1 oz; Chicken (dark meat, no skin): 1 oz; Sausage: 1 oz; Pork (ribs, barbecue, chops, cutlets): 1 oz; Egg: 1
Fats 1 serving=45 calorie Avocado (4”): 1/8; Butter: 1 tsp; Cream cheese: 1 Tbsp; Margarine: 1 tsp; Mayonnaise: 1 tsp; Nuts or seeds: 1 Tbsp
Free Foods Unlimited Servings Coffee, Drink mixes (sugar­free), Mineral water, Tea, Garlic or garlic powder, Herbs (fresh or dry), Sweet Substitutes, Gelatin desserts (sugar­free)

Sample Breakdown of 1800 Calorie Diabetic Meal Plan

The following diabetic food chart constitutes an 1800-calorie meal plan. This involves a total of 8 starch exchanges, 6 meat/meat substitute exchanges, 4 fruit exchanges, 4 fat exchanges, 3 veggies exchanges, and 3 milk exchanges daily (ADA diet plan).

Day Meal Time Diet
SUNDAY Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM) Idli + cornflakes 1 cup + 6 almonds
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM) Pomegranate (1 cup) + 1 Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM) Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + + Daal (1/2 cup) + Veg. curry (1 cup) + fresh lemon + salad
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM) Green Tea (1 cup) + 1 cup oats (vegetable)
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM) 2 Chapatti + Chicken stew (1 cup) + salad
MONDAY Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM) Soy Milk 1 cup + Whole-grain Sandwich + Ripe Banana (1)
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM) 1 Orange + Apple/Pear
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM) Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + Rajmah (1/2 cup) + salad
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM) Tea (using skimmed milk) (1/2 cup) + Roasted chana
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM) 2 Chapati + Veg. Curry (1 cup) + salad
TUESDAY Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM) Vegetable Daliya + Curd
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM) Papaya (1 cup) + 1 Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM) Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + Veg. curry (1 cup) + Paneer + salad
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM) Green Tea (1 cup) + nuts
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM) 2 Chapatti + Daal (1 bowl) + salad
WEDNESDAY Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM) 2 paneer parantha + 1 cup curd + 6 almonds
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM) 1 Orange + Pomegranate (1 cup)
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM) Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + salad + Veg. curry (1 cup)
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM) Coffee (using skimmed milk) + 1 cup paneer tikka
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM) 2 Chapati + Veg. Curry (1 cup) + salad
THURSDAY Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM) Soy Milk 1 cup + 1 cup Cornflakes + Ripe Banana (1)
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30AM) Apple + 1 Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM) Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + Daal (1 cup) + leafy salads
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM) Green Tea (1 cup) + makhana
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM) 2 Chapatti + Spinach (1 cup) + salad
FRIDAY Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM) Whole-grain Sandwich + Tea (using skimmed milk)
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM) 1 Orange + Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM) 3 Chapatis + Veg. curry (1 cup) + salad
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM) Green Tea (1 cup) + roasted makhana
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM) 2 Chapati + Veg. Curry (1 cup) + salad
SATURDAY Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM) 2 dal parantha + 1 cup curd + 6 walnuts
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM) Pomegranate (1 cup) + 1 Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM) Idli + sambhar + salads
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM) Green Tea (1 cup) + roasted chana
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM) 2 Chapatti + Lauki/Tori + salad

So, these all are some of the diabetic meal plan ideas. Now you can get a clear understanding of how to eat 1800 calories a day. In this sample 1800 calorie diabetic diet plan, appetizing diabetes-friendly items make balancing your blood sugar easy now.

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1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet Plan: Do’s & Do Not’s

Some Do’s!

  1. Use pulses, whole grain cereals, whole wheat bread, oats, and whole wheat porridge to add fiber to your diet. Have a carb-controlled diet for diabetes.
  2. Use refined versions of soya oil, olive oil, canola oil, or mustard oil. Also, remember to change the oils in a couple of months.
  3. Take at least four-five servings of fresh fruits and green vegetables each day.
  4. Use lemon and vinegar as a salad dressing.
  5. Consume fresh lime (without sugar); keeps the body hydrated.
  6. Make a habit of having nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, or flax seeds; all are good sources of antioxidants. All are some of the energy foods for diabetics.

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Some Do Not’s

  1. Avoid skipping meals. The daily calories must be divided into 5-6 small meals.
  2. Do not take sugar, jams, juice, chocolate, or sweets.
  3. Limit the consumption of starchy vegetables such as potatoes, colocasia, etc.
  4. Do not take white bread, plain white rice, biscuits, sago, or noodles, etc.
  5. Avoid saturated fats and whole milk.
  6. Restrict alcohol intake and watch for calories.
  7. Do not take high cholesterol foods.
  8. Limit the consumption of excess salt, and processed and preserved foods.

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Why is Eating Healthy Important for a Diabetic Patient?

Diabetes management starts when a person eats healthy. The 1800 calorie diabetic meal plan must contain the necessary nutrients and calories a person requires in a day for healthy living. For example, if a person wants to lose weight, he or she would need to eat fewer calories. And to gain weight, he or she would require eating more calories. Here, a diabetes care team is of great help in figuring out the calorie number required for a day and how to lose weight while diabetic. In addition to the calories, the amount of physical activity a person must get. All this depends on a person’s goal. In this way, any person can have the right balance of food and activity.



It is indispensable for diabetic patients to follow a low-calorie, low glycemic diet as it has a direct impact on their bodies. Ensuring eating 1800 calories a day will aid in delivering all the essential nutrients in the form of proteins, vitamins, and minerals to their body. Also, a low-sugar diet menu keeps a check on healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels. This helps in further lowering the chances of complications. Live your life to the fullest with fewer limitations now! You deserve the best today, tomorrow & every single day! Bethenny Frankel has rightly said “Your diet is similar to your bank account. Practising good food habits are like making good investments.” 

It’s Vital to Keep a Food Diary

A food diary or food tracker (in the form of an app) keeps track of the daily calorie number. Also, by looking at it, you can be aware of what, why, and how much you’re consuming. And this assists you in curbing that senseless snacking. It is vital to use any health app to track your eating. Breathe Well-being offers a clinically proven mobile app that aids people to manage, prevent, and reverse their Type-2 Diabetes. Surely, give it a try and enroll yourself in to Breathe Well-being diabetes reversal program and live a diabetes-free life!!

Also read: HbA1c Test Chart Normal Range


How does a toddler get diabetes?

In many cases, a kid has to be exposed to something such as a virus to get type 1 diabetes. This diabetes is never contagious, so children or teens can’t catch it from any other individual or transfer it to friends or family members. Also, consuming excess sugar doesn’t result in type 1 diabetes, either.

How can I evaluate my daily calorie needs?

The calorie number per day largely depends on your age, height, weight, health condition, and physical fitness.

How to increase my protein intake if I am a non-vegetarian?

A vegetarian plate should contain proteins from plant and dairy sources like pulses, legumes, broccoli, soybeans, mushrooms, homemade paneer, tofu, low-fat cheese, etc

Is it fine to have cow’s milk daily if my sugar levels are high?

Yes, use cow’s milk or skimmed milk as both comprise less saturated fat and more proteins.

Is Ragi good for me if I am a diabetic?

Ragi is extremely rich in iron and calcium. The polyphenol and fiber content of Ragi has been found to reduce the glycemic response.


  1. Drugs.com. 1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet, Basic. Available from https://www.drugs.com/cg/1800-calorie-diabetic-diet-basic.html. Accessed on 14 August 2021.
  2. The Type 2 Diabetes Meal Planner. Available from https://www.mydrs.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/type2diabetesmealplanner.pdf. Accessed on 14 August 2021.
  3. Novo Nordisk. Your 1800-calorie meal plan. Available from https://www.novomedlink.com/content/dam/novonordisk/novomedlink/resources/generaldocuments/1800CalorieMealPlan_EG.pdf. Accessed on 14 August 2021.
  4. Sample Diabetes 1800-Calorie Meal Plan. Available from https://www.verywellhealth.com/sample-diabetic-1800-calorie-meal-plan-1087073. Accessed on 14 August 2021.
  5. University of Michigan. Diabetes: Meal Plan Ideas 60-75g Carbs per meal. Available from http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/MEND/DiabetesMealPlan1800.pdf. Accessed on 14 August 2021.
  6. Medanta Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. Available from https://s3-ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/medanta-wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/08081819/1800-calories-diabetic-diet.pdf. Accessed on 14 August 2021.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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