Can Diabetics Eat Almonds?

Last updated on April 19th, 2022

Nuts may be a good snack for type 2 diabetics. They assist in preventing heart diseases. Nuts also control the levels of blood glucose and help in weight loss. Almonds might be bite-sized. These nuts contain a vast nutritional punch. Nuts pack various vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, calcium, copper, riboflavin, and manganese. Also, nuts are a good source of fibre and protein. Almonds are one of the highest sources of protein among tree nuts. Read this blog to know “Are Almonds Good For Diabetics?”

Almonds and Diabetics

Diabetes may knock on anyone’s door and the person may not even know about it. Except for genetics, lifestyle is the major culprit that pushes people towards this health threat. But the good part is that a few easy hacks may help a person avoid this threat. A diabetic person must keep a regular check on blood glucose levels. This is possible by including one superfood in the diet i.e., almonds.

From hair, skin to brain, almonds contain every component as per the body’s needs. Intake of almonds twice a day aids in maintaining:

  • healthy blood sugar levels
  • healthy cholesterol levels in the body.

Almonds show promising results in improving LDL-cholesterol levels. This further decreases the levels of HbA1c in just 12 weeks of intake. Almonds contain lesser carbs and nutrients such as fats, magnesium, and fibre. Almonds work great in improving the working of insulin. This makes life simpler for type 2 diabetics. People don’t undergo any metabolic issues leading to other health problems like BP, obesity, etc.

Are Almonds Good for Diabetics?

Almonds are nutritionally beneficial for many individuals. Almonds are particularly safe for diabetic people. The nut helps in decreasing the rise in blood glucose and insulin levels after meals. In a study, researchers also observed that the intake of 2 ounces of almonds relates to lower levels of fasting glucose and fasting insulin. This quantity contains approximately 45 almonds. The basic point in this study is that the participants decreased their caloric consumption by enough. This puts up the addition of the almonds so that no additional calories were taken. Also, consuming almonds might help increase insulin sensitivity in prediabetic patients.

How do Almonds Help Diabetic Patients?

Prediabetes is a big risk factor. Lifestyle changes and controlled sugar levels help delay the onset and development of diabetes. Almonds relate to reduced LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels and increased cholesterol levels. LDL is bad cholesterol in the body. Good cholesterol helps in decreasing inflammation and heart problems. They are also additional risk factors for a prediabetic/ diabetic individual.

The high concentration of magnesium in almonds help manage and prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. For a prediabetic, it might control insulin secretion and manage the prognosis. They decrease oxidative stress. It is a key factor accountable for diabetes and heart problems.

One serving of almonds might fulfil a person’s daily magnesium needs. Having almonds in combination with dietary practices and exercise may aid in making a difference. They also manage sugar levels in the long run.

Almonds and Magnesium

Almonds contain a rich amount of magnesium. Dietary magnesium consumption might lower a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Long-term high blood glucose levels might result in magnesium loss via urine. Diabetic patients may be at a higher risk of magnesium deficiency.

Almonds and Heart

Almonds might decrease the risk of heart disorder. Controlling heart problems is important in diabetes as diabetics are at a higher risk of heart conditions. Almonds contain a high amount of monounsaturated fat. It is the same type of fat that often relates with olive oil for its heart-health benefits. It is estimated that an ounce of almonds comprises 9 grams of monounsaturated fat. Nuts are a high-calorie snack. They don’t appear to add to increased weight gain when consumed in moderation. Not only do they comprise healthy fats, but also, they leave a person feeling satisfied.

Why Maintaining Portion Control is Important While Having Almonds?

These results might appear like enough to secure superfood status for nuts. Also, there’s one other thing to be acquainted with. And, that is, nuts contain calories. Nuts are not typically associated with weight gain, as the study in Nutrients suggests. Professionals suggest measuring out 1-ounce portion sizes rather than digging into an open bag. If a person overeats them, there is still a risk of weight gain. Remember what is the method of preparation of nuts. And, how nuts affect how healthy they are. Avoid nuts coated with salt. Sodium is bad for blood pressure and glucose levels. More bad news a person may love the sweet-and-savoury combo. It can be chocolate-covered peanuts and honey-roasted cashews. They are rich in carbs and not the best choice when a person is diabetic. Rather, try dry-roasted or raw nuts, which are flavourful but still healthy.

How Many Almonds Should a Diabetic Person Eat?

Some almonds may go a long way toward filling a person up. Try sticking to a 1-ounce serving, which is roughly 23 almonds. As per the USDA, one ounce of almonds comprises:

  • 3.5 grams of dietary fibre
  • 164 calories
  • 6 grams of protein

To prevent mindless eating, try portioning out the almonds in little containers or plastic bags. Few companies also sell almonds in single-serving packages. This accesses an easy grab-and-go alternative.

The versatile almond

The grocery store delivers a wealth of almond products. These may include almond milk, various flavoured almonds, almond butter, and more. While picking an almond product, it is good to read the Nutrition Facts label. Distrust the sodium and sugar that may be available from certain flavourings. Also lookout for the carbs and glucose content in chocolate-covered nuts. Are you prepared to start enjoying the benefits of almonds however, don’t know where to begin? Almonds are extremely versatile; hence the options are close to infinite.


For breakfast, try sprinkling sliced, slivered, or shaved almonds on dry cereal or oatmeal. It offers extra benefits for diabetics. Spread almond butter on a piece of toast or add a tablespoon to a morning smoothie.


If a person is looking to spice up a snack, try including whole almonds to the trail mix. Or, pair them with a suitable portion of your favourite fresh fruit. Also, almonds are tasty on their own. It is a great way to get a person through an afternoon slump.

Lunch and dinner

Toasted whole-grain, apple slices spread with almond butter, or high-fibre bread are great mini-meal alternatives. For dinner, almonds might easily be included in a number of entrees. Try sprinkling them on salads, into a stir-fry, or on cooked veggies, as in green beans amandine. A person can even mix them into rice or other grain side dishes.


Almonds might even be added into dessert. Sprinkle them over frozen yoghurt for an additional crunch. Also, a person may use an almond meal instead of flour while baking.

Ways to Consume More Almonds (Diabetics)

It is simple to add more almonds into the diet. They are a versatile and tasty form of nut. Diabetics may consume almonds:

  • in trail mix
  • as a topping for fresh fruit
  • on oatmeal
  • in homemade muesli
  • sprinkle on salads, stir-fries, or cooked green veggies

Ground almonds, or almond meal, might also include flavour and consistency to a majority of baked goods. Individuals may enjoy sugar-free almond milk on its own as a hot or cold drink. Otherwise, they may eat it in smoothies, on cereals, or in tea and coffee. Another alternative is to consume almond butter with no extra sugar or salt. This product acts well with apple slices, on whole-wheat toast, or as a smoothie component.


Almonds deliver a host of nutritional benefits and flavours, particularly for diabetics. They’re versatile and add them to a wide variety of meals. Also, almonds are high in calories. Thus, remember to stick to suggested serving sizes to derive the most from this nutritious nut.


What is the best time to have almonds?

To attain the maximum benefits from almonds, it is advisable to have them in the morning. Intake of nuts along with breakfast helps:

  1. regulate blood sugar
  2. keeps a person satiated
  3. boosts metabolism.

What will happen if I have almonds every day?

Almonds comprise lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds may involve:

  1. lower blood sugar levels
  2. decreased blood pressure
  3. lower cholesterol levels
  4. lower hunger and promote weight loss.

How much sugar is in an almond?

Almonds contain 1.23 grams of sugar per serving.

Can almonds elevate my blood sugar?

Almonds might help control and decrease spikes in blood sugar after meals. They also prevent diabetes. People who take 2 ounces of almonds per day have reduced levels of fasting glucose and insulin.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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