Are Cashew Nuts Good for Diabetics?

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohammad Suleman Hussain, M.B.B.S March 15, 2022

Last updated on April 8th, 2022

Diabetes is one medical problem that is untreatable. It is also a menace to many people lately. Diabetes is a lifelong disease in which the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient insulin or the body is insensitive to it. This problem causes unstable blood glucose levels. Nowadays, diabetes management is possible at home via a healthy diet and exercise. A fit lifestyle can manage blood sugar levels. Most doctors recommend including protein and fibre-rich nuts in a diabetes diet. Individuals who often consume walnuts, cashews, almonds have a lesser risk of developing cardiovascular problems and type 2 diabetes. Nut intake is associated with a reduced occurrence of risk factors for heart problems, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. Here’s why nuts might be good for managing blood glucose levels.

Are cashew nuts good for diabetics?

Nuts for Managing Blood Sugar Levels 

As per the AHA, type 2 diabetic patients are 2-4 times more likely to die of heart disorder than people who don’t have it. Healthy fats present in nuts protect the heart, thus managing heart conditions. Nuts are found to control the levels of blood glucose. This makes them a good alternative for snacking. Almonds delay the blood glucose response when consumed with carb-rich foods.

Role of Nuts in Diabetic Diet

A healthy meal plan and lifestyle play a key role in preserving a person’s overall health. A healthy diet is a vital way by which a diabetic might regulate his/her glucose levels. Hence, lowering the risk of complications. In addition, healthy meal aids in managing cholesterol levels, body weight, and blood pressure. Nuts are a rich source of good fats and protein. Due to all these benefits, people add them to a healthy diet.

Cashews are certainly among the most appreciated options for nuts. Cashews are sweet and very versatile. The question comes, are cashews safe for diabetics as well? People may always wonder. There are numerous nuts and seeds in the market that are useful in keeping the body healthy. Cashew nuts are among these healthy choices. Cashews keep the body’s glucose levels under control. These nuts are great and beneficial for the person.

Individuals with diets supplemented with nuts have improved glucose management. Above that, cashews are great inclusions for type 2 diabetes management. It packs healthy proteins and fats that might keep the body fuelled without enhancing glucose levels. Diabetics should keep their blood glucose levels under control to prevent any risks. Besides cashew nuts have no damaging impacts on glucose levels. Instead, cashew nuts are also great for keeping the heart-healthy. They help in adding good cholesterol levels to the body and lowering bad cholesterol. Also, cashews are good for reducing blood pressure.

Myths and Misapprehensions Regarding Cashew Nuts

People having diabetes and other chronic ailments are often anxious to consume nuts. This is major because of the certainty that these nuts may enhance cholesterol levels. Also, there is a misapprehension that consuming nuts increases body weight. As, they are rich in fat and hence energy-dense. But actually, nuts are very nourishing and offer a good range of health benefits. Almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and cashew nuts are common nuts.


Nuts are one of the numerous foods that the ADA found to be most helpful for individuals with numerous ailments. The high amounts of unsaturated fats in nuts accomplish a variety of vital functions. These may include cell growth and organ protection such as the heart. As a result, cashews are one of the best nuts for a diabetic person.

Cashew Nuts and Anti-diabetic Properties

Cashews are better than other nuts for diabetics as per studies. Cashew nut extract constitutes great anti-diabetic properties as well. This nut has a moderately high-fat content, mostly “good fat”. And, good fat is healthy for diabetics. Cashews have a perfect fat ratio of 1:2:1 of saturated, monosaturated, and polyunsaturated fat. This nut is thus “low in fat” and comprises less fat per serving in comparison to other nuts. Cashew nuts contain rich dietary fiber. Thus, it aids in eight management. In Indian cooking, cashews are utilized in various forms. These can be whole nuts, paste or powder form. They are put in various curries and sweets.

Better Stand-by for Carb-rich Foods

By replacing maida in the diet with cashews, people may decrease the consumption of refined carbs. And, thus reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In combination with the good fats, cashews comprise Arginine. It is an amino acid responsible for lowering down blood pressure. Also, cashews contain nutrients such as copper, magnesium and zinc. These all are good antioxidants and act as immunity boosters. All these support a person’s nervous system.

Also, cashew contains Oleic acid. It lowers bad fat in a person’s blood. It has been seen that roughly 75% of the fat present in cashews is oleic acid. Cashew is sometimes also called heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. It is a similar form of fat present in olive oil. When people include this oleic acid into one’s diet rather than refined carb foods, it aids in decreasing high triglyceride, or blood fat, levels. Replacement of calories from carbs occurs by monounsaturated fat like that present in cashews. It aids in decreasing blood glucose levels too. Moreover, cashews deliver 100% of the RDI of copper. Copper is a vital mineral that is otherwise tough for vegetarians to get in their diet. Cashews are safe for consumption in their raw forms. Also, they are easily available in India.


Cashew nuts are rich in beneficial fats, the intake of which elevates the good cholesterol and decrease the bad cholesterol. As a result, nuts help in decreasing the risk of heart problems. Certainly, cashews are one of the superlative nuts for people with diabetes.

Recommended Number of Cashews for a Day

Like other nuts, add these healthy nuts in moderate amounts to attain their benefits. A diabetic must limit himself or herself to a maximum of 10 cashew nuts every day only. This is a safe range and will not cause damaging effects. It is essential to keep the daily cashew nut consumption within range as they contain high number of fats. Excess of it might add to the fat accumulation in the body, and this might be risky. Thus, it is vital to maintain following the daily limits.

If you do follow these, then you can have the following benefits of having cashew nuts:

  • Cashews packs antioxidants. Like, Proanthocyanidins, a form of flavonol. It reduces cancer cell growth in the body. Above that, the enhanced accessibility of copper also prevents the body from the risk of cancer.
  • Cashews are immediate energy boosters. They are good for consumption after exercise, or as an evening snack. The range of antioxidants, nutrients, and phytochemicals improve the body’s overall immunity too.
  • A healthy serving of cashews every day maintains metabolism and promotes gut health. This helps in keeping the glucose levels under check. Also, evades any complications such as constipation, intestinal infections, and abdominal cramps.
  • Cashews enrich a person’s body with magnesium. This is vital for maintaining nervous system and keeps a track on all the body functions.
  • Cashew nuts are rich in HDL. It is a good cholesterol that guards the heart and keeps it away from heart problems. The managed cholesterol levels in the body might work better. Also, they manage a person’s overall blood pressure.

It is vital to consider the correct quantities to ensure that a person gains all these benefits.


Cashews are intensely healthy options. They are a complete powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. It is the time for every diabetic to abandon the old beliefs and add cashews among the nuts in their meals. And, also add them in the meals of individuals having cardiac problems and high blood pressure. Remember, moderation is very important. In addition, they must remember that these health benefits apply only to raw unsalted nuts. And, they might not continue if the cashew nuts are salted, fried, or otherwise cooked.


Is cashew rich in uric acid?

Cashew nuts contain low amounts of purines. Cashews contain high protein and monounsaturated fats. Also, nutrients like copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc are present in these nuts. As, they are also low in purines, people with gout can add them in their diet.

Is cashew safe for kidney health?

Nutritionists recommend to avoid cashews when you have kidney stones or an inclination to form them easily. They comprise rich amounts of oxalates. These are the organic crystals present in foods that prevent calcium absorption in the body.

How many cashews should a person consume per day?

Dieticians propose restricting cashew nut kernels intake to up to five to ten cashews a day. this helps in preventing weight gain. People may consume 15–30 cashew nuts a day. This gives them a primary fat source as well as a secondary protein source. All fats are not bad for people. Few forms in fact aid in maintaining the heart health.

Will cashews elevate your blood glucose level?

Cashews comprise less amount of fat than other nuts. Furthermore, they have no negative effect on the sugar level or weight.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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