Can Diabetic Patient Eat Apple? | Check Carb Content in Apple

Diabetes is a medical condition in which blood sugars rise. There is no concrete cure for diabetes till now. Still, professionals think that it is possible to manage it via lifestyle changes like a diet. Apples are tasty, nourishing, and safe for diabetics. They exert multiple health benefits. So, let’s understand the effect of apples on blood glucose levels. Also, how a person can add apples into their diet if they are diabetic. Read this blog to know “Can Diabetic Patient Eat Apple and How Many Carbs Apple Contains?”

Can Diabetics Eat Apples

Diabetics must avoid refined and processed foods. As they are harmful to their blood glucose levels. Hence, it is always better to supplement the diet with fruits and vegetables.

However, the type of fruit a person selects is very important in diabetes management. Chiko’s and mangoes, even if they are very nutritious, pack natural sugars. For this reason, it is better for diabetics to avoid them. Now, what about those “red” apples? Diabetics must be wondering; apples are sweet as well. So, can diabetic patients eat apple? The answer is a “no”. 

Apples contain high amounts of both soluble and insoluble fibres. Fibres fail to get digested rapidly and it takes time to break down and digest. This releases glucose slowly and gradually into the blood.

Nutritional Facts About Apples

Apple is one of the most well-liked fruits worldwide. They have a high nutritional value. Also, apples contain high fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C content.

Apple contains a low Glycemic index value of 38. This makes sure that there are no major blood glucose variations while consuming them. Apple contains a very low number of carbs too. That is, 100 g of apples comprise only 14 g of carbs. The carbs in one apple have a different impact on the body than the sugars present in foods consisting of processed sugars.

One medium-sized apple consists of:

  • Carbs: 14 g
  • Fiber: 4 g
  • Fats: 0.3 g
  • Potassium: 195 mg
  • Vitamin C: 9 mg
  • Magnesium: 9 mg
  • Calcium: 11 mg
  • Phosphorus: 20 mg

A huge fragment of an apple’s nutrient value is present in its colourful skin. Hence, washing and eating the apple with skin is the most excellent way of optimizing the nutrition a person is receiving. Also, apples consist of huge amounts of water and fiber. Both of them make apples astonishingly filling.

Glycemic Index of Apples

The GI score of apples is 36. This belongs to low GI food. It consists of a considerable number of natural sugars. Fiber content of the apples balances these natural sugars. And, this gives apples a low glycemic index value. As Apple does not extremely elevate glucose levels, they are safe for diabetics.


Apples are healthy and contain rich amounts of fibre, antioxidants, and vitamin C. Also, apples aid a person to feel full without having a lot of calories.

Health Benefits of Apple For Diabetics

Weight Management

Apple contain a good amount of fiber and water; these make them filling. A growing sensation of fullness acts as a weight-loss approach. And, this aids in managing a person’s appetite. This may also cause a person to lower his or her energy intake.

Also, studies recommend that apple consumption might lessen BMI of a person. Body mass index is a factor relating to weight and is a risk factor for heart problems. Remarkably, apple polyphenols might also exert powerful anti-obesity effects.


Apple is specifically filling because of their high fiber and water content. Also, polyphenols in apples might exert anti-obesity effects.

Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

What are the benefits of apples for diabetes? Consuming apples might lower down the risk of type 2 diabetes. It was also found that consuming apples was linked to a 18% decrease in the risk of type 2 diabetes. Also, just 1 serving per week was found to decrease the risk by 3%.

Apples are rich in antioxidant polyphenols, quercetin and phloridzin. Both of them describes this beneficial effect. The anti-inflammatory effects of quercetin might decrease insulin resistance. And, this is the biggest risk factor for the inception of diabetes. In addition, phloridzin is thought to decrease the glucose uptake in the intestines. This adds to a decreased blood glucose load and thus a lowered diabetes risk.


Having apples associates with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. And, this is likely owing to their polyphenol content.

Helps in Preventing Cancer

Antioxidant content in apples is seen to provide beneficial effects against cancer. The types of cancers may include breast, lung, and GI cancers. These favorable cancer-fighting effects are due to the apple polyphenols. They keep away the tumor cells from multiplying. Also, the high fiber content of apples might contribute to their cancer-fighting properties.


Apple’s antioxidant and fiber content associates with a lower risk of various types of cancer. Yet, more research is also required.

Good for Heart Health

Apples also link to a lower risk of heart problems. One reason might be apples comprise soluble fiber. This type of fiber aids in reducing the levels of blood cholesterol. Another reason might be apples provide various polyphenols. These can be flavonoid epicatechin. And, it is thought to lower down the blood pressure.

Also, flavonoids are seen to prevent cardiovascular problems by:

  1. reducing blood pressure
  2. decreasing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol
  3. decreasing the risk of atherosclerosis. It is the accumulation of plaque in a person’s arteries.


Apples support a good heart health in a number of ways. They’re rich in soluble fiber, which aids in reducing the levels of cholesterol. They also have polyphenols, which are linked to lower blood pressure and stroke risk.

Supports Gut Health

Apples consist of a type of fiber named pectin. It acts as a prebiotic. This implies it feeds a person’s gut microbiota. These are the good bacteria present in the gut. A healthy gut carries out several functions linked to both ailments and health.


The form of fiber present in apples are thought to improve gut-friendly bacteria. For this reason, this fruit helps in guarding the body against chronic ailments.

Can Diabetic Patient Eat Apple?

Even though, the carb content of apples is high, fiber present in them lowers the risk. It delays the process of digestion and maintains glucose levels. The fructose content of apples does not have an effect on the sugar levels due to the fiber. Regular intake of this fruit reduces insulin resistance. And, this proves that diabetics can have apples safely. The antioxidants present in apple’s skin promote the pancreatic cells to release insulin. This helps in glucose absorption in the cells.

Apples Consist of Fiber and Carbs 

If a person is diabetic, keeping a check on carb consumption is vital. This is due to the 3 macronutrients i.e., carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Carbohydrates are found to affect a person’s blood sugars the most.

Fiber delays the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. This makes them not to raise a person’s blood glucose levels closely as swiftly. As per studies, fiber is found to be defensive against type 2 diabetes. Also, many fiber types have been seen to improve blood glucose management.


Apples comprise carbohydrates, which may elevate the blood sugars. Yet, the fiber content in apples stabilizes the levels of blood glucose. Also, it offers many other health benefits.

Apples Moderately Have an Impact on Blood Glucose

The apple sugar content is mostly fructose. When people consume fructose in a whole fruit, it exerts a slight impact on the levels of blood glucose. Similarly, the fiber content of the fruit delays the digestion of sugar.

Furthermore, polyphenols present in apples may delay the digestion of carbs. Also, they might reduce blood sugar levels. Apples contain a low glycemic index and glycemic load value. This means that they would result in a minimal rise in glucose levels.


Apple exert a minimal effect on glucose levels. Also, they are dubious to result into fast spikes in blood glucose, even in diabetics.

Apples Lower Down Insulin Resistance

Does apple increase blood sugar? No. Regular consumption of apples lowers down the insulin resistance. This must then cause reduced blood glucose levels. This is due to the polyphenol content of the apples. They are majorly present in the apple skin. Polyphenols stimulate the pancreas to release insulin and aid in sugar absorption inside the cells.


Apples consist of plant compounds that might decrease insulin resistance. And, in turn, improves insulin sensitivity.

Antioxidants in Apples Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

Can diabetics eat apples? Having apples link to a reduced risk of diabetes. There are a number of reasons why apples help in preventing diabetes. However, the antioxidants of apples play a crucial role.

Antioxidants present in apples are:

  • Chlorogenic acid. Aids the body in utilizing sugar more effectively.
  • Quercetin. Might delay the digestion of carbs, and thus prevents blood glucose spikes.
  • Phlorizin. Might likely delay the glucose absorption and thus reduces the glucose levels.

The highest amounts of useful antioxidants are present in Honeycrisp and red tasty ranges of apples.


Consuming apples regularly might aid in preventing type 2 diabetes. Also, it helps to keep a person’s blood glucose levels stable.

Few Tips for Diabetic Patients to Eat Apples 

  • Consume apples in the raw forms with peels on: People should ensure that they do not take the peels off. They comprise huge number of antioxidants and fibres. Hand washing is a must as for giving a shiny look to the fruit, few shopkeepers coat them using wax.
  • Apple Crumble: Oats and apple crumble can be an exciting dessert for diabetics. This dessert packs textures and flavours. It is just perfect for diabetics when they crave for something sweet. However, they must ensure not to over-indulge into it. As, it might impair one’s blood glucose levels as well.
  • Salads: Apple salads are interesting ways to have the fruit. People chop fresh apples and mix them in anything like feta, walnuts, and other types of herbs.
  • Avoid Apple Juice: Is apple juice good for diabetics? It is always best to consume apples fresh and whole. People must not have apple juice when they have diabetes. Juicing the fruit loses all the vital fibres that aid to control the blood sugars. Also, the juice becomes high in sugar content and that may prove harmful.
  • Practice moderation: Moderation is the golden rule diabetics must practice all the time. All fruits, regardless of their nutritive value, should be taken in limits. Portion control is very important in diabetes management.


To conclude, Apple is an exceptional fruit to add to a diabetic-friendly diet. Many of the dietary guidelines for diabetics propose a diet consisting of fruits and veggies. They pack lot of nutrients like fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Moreover, meal plans with rich fruits and veggies are associated with a reduced risk of chronic ailments like cancer or heart disorder.

While Apple is not likely to result in a spike in the blood sugars, they do comprise carbs. If a person counts carbohydrates, make sure to consider the 14 g of carbs in an apple. In addition, diabetics must monitor their blood glucose after consuming apples. This makes them understand how apples have an impact on their health. Apple is healthy and tempting food to include in one’s diet. And, this is irrespective of whether the person is diabetic or not.


Which one is healthier, raw or cooked apples?

The nutrition values of apple can be kept intact by having them in raw form. As, cooking leads to loss of various nutrients. Still, cooked apples are a very healthy food that maintains a good overall health.

Is it good to eat apples on an empty stomach?

The fiber content in apples delays the release of food from stomach. And, apples may cause a slower stomach emptying. However, it does not cause a forever settling of food in the stomach.

How many apples can a diabetic eat per day?

Consuming lots of fruits and veggies is vital for diabetic people. Apples comprise natural sugar, but also rich in fiber. Hence, four apples a day might not likely result in an adverse spikes of blood glucose.

Which type of apple contains lowest carbs?

Green and yellow types of apples can be your best bets. They consist of 15 and 16 g of net carbs, correspondingly. Gala and red apples contain around 18 g of net carbs, whereas Fuji contains the highest, i.e., 21 g.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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