Apple Cider Vinegar For Diabetes

Last updated on August 3rd, 2023

Managing diabetes naturally is something everyone is constantly looking up to because who wants to go down the medicinal route, right?

Well, plenty of natural remedies can help you, with apple cider vinegar being one of the most popular and effective diabetes management remedies.

But is apple cider vinegar for diabetes really a solution?

Well, that small reddish bottle on your kitchen shelf could be a game-changer in your diabetes control routine (if taken the right way). Now, let’s get to know a bit more about it!

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a natural recipe that has been in use for decades due to its multiple health advantages. One area where Apple Cider has earned attention is in regulating diabetes. At the same time, it is not a cure for the condition.

Studies find incorporating ACV into your diabetes management plan can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve overall health.

So let’s dive deeper into “Is apple cider vinegar good for diabetes management?” And also look upon it from every angle.

The Making of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made of mainly apples and water. The making starts with crushing apples to extract the juice. The apple juice is now fermented for some time to convert into alcohol. After changing to alcohol, the Bacteria and yeast present further transform it to acetic acid. The solution is ready to sell as Apple Cider Vinegar when converted to acid.

List of ingredients of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  1. Apples: Various varieties of apples can be used, such as Granny Smith, Gala, or Golden Delicious. The apples are usually crushed or juiced to obtain the juice necessary for fermentation.
  1. Water: Water is added to the apple juice to facilitate fermentation. It also helps dilute the apple juice and achieve the desired acidity level in the final product.

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The Process

During fermentation, additional bacteria and yeast may be added to aid the conversion of alcohol into acetic acid. The fermentation procedure could take multiple weeks to a few months. It depends on the desired strength and flavour of the vinegar.

It’s worth noting that some apple cider vinegar products may undergo additional processing or filtering, which can affect the final ingredients list. Some manufacturers may also choose to add additional flavours or ingredients for specific products, such as honey, for a sweeter taste.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Diabetes

If you look around, there is debate among patients and many doctors about the usefulness of Apple cider vinegar for diabetes management. But really, Is apple cider vinegar good for diabetes patients?

So diving deep, we found some clinical research conducted in this regard:

  1. A 2004 research study claimed that intaking 20 ml of Apple Cider Vinegar with double the amount of water can reduce;
  • Cholesterol
  • HbA1C
  • And post-meal blood sugar levels
  1. Similarly, another study in 2007 confirmed apple cider vinegar at night helps regulate fasting sugar in the morning.
  1. Then, a meta-analysis study performed in 2010, at a scale of 317 participants, finally proved the usefulness of apple cider vinegar for diabetes. It established the beneficial effects of ACV on HbA1C and fasting sugar levels.

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Glycemic Index of Apple Cider VinegarGlycemic Index Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has a low Glycemic Index (GI) of 40. Any food or beverage with a GI of less than 55 is considered low. This means you will barely experience spikes in your blood sugar levels after consuming Apple Cider Vinegar.

The Glycemic Load (GL) of Apple Cider Vinegar is also low – 0.3g – 0.4g (for a 100 grams serving). Glycemic load is a measure that considers the quantity and quality of carbohydrates in food. It is a more comprehensive indicator than the glycemic index (GI) alone, as it considers the actual amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Read More: Best Vegetable with Low Glycemic Index for Diabetics.

Nutrition Chart of Apple Cider VinegarNutrition Chart Apple Cider Vinegar

When it comes to the nutritional value of apple cider vinegar, it’s important to note that it is primarily composed of water and contains very few macronutrients and calories. Here’s a detailed

Nutritional Value of Apple Cider Vinegar
Nutrients (in 100 grams of Apple Cider Vinegar) Its amount
Calories 21 kcal
Fat 0g
Saturated Fat 0.1g
Carbohydrate 0.93g
Sugars 0.4g
Protein 0g
Iron 0.2mg
Potassium 73mg
Vitamin C 0g
Calcium 7mg
Vitamin D 0µg
Sodium 75 mg
Cholesterol 0 mg
Zinc 0.04 mg
Copper 0.01 g
Magnesium 5g

The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Diabetes PatientsBenefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Regulating Blood Sugar Levels

Several studies have suggested, as mentioned above, that Apple Cider Vinegar for diabetes patients helps regulate their fasting and overall blood sugar levels. The acetic acid in ACV improves insulin sensitivity, helping the body use insulin more effectively.

It ultimately leads to better blood sugar management, lessening the risk of hyperglycemia.

Read More: Normal Blood Sugar Level for Adults Agewise.

Boosting Insulin Sensitivity

Research has shown that apple cider vinegar for diabetes patients can enhance their insulin sensitivity (the body’s potential to absorb insulin). And not only people with type 2 diabetes but insulin effectiveness also gets boosted in people with type 1 diabetes who consume apple cider vinegar.

Delaying Digestion

Apple Cider vinegar (ACV) has the ability to hold the rate at which food takes off from the stomach and reaches the small intestine. This delayed stomach emptying can result in a slower release of glucose into the bloodstream, preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels after a meal.

Managing Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for diabetes management. Apple cider vinegar for diabetes patients aids in weight loss. ACV promotes satiety and reduces appetite. By consuming apple cider vinegar before meals, individuals may feel fuller and consume fewer calories, potentially leading to weight loss or management.

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Apple Cider Vinegar For Diabetes: Key Things To Consider

Before including new foods in your diet, a diabetes patient should look at every aspect. As diabetes management is easy when followed with discipline. Therefore we tell you some steps which might help:

Consult Your Healthcare Provider:

Before making any significant changes to your diabetes management regime, discussing them with your doctor is mandatory. They can guide you on including Apple Cider Vinegar(ACV) into your habit. And ensure it compliments your prevailing treatment objectives.

Choosing Filtered or Unfiltered ACV:

There are endless variants of Apple cider vinegar for diabetes patients, which are generally available in the market. But choosing filtered or unfiltered apple cider vinegar is the key to correct diabetes management. Opt for organic, unfiltered, and unpasteurised apple cider vinegar. These categories contain the “mother,” a cloudy element with beneficial bacterial enzymes.

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Start Slowly

Begin by incorporating small amounts of apple cider vinegar for diabetes diets. It can be diluting a tablespoon in a glass of water. Gradually increase the amount over time as your body adapts to it.

Timing And Consumption

Having ACV before bed and meals is generally suggested to help adjust blood sugar levels. Start by taking it 15-20 minutes before a meal. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of ACV in a cup of water. Or use the vinegar as a salad garnisher.

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Monitor Blood Sugar Levels

Regularly monitor your blood glucose levels to observe changes and understand how apple cider vinegar affects your body. Adjust your medication or insulin dosage after a chat with your doctor.

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sugar Patients

Apple cider vinegar for diabetes patients has many advantages. Let’s check out how to use apple cider vinegar for sugar patients.

Mix ACV With Water:

Pour 4-5 spoons of ACV into the water and have it before or with meals. You can also have ACV before bed. Begin with small doses first and then slowly increase the portion if it suits you well.

Salad Dressing

Create a homemade salad using apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and herbs/spices. Sprinkle it over your salad to add flavour and enjoy the potential benefits of ACV.

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Pickled Vegetables

Another recipe for Apple Cider Vinegar for diabetes patients is using it in pickles. Use apple cider vinegar to make pickled vegetables. This can be a tasty and tangy addition to meals and may provide the benefits of ACV.


Incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar for diabetes diets. Use ACV as marinades for meat, fish, or tofu. The acidic nature of ACV can help tenderise proteins and flavour your dishes.

Sauces and soups

Add apple cider vinegar to sauces and soups to enhance the taste and provide a tangy flavour.

Note: While Apple Cider Vinegar for diabetes may have some amazing benefits, it’s not a substitute for diabetes medication (if you’re on any diabetes meds).

Regular checks of sugar levels, both fasting & non-fasting and constant talks with your doctor are of utmost importance for effective diabetes administration.

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Side Effects of Apple Cider VinegarSide Effect Apple Cider Vinegar

Taking apple cider vinegar may be a widespread norm (as shown in TV ads), and social media influencers use it. But do you know there are a few side effects of Apple Cider Vinegar for diabetes patients?

Here is a list of complications one can develop over consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar. However, these side effects are rare and happen in case of overconsumption:

Damages Kidneys

Diabetes patients and (also non-diabetics) who have kidney disorders or ulcers should avoid ACV. It can cause problems with your regular medication and hamper its effectiveness.

Causes Tooth Decay

Prolonged consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar can give rise to enamel erosion in your teeth.

Drops Potassium Levels

Overconsumption of Apple Cider Vinegar for diabetes patients reduces potassium levels in your body.

Creates Insulin Troubles

Diabetes patients who take insulin externally in the form of capsules may experience a drop in sugar levels if ACV is consumed in excess amounts. You should immediately rush to the doctor if you are on these medications and experience drowsiness.

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In a nutshell, in this article, we answer the big question, Is apple cider vinegar good for diabetes management?

We found that apple cider vinegar might be an unexpected help in your battle against diabetes. We’ve explored its potential to drop off sugar levels, enhance insulin sensitivity, and help you to lose weight.

While the scientific evidence isn’t entirely conclusive, there’s enough promising research to suggest that incorporating apple cider vinegar into our daily routine could be a game-changer.

But remember apple cider vinegar isn’t a cure-all and won’t replace your doctor’s advice or prescribed medications. It’s more like your friend that supports your diabetes management efforts.


Should I Mix Apple Cider Vinegar With Warm Or Cold Water?

Due to its composition and method of preparation, apple cider vinegar is advised to be taken with warm water. If ACV is consumed on an empty stomach, it yields maximum benefits.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Your Liver?

Yes, taking apple cider cleanses your body as it has many detox properties. Regular intake of ACV before bed can rinse out various toxins in the liver. It also has some evidence to help control cholesterol levels and lessen inflammation.


When Is The Best Time To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?

Doctors and nutritionists advise taking ACV before bed or on an empty stomach. Therefore, you can have ACV early in the morning and before meals. You can also consume ACV before bed during bedtime. But avoid overconsumption at all costs.


How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should You Take For Diabetes?

Generally, apple cider vinegar is taken in small amounts. You can take about one tablespoon of ACV before bed and mix it according to the various recipes suggested above. In millilitres, 20 ml ACV is fine for daily consumption.


Does Apple Cider Vinegar Really Reduce Blood Sugar?

There are studies to prove that apple cider vinegar does help reduce sugar levels. The vinegar mainly helps manage your fasting sugar and improves your body’s insulin sensitivity levels. So ACV before bed or on an empty stomach is an excellent option to include in your diabetes diet.


Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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