Are Strawberries Good for Diabetics?

Last updated on September 27th, 2023

For diabetes patients, dietary preferences or choices are crucial in keeping their sugar levels and overall health in check. As one of the most popular and beloved fruits, strawberries often find their way into various dishes and desserts. As a human, we can believe the beautiful juicy red fruit might have enticed you to have a bite. However, their natural sweetness might have raised concerns for you. In this article, we analyze the strawberries and diabetes connection. We will find out whether strawberries can find a place on a diabetic-friendly plate. We will examine the nutritional profile, strawberry glycemic index, advantages of strawberry and much more. By doing this, we aim to shed light on this delightful fruit’s place in the meal plans of those living with diabetes. Whether you are a diabetic seeking to diversify your palate or someone interested in understanding diabetic nutrition, this article will serve as a comprehensive guide to navigating the question: Are Strawberries Good for Diabetics?

What is Strawberry?

A strawberry is a tiny, reddish, juicy fruit belonging to Fragaria. It grows on low-lying plants known as strawberry plants and is characterized by its sweet flavor and pleasant aroma. Strawberries are commonly enjoyed fresh and used in desserts, jams, and various culinary preparations. They are affluent in nutrients, compelling them to be a prominent and nutritious selection in many diets. Strawberry is a popular Rosaceae family member. They are native to different regions of the planet. The regions include parts of Asia, Europe, and North America. They are commonly cultivated during the spring season and summer season. The fruit has a unique appearance, featuring a bright red color, tiny seeds on the surface, and a green leafy cap or hull on top. Its shape can vary from round to conical, and the size of strawberries may differ depending on the variety.

Strawberries for diabetes patients not only give a delicious taste but are also highly nutritious. Maximum berries, including strawberries, are included in the list of fruits good for diabetes. They provide an adequate dose of vitamin C, folate, manganese, etc. Due to their delicate nature, strawberries are best stored and consumed fresh. However, they can also be frozen, dried, or used in various food products like jams, jellies, pies, and smoothies. In some cultures, strawberries hold symbolic significance and are associated with love, romance, and purity. They are often used as decorative elements in weddings and other celebrations. Overall, strawberry for diabetes patients are not a savory delicacy but also an essential healthy addition to a balanced and healthy diet.

Nutritional Value of StrawberryNutritional Value of Strawberry

Strawberry has a good nutritional profile as it has low calories and includes vitamins, antioxidants, fibers, potassium, etc. Along with this, the natural sugar in strawberries is in limited amounts, making it among the fruits for diabetic patients. Here is the nutritional table:

Nutrients in 100 grams Its amount
Calories 32 cal
Fats  0.3 g
Water  92 g
Fiber  2 g
Potassium  171 g
Protein 0.7 grams
Sugars  5 g
Carbohydrates 7.7g
Sodium 1 mg
Vitamin C 60.1 mg

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Strawberry Glycemic Index

Strawberry Glycemic Index

The strawberry glycemic index is about 41, classifying it as a low GI food. Generally, low-GI foods are recommended for diabetics. Not only this, but the glycemic load of strawberry too is just around 3.1, making it one of the ideal fruits for diabetic patients.

Is Strawberry Good for Diabetes?

Strawberry for diabetes patients can be a valuable fruit when eaten in moderate portions and included rationally in a balanced diet. Strawberry and diabetes have a positive relationship as strawberries contain fiber and various antioxidants, such as anthocyanins. Anthocyanins have antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-obese effects on our bodies.

Several studies have investigated the effects of strawberries on blood sugar levels and other health parameters in individuals with diabetes, yielding positive results. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition 2014 found that consuming strawberries improved blood sugar levels and reduced inflammation in type 2 diabetes patients. The study suggested that strawberries’ high polyphenol content may have contributed to these beneficial effects.

Another study published in Nutrients 2016 reported that adding strawberries to a meal reduced the glycemic response. The glycemic index is the rise in blood sugar after eating in healthy individuals and those with type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the strawberry glycemic index is also low, indicating the fruit is good for diabetes. Research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences in 2017 indicated that strawberry for diabetes patients could have potential benefits for diabetes management. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds present in strawberries reduce complications associated with the disease.

While these studies show the favorable impacts of strawberries, it’s crucial that individuals remember that food responses can vary for everyone. Additionally, people with diabetes need to consider their overall carbs intake. Total carbs include sugars from fruits like strawberries in their meal planning. Therefore the answer to ‘Are Strawberries Good for diabetics?’ is yes, but with persistent conditions.

Strawberries can be well included as a portion of a diabetes-friendly diet due to their low strawberry GI profile and beneficial compounds. However, diabetes patients should still practice portion control. And incorporate strawberries into a well-planned diet plan to manage their sugar levels effectively. As always, we recommend reviewing with your doctor for personalized dietary suggestions.

Read More: Best Vegetable with Low Glycemic Index for Diabetics. 

Advantages of Strawberry for Diabetes PatientsAdvantages of Strawberry for Diabetes Patients

Eating strawberry for diabetes patients can offer several advantages. Strawberry’s nutritional composition has potential health-promoting properties. Here are some of the benefits:

Low Glycemic Profile

One of the main advantages of strawberry for diabetes patients is their relatively low GI (Glycemic Index) profile. This means low strawberry GI won’t cause a steep rise in your sugar levels, as is the case with high-GI foods. This can help you manage blood glucose more efficiently.

High Dietary Fibers

Strawberries store dietary fiber in them. The fibers relax the absorption rate of sugar in your blood and also boost insulin secretion and sensitivity. One of the major advantages of strawberry is its fiber that also promotes better digestion and helps control appetite. These two factors contribute to weight management, which is a must for diabetes management.


One of the advantages of strawberry is that they provide antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and quercetin. These antioxidants can help your body reduce oxidative stress and tackle inflammation. Managing inflammation is essential for diabetes patients as it may impact insulin sensitivity and other aspects of the disease.

Vitamin C

Strawberry for diabetes patients can be a tremendous food source for vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that aids your immune system and makes it stronger. It also safeguards your body from complications associated with diabetes.

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Heart Health

The antioxidants and fiber in strawberries can have a positive effect on heart health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications, which are common in people with diabetes.

Weight Management

The inclusion of strawberries in a diet for diabetic patients can help you with weight loss. Strawberries are a low-calorie food, and they can fulfill sweet cravings without providing you with an excessive calorie load.

Improved Blood Lipid Profile

Some studies have suggested that strawberry for diabetes patients may help lower levels of total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol, which is beneficial for those with diabetes who often have an increased risk of heart disease.

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Ways to Consume Strawberry for Diabetes PatientsWays to Consume Strawberry for Diabetes Patients

There are several delicious and diabetes-friendly ways to consume strawberries. Here are some ideas:

Fresh Strawberry

Enjoying a bowl of garden fresh strawberry for diabetes patients can be a tasty yet low-calorie snack. This is the reason why strawberries come on the approved list of fruits for diabetic patients. You can eat them as they are or slice them and mix them with other fruits for a colorful fruit salad.


Blend fresh strawberries with low-fat yogurt or milk, and add a touch of sweetness with a sugar substitute if desired. Take advantages of strawberry goodness by avoiding sugar syrups or sweetened fruit juices.


Take the benefits of eating strawberries every day by including them as a healthy snack. Create a diabetes-friendly parfait by layering sliced strawberries with low-fat yogurt and a sprinkle of granola or nuts for added texture and nutrition.

Oats with Strawberries

Top a bowl of cooked oats with fresh strawberry slices for a satisfying and fiber-rich breakfast option.

Strawberry Lassi

Make a refreshing strawberry lassi by blending fresh strawberries, low-fat yogurt, and a pinch of cardamom. Use no extra sugar in strawberries recipes.

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Chia Seed Pudding

Prepare a chia seed pudding by soaking chia seeds in almond or low-fat milk. Add some sliced strawberries for a delightful dessert or breakfast. This can make a breakfast full of fruits for diabetic patients.

Sugar-Free Jam

Create a homemade sugar-free strawberry jam using natural sweeteners like stevia or erythritol. Spread it on whole-grain or brown bread. You can also use it on pancakes or waffles as a topping taking advantages of strawberry flavors.

Strawberry Raita

Add sliced strawberries to traditional raita made with low-fat yogurt, cucumbers, and spices. It serves as a refreshing item in a diet for diabetic patients.

Fruit-infused Water

Add strawberry slices to a pitcher of water and let it infuse for a natural, flavored water option without added sugars.

Just remember to do portion control and be mindful of sugar in strawberries recipes. Moderation is key when including strawberries or any other fruits in the diet of diabetes patients.

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Side Effects of Eating Strawberry for Diabetes PatientsSide Effects of Eating Strawberry for Diabetes Patients

Strawberry for diabetes patients are normally regarded as safe for most of them. However, there are a few concerns and probable side effects that you should know:

Blood Sugar Spikes

Strawberry sugar content is moderate, which is natural sugar, but still sugar is sugar. However, the sugar is relatively small compared to other fruits. Therefore consuming large quantities of strawberry for diabetes patients at once may lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar. The spike is likely, if eaten without any protein, fat, or fiber, to slow down the absorption of sugar. Diabetics need to constantly monitor portion sizes. And also take care of the overall carbs they consume in their meals.


However rare, strawberry for diabetes patients is to be avoided who are allergic to it or other fruits from the Rosaceae family. Allergic responses can differ in severity and may cause signs like swelling, itching, blisters, etc. If you suspect an allergy to strawberries, seek medical attention immediately.

Interference with Medications

Strawberry for diabetes patients can interfere with the functioning of their medications, including blood sugar medicines. Therefore it becomes mandatory to be careful when putting strawberries on a diet for diabetic patients. Consult with your doctor to assure yourself of no probable interactions.

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Pesticide Residues

Like many fruits good for diabetes, strawberries too come on that list. But like other fruits, strawberries may collect pesticide residues on their surface if not grown by organic methods. Rinsing and soaking them thoroughly in water for some time can remove the residues. Or you go for organic strawberry for diabetes patients. Otherwise, you may intake pesticides if consumed without properly washing.

Oxalate Content

Strawberries comprise oxalates, which are natural components that may encourage kidney stone formation. Therefore strawberry for diabetes patients should be consumed with caution who have a kidney stone history.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Eating strawberry for diabetes patients may cause digestive distress, such as upset stomach, bloating, or gas. But remember, these extreme outcomes are a result of overconsumption by those with sensitive digestive systems.

Remember that the effects of strawberry for diabetes patients may differ. It’s essential to listen to your body and monitor how strawberries and other foods impact your sugar levels and overall well-being. If you have concerns or any adverse reactions immediately, consult a doctor for personalized guidance.

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In conclusion, to answer ‘Are strawberries good for diabetics?’ is yes, but only when eaten in reasonable quantities. Strawberry for diabetes patients can be a delicious and nutritious addition to their diet when included as part of a well-formulated meal plan. The low strawberry GI, high dietary fiber content, and antioxidants make them a favorable choice for helping manage sugar levels. They also stimulate good heart health and curtail inflammation. Multiple researchers have indicated the potential benefits of eating strawberries every day for diabetes patients. The results include improved blood sugar control and reduced risk factors for complications associated with the disease.

However, the important aspect is to be mindful of portion sizes and resist overeating strawberries in excessive quantities. It is because strawberry sugar content can impact your blood sugar. As with any dietary change, it is recommended that diabetes patients consult with their doctor to tailor their food choices to their individual health needs and medical history. Personalised guidance can ensure that strawberries and other foods are incorporated safely. And effectively into a diabetes-friendly diet, ultimately enriching overall health and well-being.


What is the best time to eat strawberries?

The best time for strawberries for diabetes patients is between two full meals, mainly as a snack. It can be between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner. This timing is because of one of the main advantages of strawberry, that is to regulate blood sugar.


Do Strawberries Contain Sugar?

Sugar in strawberries is present in natural form and limited amounts. In 100 grams of strawberries, the sugar content is just 5 grams. Therefore due to this property, strawberries are on the list of fruits for diabetic patients.

Can I eat 20 strawberries a day?

No, 20 strawberries a day will be extra consumption of strawberries. Advantages of strawberry include their low calories and sugar content, but these many strawberries will put unnecessary extra sugar content and calories in your body.

How many strawberries can a diabetic eat daily?

There is no universal amount of strawberry that will suit all diabetes patients. But generally, you can enjoy a serving of little more than a cup of strawberries daily. Remember, your whole-day diet should sync with this portion size to avoid over-consumption of sugar.


Is Strawberry Good For Diabetes Patients?

Yes, strawberries are good for diabetics. Strawberry belongs to the list of fruits good for diabetes patients as it offers a variety of nutrients beneficial for your body. Low strawberry GI, calories and sugar and high amounts of antioxidants and dietary fiber are benefits of strawberries.


Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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