Rohan Verma

Why is Fatty Liver Becoming An Increasingly Common Problem?

Last updated on May 7th, 2022One of the largest organs in our body, the liver performs several essential metabolic functions.  It processes nutrients, fats as well as toxic substances. It then filters, stores, detoxifies and passes these elements into the blood or bowel depending on whether they have to be used or excreted. What is Fatty …

Introduction to Diabetes

Last updated on November 17th, 2022The food we eat is broken down into fuel called Glucose. Glucose enters the bloodstream and travels to the cells to be used as fuel. Glucose needs help pf hormone called Insulin to enter the cells. Insulin is produced by gland in body called the pancreas. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is …

Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose

Last updated on January 20th, 2022Blood glucose (blood sugar) monitoring is the main tool you have to check your diabetes control. This check tells you your blood glucose level at any one time. It’s important for blood glucose levels to stay in a healthy range. If glucose levels get too low, we can lose the ability to think and function normally. If they get too …

The magic potion called Apple Cider Vinegar – and why you must include it in your life

Apple Cider Vinegar is a liquid that’s produced by fermentation of apple cider. The sugar in the juice is fermented by yeast or bacteria, lending it a sour taste. The mixture is then added to alcohol and finally to vinegar. Turns out that the liquid thus formed, called apple cider vinegar, has some amazing qualities. And …


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