Rohan Verma

5 Reasons You Should Maintain a Food Journal

Last updated on March 4th, 2022We all keep dairies at our office, to note down important work, meetings, to-do lists, and so on. But, how many of us keep a diary or a journal for our personal life? Did you know a lot of people, that is considered highly successful by the world, maintain a personal …

Osteoporosis – What causes it and how it can be prevented?

Last updated on May 2nd, 2020The literal meaning of Osteoporosis is porous bones. It is a medical condition that causes thinning of bones. The bones become porous, brittle and weak, making them more susceptible to fractures, especially in the spine, hip and wrists.  Even small bumps, falls and sneezes can cause the bones to break. Our …

What are the Benefits of Zumba?

Last updated on September 26th, 2022Have you ever wondered why you could not get past a week with your exercise or jogging routine? Sometimes, you may be successful in clinging on to it for a month or so. But, what happens after that? Boredom steps in, and the motivation to get out of bed, each morning, …


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