Dr. Damanjit Duggal

Diabetic Foot Problems – Know What Happens to Your Feet and Legs Due to Diabetes

Last updated on April 12th, 2022Diabetes problems arise when too much glucose (sugar) is in the blood for a long time. High glucose levels in the blood (also called blood sugar) can damage many organs in the body, such as the eyes, blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. Heart and blood vessel disease can cause heart attacks …

Diabetes and Heart Diseases: Know How Does Diabetes Affect the Heart

Last updated on September 26th, 2022Diabetes and heart disease are often developed simultaneously in a person. More than 90 per cent of people who suffer from diabetes get heart-related problems at some point or the other in their lives. You, however, can manage diabetes and prevent heart-related complications if you make some simple lifestyle changes. Heart …

HIIT For Weight Loss: The Fitness Mantra Everybody MUST Try !!

Last updated on October 22nd, 2021High-intensity interval training also called sprint interval training, HIIT is now a popular choice for people who want to get in shape and stay fit. HIIT is that special cardiovascular exercise approach which includes alternate acute episodes of intense exercise with less-intense exercise during recovery periods. HIIT begins with a warm-up …

Low Sugar and Pregnancy Risks Associated With Such a Condition

Last updated on August 1st, 2022During pregnancy, a woman experiences several changes in her body. The hormonal levels change and so does her requirement for energy to support the growth of fetus. Thus, it is mandatory that the pregnant lady goes for regular checks up and avoid the causes that can lead to sugar fluctuations. Both …

Diabetes and Yeast Infections: How Can Diabetic Patients Get Rid of Yeast Infections?

Last updated on April 9th, 2022Diabetes occurs when the body does not generate insulin or does not produce it in the necessary amount. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas; insulin passes into the blood after leaving the pancreas. It allows glucose (sugar formed after the digestion of food) to penetrate the cells, where it …

Gestational Diabetes: Types, Risk Factors, Causes, Symptoms & Diet

Last updated on September 15th, 2022Gestational diabetes means high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. In many women, it is a temporary condition that goes away after birth. However, if the women are at risk of developing gestational diabetes, they should work with the doctor to manage their blood sugar levels throughout pregnancy. They can look for …


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