Dr. Ashwini Sarode Chandrashekara

Cushing Syndrome and Diabetes

Last updated on August 30th, 2022Cushing syndrome is a medical condition caused by high levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in a person’s blood. Cortisol augments a person’s blood sugars and blood pressure. Also, one of the major complications which may trigger unmanaged Cushing’s syndrome is diabetes. Cushing Syndrome Symptoms Some Cushing syndrome symptoms can involve: …

Is Garlic Good for Diabetes?

Last updated on September 9th, 2022Diabetic patients are incapable of producing adequate insulin or utilizing the insulin their body forms effectively. This may have an impact on blood glucose levels. It’s vital to distinguish natural foods like garlic. Garlic is also “lahsun” in Hindi. It is not rich in carbs but may affect blood glucose levels. …

Dawn Phenomenon and Diabetes: All You Need to Know

In the morning, body prepares to rise and liberates a rush of hormones. Those hormones may act against insulin. And, this results in slight rise in the levels of blood sugar. It is referred to as the ‘dawn phenomenon.’ This phenomenon is naturally harmless in many people as their body produces a small quantity of insulin …

List of Best Iron Supplements for Type 1 Diabetics

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune problem. In this, the body’s immune system damages the insulin-producing cells. Insulin is a hormone that aids the cells absorbs sugar from the food products a person consumes. As insulin is inadequate in Type 1 diabetes, sugar fails to be used by the body. This increases its blood level. Certain …

Endocrine System and Glands of the Human Body

Last updated on April 9th, 2022What is the Endocrine System? It is the network of glands in the body. The endocrine system makes the hormones that aid cells talk to each other. They are responsible for every cell, organ, and function in the body. If the endocrine system is not working properly, a person can have …


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