Dr. Hardik Bambhania

Is Brandy Good for Diabetes Patients? Benefits and Side Effects

Last updated on January 9th, 2024When dealing with diabetes, the biggest challenge one faces is figuring out which food to eat and which to avoid. Scrolling on the food list today, we explore one of the winter’s favourite alcoholic beverages, the BRANDY. In this blog, we delve into the nuanced relationship between brandy and diabetes type …

Is Sooji or Rava Good for Diabetes Patients?

Suji, also known as rava, holds a significant place in Indian cuisine. This versatile ingredient, made from semolina, is widely used in various culinary preparations, ranging from traditional breakfast dishes to desserts. Its popularity in India is evident not only in its widespread use but also in the substantial amount produced each year. Around 268 thousand …

Surya Namaskar/Sun Salutation – How to Do Steps, Position and Benefits

Welcome to the enlightening journey of Surya Namaskar, a harmonious sequence of yoga poses that transcends mere physical exercise. Rooted in ancient tradition, Surya Namaskar yoga also goes by the other name of Sun Salutation. It is a spiritual practice that pays homage to the life-giving energy of the sun. In this blog, we’ll provide complete …

Januvia 100 mg – Uses, Side Effects and Dosage

Januvia is FDA-approved anti-diabetic medicine used in the treatment course of type 2 diabetes. This januvia drug is prescribed by the doctor when a type diabetic is dealing with very high blood sugar. According to a medical study done by Vascular Health and Risk Management, Januvia has proven to reduce fasting and post-prandial blood sugar. It …

Sugar Free Tablets and Side Effects

In the quest for healthier alternatives, sugar free tablets have emerged as seemingly convenient solutions for those seeking to cut down on their sugar intake. Promoted as aids in weight management and diabetes control, these tablets have found their way into countless households. However, behind the facade of sweetness without calories, a lesser-known realm of potential …

10 Low Glycemic Fruits for Diabetics

Living with diabetes is something that no one ever anticipates, and yet, it’s a path many people have to navigate with unwavering determination. For those who also happen to be food enthusiasts, this journey takes on an added layer of complexity. The constant tug-of-war between their love for food and the need to maintain effective blood …


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