Seema Goel

Are Dates Good for People With Diabetes?

Dates are sweet, plump fruit derived from the date palm tree. They’re classically available in dried form. People often add dates to desserts, smoothies, and other dishes. Owing to their natural sweetness, their effect on glucose levels might be a concern for diabetics. Read this article to know “Can Diabetics Eat Dates?” People have been consuming …

Is Coconut Water Beneficial For People With Diabetes?

Last updated on September 9th, 2022Coconut water is also known as “nature’s sports drink”. It is gaining acceptance as a rapid source of hydration, glucose, and electrolytes. Coconut water is a thin, sweet liquid, coming from the extracts of young, green coconuts. Coconut meat contains a high amount of fat. While coconut water contains majorly carbohydrates. …

Are Sugar Free Biscuits Safe for Diabetics?

Last updated on October 17th, 2022Diabetes is a type of metabolic disease. It results from high blood glucose levels in the body. For diabetic people, either their body fails to produce enough insulin. Or, it may not use the produced amount in an effective manner. This occurs when the immune system in the body attacks the …


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