Dr. Surajeet Kumar Patra

What is Visceral Fat and How to Get Rid of it?

Last updated on February 2nd, 2023Not all body fat is created equal. Visceral fat is the part of adipose tissue located in the abdomen, under the muscles of the abdominal wall: it differs from subcutaneous fat, stored under the epidermis, and intramuscular fat, which is distributed among muscle fibers. Being overweight poses a health risk. Being …

Measuring Sugar in Urine: Know About Test Procedure and Result

Last updated on August 1st, 2022A urine sugar test is a simple and rapid method of checking for unusually high glucose levels in a person’s urine. The body needs glucose and makes use of it for energy. The body converts the carbs a person consumes into sugar. Consuming an excess of sugar by a person may …

Black Fungus or Mucormycosis – How Can Diabetes Patients Stay Safe?

Last updated on April 8th, 2022Overview of Black Fungus or Mucormycosis India was still grappling with the second wave of COVID-19 and anticipating a third wave, when the entire healthcare machinery was taken aback with the emergence of “mucormycosis”, more popularly known as “black fungus”. The fungus has already infected at least 7,250 people in India, …

Control Your Diabetes to Live a Healthy Life – Quick & Easy Tips

Last updated on September 27th, 2022Your diet is a major part of controlling your diabetes. Look for healthy diet options for diabetes to enjoy a healthy life. Include those food items in your diet that contain low carbs and high fiber. This helps in the slow absorption of carbs in your body and reduced the rate …

Diabetes – Have Surya Namaskar At Your Rescue

Last updated on September 30th, 2022With the cases of diabetes hitting a record incline in recent times, because of a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, many alternative methods are being looked up. Well, India is not only the country with the highest number of diabetes cases, but it has also introduced the healing power of …

Prediabetes: A Warning Signal to Avoid Diabetes

Last updated on September 27th, 2022Blood sugar or blood glucose is the sugar found in your blood. The bloodstream carries this sugar to the body cells to supply energy. The pancreas releases insulin, a hormone, which regulates blood sugar levels to moderate levels. Without insulin, the blood glucose remains in your bloodstream and keeps your blood …


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