Is Mango Good for Diabetes Patients?

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Damanjit Duggal, MD, MBBS January 6, 2022

Last updated on May 5th, 2024

If you’re someone with diabetes, you might have wondered whether you can indulge in the sweetness of juicy Mango without worrying about your blood sugar levels. Mangoes are undeniably delicious. But for diabetics, navigating the world of fruits and choosing the ones that won’t mess up your sugar levels can sometimes feel like torture.

The good news is we’re here to shed some light on the topic. And help you find out if Mango is good for Diabetes Patients or Not. So, let’s explore each aspect of this juicy dilemma and discover the truth behind mangoes and diabetes.

Nutritional Value of Mango

Mangoes contain a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. This makes this fruit a nourishing inclusion in almost every diet. Here is the nutritional value of mango according to the data provided by the United States Dept of Agriculture:

Nutritional Value of Mango
Nutrients (in 1 Cup(100g) of Mango) Its amount
Energy 60 Kcal
Fat 0.38 gram
Protein 0.82 gram
Fibre 2 grams
Sugars 13 gram
Carbohydrates 15 gram
Potassium 168 mg
Vitamin A 1082 microgram
Vitamin C 36.4 microgram
Copper 0.111 mg
Vitamin E 0.9 microgram
Folate 43 microgram

Glycemic Index for MangoGlycemic Index for Mango

The Times of India reports, the Glycemic index for Mango is 55. Therefore Mango belongs to the middle GI food range. However, the Glycemic load of Mango is 5. It categorises mango under the low GL range, giving minimal blood sugar spikes post-consumption. This conveys that diabetic patients can have mangoes.

But the quantity needs to be monitored. Foods having a glycemic index greater than 55 are high gi foods. Diabetes patients should avoid these foods. The glycemic load measures the quality of carb content in foods and also is a deciding factor for diabetes-friendly meals.

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Is Mango Good for Diabetes Patients?

When we try to answer the question, Is Mango Good for Diabetes Patients? The answer is yes. Diabetic patients can consume mangoes in limited amounts. Firstly, mangoes contain essential nutrients like dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, etc. Research published by the National Institute of Health says mango consumption improves blood glucose metabolism and helps in reducing blood sugar in obese individuals. Another NIH study found it to be a proven antidiabetic agent and claimed mango reduces sugar levels. However, there are some factors to assess. Mangoes are naturally sweet and contain carbohydrates, including sugars. Therefore, people with diabetes should consider limiting daily mango consumption to between 70 to 80 grams. The key to mango eating lies in moderation and mindful consumption. Also, consider having raw mangoes as they have much lower sugar content and calories.

High Glycemic Index Yet Low Glycemic Load

The Glycemic index for Mango is on the higher side of the GI table. This means they can cause a relatively faster rise in blood sugar levels than other fruits. However, the glycemic index for mango alone does not give the full picture. The glycemic load (GL), which is calculated based on the number of carbs and the glycemic index, provides a more accurate measure of a food’s impact on sugar levels.

In the case of mango for diabetes patients, while they have a higher glycemic index, the glycemic load is moderate. This means having a small portion of mangoes doesn’t cause a significant spike in sugar levels for most diabetes patients.

Slows Down the Digestion

Additionally, having mangoes, along with other foods that are rich in fibre, fats, & proteins, can help delay the absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, reducing the impact of it on your sugar levels. For example, enjoying mangoes as part of a balanced meal that includes lean proteins. And also whole grains, which reduce the chances of blood sugar spikes.

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Full of Dietary Fibres

It’s also worth noting that Mango for diabetes patients offers several health benefits. They are a decent source of dietary fibre, which assists in digestion and helps control sugar levels. Thus, mango reduces sugar levels through its rich fibrous content. They are also rich in nutrition and packed with vitamins & minerals that contribute to all-around health. Also, they contain a few omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, even though they contain very low fat in total.

Ultimately, like with any other food, moderation and portion control are essential for people with diabetes. Listening to your body, monitoring your blood sugar levels, and working with your healthcare team is important. These steps will determine the best approach to incorporating mangoes into your diabetes management plan.

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Raw Mango Vs Ripe Mango

Mangoes in India are consumed both in raw and ripe form. Consuming raw mangoes can have several potential benefits for diabetes patients compared to ripe mangoes. Here are some rationales why unripe mangoes can be advantageous:

Lower glycemic index

Raw mangoes generally have a lower glycemic index compared to ripe mangoes. This means they provoke a slower and steadier rise in sugar levels, reducing the risk of spikes. The glycemic index for Mango (raw) matches more with your diabetic food preferences.

Read More: Best Vegetable with Low Glycemic index for Diabetics .

Higher fibre content

Raw mangoes are rich in dietary fibre, which helps slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Raw Mango for diabetes patients can help monitor sugar levels and promote comprehensive glycemic control.

Nutrient density

Raw mangoes are packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins A and C, which can support overall health and well-being. By choosing raw mangoes, you can benefit from these nutrients without the potential impact of a high glycemic load.

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More Helpful in Weight Management

The vast fibre quantity in raw mangoes can contribute to a feeling of fullness. Feeling full will limit your food intake, thus supporting you in weight control. Sustaining a healthy and appropriate body weight is critical for regulating diabetes effectively.

Benefits of Eating Raw Mango with Salt

Here are some potential benefits of eating raw mango with salt:

Digestive Aid

Raw mangoes are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help slow down the absorption of sugars and prevent sudden spikes in blood glucose levels. The combination of fiber and low glycemic index can make raw mangoes a relatively safe fruit choice for diabetics.


Mangoes are naturally hydrating due to their high water content. The combination of salt and water in mangoes can help replenish electrolytes lost through sweating, especially in hot weather.

Nutrient Absorption

The presence of salt can enhance the absorption of certain nutrients from the mango, such as vitamins A and C. Mangoes are also rich in potassium, an essential mineral that regulates blood sugar levels. Salt can also help replenish potassium levels, which may be beneficial for diabetics who are at risk of potassium deficiency due to certain medications or conditions.

Appetite Control

The combination of fiber, water, and salt in raw mangoes with salt can promote a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in appetite control and weight management.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Mangoes contain compounds like mangiferin and gallotannins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and are good for diabetic patients.

Traditional Remedy

In some cultures, eating raw mangoes with salt is a traditional remedy for alleviating heat exhaustion, dehydration, and stomach discomfort during hot summer months.

It’s important to note that salt intake should be moderate. Excess salt consumption can increase the risk of complications like high blood pressure and kidney problems, which are common concerns for diabetics.

Other Benefits of Mango for Diabetes PatientsBenefits of Mango for Diabetes

There are endless benefits of Mango for diabetes patients. Consume it in raw form or juicy ripe form. The fruit is full of nutritional benefits. Here are a few of them:

Fights Cancer

Diabetes patients are susceptible to deadly diseases like Cancer. Mangoes are rich in antioxidants, including quercetin, fisetin, isoquercitrin, methyl gallate, astragalin, and gallic acid. These antioxidants help in guarding your body against various cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, and skin.

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Maintains Cholesterol Levels

The majority of Type 2 diabetes patients suffer from high cholesterol levels. Mangoes contain adequate fibre, vitamins C & A, and pectin. All this makes them a convenient fruit for the control of increased cholesterol levels.

Helpful in Body Weight Management

Many people with diabetes struggle with their weight management. As Mango comprises essential nutrients, the intake of Mango for diabetes patients makes them feel full for an extended period. In addition, as the fruit contains fibre, it helps boost digestion and burns unnecessary calories from the body. This, consequently, aids in weight loss.

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Maintains Eye Health

Mangoes contain vitamin A, helping in vision improvement. Also, the fruit helps in preventing dry eyes and night blindness.


Mango for diabetes patients enhances food digestion. The enzymes present in mangoes aid in the breakdown of protein content in the body. Also, the fruit contains fibre, helping digestion and avoiding many stomach-associated problems.

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Prevents Heatstroke

This pleasant summer fruit aids in preventing heatstroke. Intake of Mango for diabetes patients can cool them down instantaneously and thus refresh their bodies. Include this ‘super fruit’ in summer and stay cool during the hot weather.

Enhances Immunity

Mangoes have nutrients like vitamins C & A and also carotenoids. All these crucial nutrients are considered beneficial for your immunity. Therefore, Mango for diabetes patients can help them in this regard.

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Treats Anaemia

Mango benefits people suffering from iron deficiency. When the number of red blood cells (RBC) in our body becomes low, the blood can’t take adequate oxygen to the cells & tissues. This process leads to increased tiredness. Consumption of Mango for diabetes patients regularly helps in enhancing healthy RBCs. The RBCs eventually help transfer oxygen to the body’s tissues and other organs.

Ways to Consume Mango for Diabetes PatientsWays to Consume Mango for Diabetes

Here are a few healthy recipes for Mango for diabetes patients:

Raw Mango Salad

Mix raw Mango, cucumber, onions, green chilly, coriander leaves, salt and lemon juice in a bowl. Crush lemon juice over the salad and mix well. Serve chilled as a refreshing side dish of Mango for diabetes patients.

Mango Pickle

Mango pickle is an age-old Indian recipe. This mango dish for diabetes patients can add a flavourful burst to their bland meals. Dry roast and grind the mustard, fenugreek, fennel, and nigella seeds to a coarse powder.

In a mixing bowl, combine the mango pieces and pickle spice mixture. Add salt as per your taste preference. Heat and cool the oil, then add it to the mango and spice mixture. Stir well. Allow the pickle to mature in a cool, dry place for at least a week before consuming.

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Mango Lassi (Sugar-Free)

Blend the Mango, curd, ice, water, and cardamom powder (if using) until smooth. Enjoy the creamy and refreshing mango lassi without adding any sugar. We can bet this can be a go-to dish of Mango for diabetes patients.

Mango Mint Smoothie

Blend ripe Mango, mint leaves, curd, and some water until smooth. Serve the refreshing smoothie as a healthy snack of Mango for diabetes patients.

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Grilled Mango with Spices

Preheat a grill or stove. Mix red chilli, cumin, turmeric & salt. Coat the mango slices with this spice mixture. Grill the mango shreds for a couple of minutes on both sides. Squeeze lemon juice over the grilled mango slices, serving as a unique and flavorful snack.

Remember, moderation and portion control are fundamental when including mango for diabetes-friendly diets.

Side Effects of MangoSide Effects of Mango

Mango for diabetes patients, like any fruit, can have an impact on their blood sugar levels. This is due to its natural sugar content. However, the specific side effects of Mango for diabetes patients may vary, so here are some:

Increased Blood Sugar Levels

Mangoes are relatively high in natural sugars, primarily fructose. Consuming Mangoes for diabetes patients in large quantities or without proper portion control can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Diabetes patients must monitor their carbohydrate intake and account for mangoes within their overall meal plan or carbohydrate budget.

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Glycemic Index for Mango

A ripe mango has a medium range of the glycemic index. This means they can induce a mild rise in sugar levels. But Mango for diabetes patients, especially ripe mangoes, can spike your sugar levels if eaten regularly and in good amounts.

Digestive Issues

Mangoes contain dietary fibre, which is generally beneficial for digestion. However, consuming excessive amounts of fibre-rich foods, including Mango, for diabetes patients can cause digestive problems.

Problems like bloating, gas, or diarrhoea occur particularly in diabetics with sensitive bellies. There is also a chance of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). So it’s important to consume mangoes in moderation and listen to your body’s response.

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Allergic Reactions

Mangoes belong to the same botanical family as poison ivy and poison oak. Some people and diabetes patients allergic to these plants may also face allergic responses to mangoes. Symptoms may include itching, swelling, redness, rashes, or hives.

In serious cases, allergic responses can lead to breathing difficulties. So people allergic to poison ivy or oak, it’s advisable to them to avoid consumption of mangoes.

Latex-Fruit Syndrome

Mangoes are members of the Anacardiaceae family, including plants like poison ivy and cashews. Diabetics and even non-diabetics having latex allergies may also encounter allergic responses when eating mangoes.

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In conclusion, to answer the question, Is Mango Good for Diabetes Patients? Yes, diabetes patients can enjoy mangoes. But it’s important to do so in moderation and with careful consideration of portion sizes. Mango for diabetes patients, like any fruit, contains natural sugars that can raise blood sugar levels. However, diabetics should practice portion control and incorporate mangoes into a balanced meal plan. In this way, diabetes patients can still taste the deliciousness of this tropical fruit.

Another thing we would suggest is that switching to raw Mango for diabetes patients is a much better option than ripe ones. This is because raw Mango is more nutritious and has fewer calories and carbs. It has more fibre compared to ripe Mango.

Choosing smaller portions of raw or unripe mangoes with a lower glycemic index can help minimise the impact on blood sugar levels. It’s also beneficial to pair mangoes with protein-rich foods or high-fibre options to slow down the absorption of sugar.

Every individual’s response to mangoes may vary. Therefore, it’s crucial to monitor blood sugar levels and pay attention to how Mango for diabetes patients affects their bodies specifically. Working out a diet regime with your doctor can give personalised guidance and help determine the appropriate portion sizes for your mango consumption.

Remember, diabetes management is about balance and making informed choices. With proper planning and portion control, diabetes patients can relish mangoes’ sweet and tangy flavours while maintaining stable blood sugar levels. So, go ahead and indulge in moderation, keeping in mind your overall meal plan and individual diabetes management goals.

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions):

Which Mango should Diabetes Patients Eat, Raw or Ripe?

Raw Mango for diabetes patients is considered a much better option than ripe Mango. Raw Mango is low on calories and has less natural sugar. It has more fibre and antioxidants. Therefore, diabetes patients should stick to raw mangoes.

Can I eat Mango on an Empty Stomach?

No, you should avoid eating mangoes on an empty stomach. Mango for diabetes patients can cause digestive problems like gas, constipation, bloating etc. So it is advised to take Mango after meals as a snack.

What is the Best Time to Eat Mango?

Mango is a very tempting food and is commonly consumed as a dessert. But you can consume Mango as a snack meal as it will fit well this way in your diet.

How many Mangoes Can a Diabetic Eat?

Mango for diabetes patients is fine for them to consume. Mangoes are high-GI food but have a low glycemic load. Generally, dieticians suggest 2-3 slices of small Mango for diabetes patients.

Does Mango Raise Blood Sugar?

Yes, Mango for diabetes patients does spike sugar levels but to a limited extent. Mangoes are full of soluble fibres, which delays the rate of digestion and sugar spikes. Therefore, diabetes patients can consume mangoes but in limited quantities.

Are green mangoes high in sugar?

No green mangoes contain much lower natural sugars than yellow or ripe mangoes. However, some mango varieties like langda remain green even after they ripen such mangoes are high in sugar. In general, green mangoes are unripened mangoes contain very little sugar.

Can diabetic eat mango daily?

Yes, diabetics with controlled blood sugar and the ones who have cleared their glucose tolerance test can consume mangoes daily in specified amounts as advised by their dietician. Diabetes patients with high fasting, postprandial blood sugar and HbA1c cannot eat mangoes daily. They can go for green, unripe mangoes.

How much mango can a diabetic eat?

A diabetes patient can eat up to 70-90 grams of mango daily. However, they must check with their diabetologist and decide the daily consumption quantity.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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