Can Diabetics Eat Mango? | Know About Mango Glycemic Index & Nutritional Facts

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Damanjit Duggal, MD, MBBS January 6, 2022

Last updated on March 29th, 2022

Mango, often named “the king of fruits”, is one of the most cherished tropical fruits present globally. It’s well-known for its bright yellow skin as well as its sweet, exceptional taste. This stone fruit, or drupe, is grown in the tropical areas of Africa, Asia, and Central America, however now it’s cultivated worldwide. Provided that mangoes consist of natural sugar, a lot of individuals wonder whether they’re suitable for diabetics. This article enlightens whether individuals having diabetes can safely add mango to their meal plans.

Fruits have always been a win-win for a person’s overall health and wellness. But do the wonders of fruits on health exert their action on diabetics as well? An abundant range of fruits are accessible in the market these days, few are quite popular and prized by people. The mango is one such fruit. Thus, are you prepared to bust a few myths and hold a few facts on can diabetics eat mango? If yes, then keep reading to know more about mango and diabetes.

Mango Nutritional Facts

Mangoes contain a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. This makes this fruit a nourishing inclusion in almost every diet.

One cup or 100 grams of mango consists of the following:

  • Calories: 60
  • Carbs: 15 grams
  • Sugars: 13 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Protein: 0.82 grams
  • Fat: 0.38 grams
  • Potassium: 168 milligrams
  • Copper: 0.111 milligrams
  • Vitamin A: 1082 micrograms
  • Folate: 43 micrograms
  • Vitamin C: 36.4 micrograms
  • Vitamin E: 0.9 micrograms

Moreover, mango also comprises iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, and pantothenic acid in small quantities.

Also, 100 grams of mango offers roughly 43% of the RDI for vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin responsible for providing immunity, assisting the body to absorb iron, as well as supporting repair and growth.

Also Read: Fruits for People With Diabetes: List of Best & Worst Fruits For Diabetics

Has a Low Impact on Blood Glucose

More than 90% of the calories in mango are derived from sugar, and for this reason, it might add to an enhanced level of blood glucose in diabetic patients. Yet, this fruit also comprises fiber and several antioxidants, both playing an important role in reducing its complete blood glucose impact. Whereas, the fiber helps in delaying the rate at which a person’s body absorbs the glucose into the bloodstream, its antioxidant content aids in decreasing any stress response related to an increased blood glucose level. This makes it simpler for a person’s body to manage the invasion of carbohydrates as well as stabilize blood glucose levels. Also, according to a study, adding mangoes to a diabetic diet reduced the fasting blood sugar levels in obese individuals.

can diabetics eat mango

Health Benefits of Mango

Fights cancer: 

Mangoes are rich in antioxidants including quercetin, fisetin, isoquercitrin, methyl gallate, astragalin, and gallic acid. These antioxidants help in guarding a person’s body against various cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, and skin.

Maintains the levels of cholesterol: 

Mangoes contain a good amount of fiber, vitamin C, and pectin. These all make them an ideal fruit helping in the regulation of high cholesterol levels.

Effective in weight management:

As mango consists of major vitamins and vital nutrients, intake of one mango makes a person feel fuller for a longer duration. In addition, as the fruit is found to contain fiber, it helps in boosting digestion and burning unnecessary calories from the body. This, consequently, aids in weight loss.

Maintains eye health:

Mangoes contain vitamin A, helping in vision improvement. Also, the fruit helps in preventing dry eyes and night blindness.


The enzymes present in mangoes aid in the breakdown of protein content in the body. Also, the fruit contains fiber, hence helping in digestion and avoiding many stomach-associated problems.

Prevents heatstroke:

This pleasant summer fruit aids in preventing heatstroke. Intake of a mango cools down a person instantaneously and thus refreshes his or her body. Include this ‘super fruit’ in summer as well as stay cool during the hot weather.

Strengthens the immunity:

Mangoes contain vitamin C, A, and diverse forms of carotenoids. All these vital nutrients are seen to be beneficial for immunity, keep the immune system strong and healthy.

Treats anemia:

Mango is found to benefit people experiencing a deficiency of iron. When the count of RBCs in the body goes low, the blood can’t carry enough quantity of oxygen to the tissues and body organs. This process leads to increased tiredness. Consumption of mangoes regularly helps in enhancing the healthy RBCs in a person’s body that eventually help in transferring oxygen to the body’s tissues and other body organs.

Also Read: 6 Low-Sugar Fruits You Should Include In Your Diet!

Glycemic Index of Mango

Glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of food products from 0 to 100 depicting whether a carb-food would radically elevate the levels of blood glucose or just a bit.

Classes of GI are:

  • Low: 0-55
  • Medium: 55-69
  • High: More than or equal to 70

Glycemic Load (GL) of Mango

The effect of a carb-containing food item on the levels of blood glucose is not only depicted by its GL or the carb quality, but also by the quantity of carb content in a specific food.

GL classes:

  • Low: 0-10
  • Medium: 11-19
  • High: more than or equal to 20

Diabetic patients may manage their diabetes by practicing carb-counting as well as following a diabetes-friendly diet under the direction of a dietitian or diabetes educator. Foods having a low or medium GI are seen to increase the blood sugar levels negligibly.

The GI of mango is 56, which belongs to the medium GI fruit class. However, the GL of mango is 5, which falls under the low GL class. This implies that mangoes must be consumed in moderation by diabetic patients. Consumption of mangoes in moderation would not have much effect on blood glucose levels.

Also Read: What is Glycemic Index and How to Calculate GI Value of Food Item?

Mangos and Diabetes

Mangos have been established as a safe fruit for a person with diabetes as per a recent study. On the other hand, since the major objective of following a diabetes food regime is to eliminate excess carbs and sugar consumption, mangos must not be included because of their high sugar content as well as complex carbohydrates content. Yet, the other nourishing constituents that make mangos the king of fruits and are now measured useful as part of a diabetes-friendly diet are vital amounts of minerals and vitamins.

As part of a diabetic meal, mangos contain a high amount of fiber and calcium, copper, and potassium. Its high fibrous content aids in restricting the rapid absorption of sugars. Also, they contain a few omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, even though they contain very low fat in total. As per the ADA, in food for diabetic patients, one serving of fruits during daytime must involve 15 grams of carbs, meaning roughly half a cup of mango.

Also Read: Kick Start Your Low-Carb Diet with These Fruits & Vegetables

Mangoes and Prediabetes

Diabetes is a major health problem experienced by people globally. An individual having prediabetes has raised levels of blood glucose but is not high enough for getting diagnosed with diabetes. Individuals with prediabetes are at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and stroke. A recent study examined the effects of mango on the levels of blood glucose in individuals having prediabetes. It was seen that participants who took 10 grams of freeze-dried mango on a daily basis for 12 weeks had reduced blood sugar as well as enhanced insulin levels. Also, in the study, the control group (who did not consume mango) did not experience such modifications.

Also Read: Normal Blood Sugar Range

How to Include Mango in a Diabetic Meal?

Mango is rich, versatile, and simple to include in a person’s meal plan. Here are a few ideas a person may enjoy consuming mango:

  • A person can include it in a range of smoothies.
  • Dice it and add to salsas.
  • Toss it into a summer salad.
  • Cut it and serve with other tropical fruits.
  • Dice it and add to quinoa salads.

However, it must be kept in mind that mango is sweeter and comprises more sugar as compared to other fruits. Hence, moderation is the key to enjoying this tempting fruit.


Much of the calories in mangoes are derived from fruit sugars, offering this fruit the potential to enhance the levels of blood glucose, a specific concern for diabetic patients. Is mango safe to eat by diabetic patients? Well, mango may still be a healthy food option for individuals looking to improve their blood glucose levels. This is due to the reason that it has a low GL and comprises fiber and antioxidants that aids in minimizing the blood glucose spikes. Practicing moderation, regulating portion sizes, as well as combining this summer fruit with protein-rich options are some of the easy techniques to improve the levels of glucose if a person plans to add mango to his or her diet.


What fruits can a diabetic eat?

Few of the healthiest fruits that people with diabetes can have include guava, apple, pear, cherries, strawberries, papaya, blueberries, and jamun. These fruits are low GI fruits and are packed with vital nutrients.

What are the healthy ways by which diabetic patients can have fruits?

Some healthy steps are:

  • Swap with fresh fruits. If a person is diabetic, he or she must always try to take fresh fruits. Do not take canned fruits. This is for the reason that canned fruits are expected to comprise added sugar.
  • Keep an eye on the portion size. Diabetic patients must always monitor and control how much fruit one is having. For attaining the finest health results, one must always speak to a doctor or dietitian.
  • Do not consume fruit juices. It is usually proposed to avoid fruit juices. Fruit juice tends to comprise an excess of sugar that may give rise to an increased blood glucose level.

How to prepare mango leaves tea for diabetes?

Boil roughly ten to twelve mango leaves in 100-150 ml of water. The concoction is left overnight and then is drunk. It is better to discuss with a healthcare provider before taking it.

Can pre-diabetics eat mango or can a diabetic patient eat mango?

As per the research studies, mangoes for people with diabetes have a considerable role in the management of metabolic problems. Intake of one mango helps in managing high cholesterol along with diabetes. High cholesterol level is the main signal for metabolic syndrome associated with prediabetes. As per the ADA dietary guidelines, approximately 15 grams of carbs must be derived from one portion of fruit for diabetic patients and below 25 grams for individuals having prediabetes. This is equivalent to ½ of a small mango. The solution, hence, is not avoiding, however, the intake of an appropriate right portion.

Is mango bad for a person with diabetes?

No, mango is not bad for diabetic people. Moderation is the key. Diabetic people may safely consume this fruit if their glucose levels are well controlled. One mango contains a roughly similar number of calories equal to 1 to 1.5 Rotis. Intake of one mango does not enhance the glucose levels in excess (it has a medium GI). Do not consume mango right after meals. Substitute inter-meal snacks with ½ of mango. It helps in preventing a spike in glucose levels as well as maintaining energy balance. Also, a person may consume limited amounts of mango for a whole day. It is better to eat roasted moong dal or roasted chana in combination with a mango.

Are mango leaves effective for diabetics?

Mango leaves contain a rich amount of pectin, vitamin C, and fiber. Also, they are equipped with the ability to improve insulin production as well as the distribution of sugar. Thus, they are a great help in stabilizing the levels of blood glucose.

Can mango be eaten in gestational diabetes?

Yes, females with gestational diabetes may consume mango in moderate amounts if their blood glucose levels are well-controlled. This is due to the reason that mango contains a high quantity of sugar which may bring about a spike in glucose levels. Thus, it is good to have mango in moderation in any type of diabetes.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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