Can Diabetics Eat Potatoes? Different Ways To Eat Potatoes In Diabetes

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Hardik Bambhania, M.B.B.S, Consultant Diabetologist October 13, 2023

Last updated on October 13th, 2023

When it comes to choosing the right kind of food for diabetes, there’s a lot to consider. One such food item that people want to know more about is potatoes.

Even though potato is a starchy veggie, a person with diabetes might still enjoy it as part of a beneficial diet. Diabetes requires being aware of carb consumption at each meal as it’s directly linked to blood sugar levels.

Because of this, diabetics must monitor their carb intake. In this blog, we’ll understand the link between diabetes and potatoes, how potatoes impact our blood sugar levels, whether diabetics can eat potatoes or not and much more.

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Understanding More About Potatoes

Potato is a starchy vegetable consisting of carbs that can increase an individual’s glucose levels.

They come in various types, such as russet, red, and Yukon Gold, and can be prepared in numerous ways, including boiling, baking, frying, or mashing.

Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin B6. They are versatile and commonly used in dishes like mashed potatoes, French fries, and potato salad.

It is a part of 30% of the veggies the average adult population consumes per year. The skin of potatoes makes them rich in fiber, and low in calories.

The starch in potatoes is classified as a complex “healthy” carb. These carbs are easy to digest by a person’s body as well as faster to digest as compared to other types of complex carbs.

Let’s dive deep into the topic and understand things like ‘potato sugar content’, ‘is potato good for diabetes?’, and ‘how to cook potatoes for diabetics’?

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Nutritional Value of Potatoes For Diabetes

Nutritional Value of Potatoes For Diabetes

Is potato healthy for diabetics? Yes, it can be a healthy option if consumed the right way in moderation. The nutritional value of potatoes indicates a lot about their effects on diabetes.

Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates, providing energy. They also offer fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, supporting overall health, though cooking methods can affect their nutritional value.

Below are the nutritional components present in 2/3 cup (100 grams) of unseasoned boiled potatoes with the skin:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 87
Water 77%
Protein 1.9 grams
Carbs 20.1 grams
Sugar 0.9 grams
Fiber 1.8 grams
Fat 0.1 grams

(Source: Healthline –

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Glycemic Index of Potatoes

Glycemic Index of Potatoes:

Can potato be eaten in diabetes? To answer this, it’s important to understand about the glycemic index of different kinds of potatoes. Potatoes are generally classified as a medium to high glycemic index food, somewhere between 55 to 111. But it all depends on the type of potato you are eating and the preparation method you choose.

Certainly, when comparing potatoes and sweet potatoes in terms of glycemic index (GI), sweet potatoes generally have a lower GI. The GI values for different types of potatoes and sweet potatoes are as follows:

  • Potato (Baked): 87
  • Potato (Boiled): 78
  • Potato (Mashed): 92
  • Potato (French fries): 75


In contrast, Sweet Potatoes typically fall within a lower GI range, with values varying between 54 and 65. This makes sweet potatoes a favorable choice for those looking to manage blood sugar levels, as they provide carbohydrates with a slower, steadier impact on blood glucose. However, the specific GI of sweet potatoes can vary based on factors such as cooking methods and variety. It’s important to consider the glycemic load (GL) along with portion size when planning a balanced diet and managing blood sugar.

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Potatoes And Diabetes: Is Potato Healthy For Diabetics?

Is potato healthy for diabetics or not completely depends on how you consume it. The ADA proposes the consumption of starchy veggies, like potatoes, is part of a nourishing diet. Starch is a complex carb that takes a long time to break down compared to simple sugars.

It is a common delusion that people with diabetes must not have potatoes or other starchy foods as they are expected to have a high glycemic index (GI). GI is an indicator that helps us understand the potential of a particular food to spike blood glucose levels.

Food items that have a high GI increase blood glucose rapidly as compared to those having a low GI.

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According to the ADA:

  • Low-GI foods have a GI of 55 or less
  • Medium-GI foods have a GI of 56 to 69
  • High-GI foods have a GI of 70 or more

Consumption of foods having a low or medium GI considerably aids a person in managing their sugar levels. However, few varieties of potato have a high GI value.

Yet, GI is not the only signal of the impact of food on blood glucose. Glycemic load (GL) also establishes the amount of sugar entering the bloodstream.

Other than being watchful of the GI value, managing portion size and preparation method also assist in lowering their impact on blood glucose levels.

While opting for high-GI food, the ADA suggests a combination of low-GI food with it to balance out a particular diet. ADA also states that portion size is very important to enjoy starchy foods as part of a wholesome meal plan.

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Can potato be eaten in diabetes? Well, another significant point to consider is the cooking method. Deep or shallow frying potatoes in various oils or fats, including animal fats, might enhance their saturated as well as trans-fat content. This can also enhance the risk of cardiovascular problems, particularly in diabetics who already have an augmented risk of heart disorders.

In addition, fats comprise calories. Individuals who manage their body weight to lower the impact of type 2 diabetes might want to cook potatoes in a way that limits the number of calories and fat. To decrease body weight, individuals should practice burning more calories than they eat.

An ideal way in which potatoes for diabetics can be prepared is to boil or steam them. Both boiled as well as steamed potatoes contain a rich number of vitamins, minerals, and fiber but quite low amounts of fat, sugar, and salt.

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Are potatoes diabetic friendly, or can diabetes patient eat potato? Like any other carbohydrate-consisting food product, potatoes are found to enhance the levels of glucose in the blood. When a potato is consumed, the body breaks down the carbs into simple sugars that enter the bloodstream. This results in a spike in blood glucose levels. Then the hormone insulin gets released into the blood. Insulin helps in transporting the glucose into the body cells in order that they might be utilized for energy.

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Some Important Considerations While Eating Potatoes With Diabetes

  • Potatoes when eaten with skin are more healthful.
  • Diabetics must be aware of the portions of potato they eat.
  • It is always a good idea to consume potatoes as part of a balanced, healthful meal.
  • Can type 2 diabetics eat potatoes? Consuming potatoes together with low-GI foods that deliver fiber, lean protein, and healthful fats may aid in balancing the nutritional benefits of a diet.
  • Consuming high-fiber foods may aid an individual in moderating the blood glucose levels and enhancing their feeling of fullness after having a diet. Low-GI foods can be other non-starchy veggies.
  • Diabetics must avoid heavy toppings that include calories in their meals.

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Benefits of Potatoes For Diabetes

Benefits of Potatoes For Diabetes

Is potato healthy for diabetics? Or can diabetic patient eat potato? The answer is that it has many benefits that can improve your condition, but requires incorporating some important points.

Potatoes can be part of a balanced diet for individuals with diabetes when consumed in moderation and prepared thoughtfully. While potato is a starchy vegetable and can affect blood sugar levels, there are benefits to incorporating it into a diabetes-friendly meal plan.

  • Nutrient Content: Potatoes are a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin B6. These nutrients are important for overall health, especially in managing diabetes. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, and vitamin C supports the immune system.
  • Fiber: Can sugar patient eat potato? – They can, as potatoes are fiber-rich. Potatoes, particularly with the skin, provide dietary fiber. Fiber is beneficial for people with diabetes because it can help stabilize blood sugar levels. It slows the absorption of sugar and improves insulin sensitivity. Fiber also aids in digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness, which can help with weight management.

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  • Low in Fat: Potatoes are naturally low in fat, which is advantageous for those with diabetes as it can help control calorie intake and manage weight. Excess weight is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, and potatoes can be a satisfying and relatively low-calorie addition to meals.
  • Versatility: Potatoes are incredibly versatile and can be prepared in various ways to suit individual preferences and dietary needs. Boiling, baking, and mashing are healthier cooking methods that can help maintain their nutritional value.
  • Glycemic Index Considerations: Can we eat potato in diabetes? – Diabetics can eat potato, but different kinds of potatoes have different glycemic index. While potatoes have a moderate to high glycemic index (GI), which means they can cause a quick rise in blood sugar, the impact on blood sugar varies based on factors such as cooking method and portion size. For example, boiling or roasting potatoes can result in a lower GI compared to mashed or instant potatoes. Additionally, consuming smaller portions and pairing potatoes with fiber-rich foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help mitigate their glycemic effect.

Despite these benefits, portion control and mindful preparation are essential for individuals with diabetes. Working with a registered dietitian or healthcare provider can help create a meal plan that includes potatoes in a way that supports blood sugar management while enjoying their nutritional advantages.

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Best Potatoes for Diabetics

Which potato is good for diabetes? Well, there are certain types of potatoes that are suitable for diabetes patients as compared to others.

  • Is shakarkandi good for diabetes? – Well, Shakarkandi (sweet potato) is one of the best kinds for diabetics, as it has a low-GI value and consists of higher fiber content as compared to white potato. Sweet potato is also found to be a good source of calcium and vitamin A.
  • Which potatoes are healthiest for diabetics is directly linked to the GI value. Carisma potatoes, varieties of white potato, are another lower-GI choice.
  • The russet potato is high-GI; thus, diabetics must limit the amount they consume.

These are some of the healthiest potatoes for diabetics and must-try options.

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Different Ways To Eat Potatoes In Diabetes

Is potato good for diabetic patient? Well, there are different ways a sugar patient can eat potatoes that help manage blood sugar levels. Here are some diabetes-friendly methods of preparing and consuming potatoes:

  • Baked or Roasted: Can a diabetic patient eat a potato or not depends on different factors. One good way to eat potato is by baking or roasting it. Baking or roasting potatoes with a small amount of olive oil and seasonings can enhance their flavor without adding excessive calories. This cooking method results in a lower glycemic index compared to frying.
  • Boiled: Is boiled potato good for diabetes? Boiled potatoes can be a healthier option, particularly if they are consumed with their skin. Boiling retains nutrients and keeps the GI lower. So, boiled potato is good for diabetes, especially when consumed with its skin.
  • Mashed with Cauliflower: Are mashed potatoes ok for diabetics? Well, they’re not. But mixing them up with other veggies can be beneficial.

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A blend of mashed potatoes and cauliflower can reduce the total carbohydrate content while maintaining a satisfying texture. This lowers the overall impact on blood sugar.

  • Grilled or Stir-Fried: Slicing potatoes thinly and grilling or stir-frying them with vegetables and lean proteins can create a balanced, diabetes-friendly meal. Be cautious with the use of oils and seasonings to control calorie intake.
  • Sweet Potatoes: Is potato healthy for diabetics? It’s not that easy to answer, but sweet potatoes indeed are. While still a starchy vegetable, sweet potatoes generally have a lower glycemic index than regular potatoes. They can be baked, roasted, or mashed to add variety to the diet.
  • Portion Control: Keep portion sizes in check. Eating smaller servings of potatoes can help prevent significant blood sugar spikes. Pair them with high-fiber foods like vegetables and lean proteins.
  • Cold Potato Salad: Can diabetics eat potato salad? Yes, they can. Chilled potato salad with a vinegar-based dressing, herbs, and vegetables can be a refreshing and lower-GI option.
  • Soup: Potatoes can be part of a hearty, homemade vegetable or potato soup. Be mindful of ingredients like cream, which can add extra calories.

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  • Potato Skins: Can type 2 diabetics eat potatoes? Yes, especially when they’re potato skins. Potato skins, when baked and topped with healthier choices like low-fat yogurt, chives, or salsa, can make for a satisfying appetizer.

Keeping the potato skin on may offer added fibers. Up to 50% of the phenolic compounds present in potatoes are found in the skin and attached flesh. Phenolic compounds comprise favorable antioxidant properties useful for health.

  • Casseroles: Prepare casseroles with a mix of vegetables, lean proteins, and a smaller amount of potatoes to create balanced, diabetes-friendly meals.
  • Cooled Potatoes: Letting the potatoes cool to some extent before consumption may also be healthy. Cooking a potato increases the digestive ability of the starch, which increases the GI value. After cooling, the digestive ability of a potato again reduces, and this might reduce the GI value.

Other than the above methods, you can also consider steaming or microwaving the potatoes without including other components. The preparation of potatoes this way would make sure that they become very low in fat, sugar, and salt.

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Is Potato Healthy For Diabetics? – Diet Tips For Diabetics

It’s important to include a serving of non-starchy veggies with potatoes.

Meal planning is a significant tool for diabetics, as it helps them in optimising the meal timings as well as the serving sizes for every meal. A physician, dietitian, or diabetes counselor delivers certain dietary recommendations and helps a person with meal planning.

People having diabetes must consume high amounts of non-starchy veggies and fill half of their plates with nutrient-rich veggies like cauliflower, carrot, tomato, broccoli, peppers, spinach, and other green leafy veggies.

Starchy and lean protein alternatives must comprise 1/4th of the plate. Cut down too much fat from the cuts of meat to reduce their saturated fat content.

Why potato is not good for diabetes is probably because it is not a low-carb vegetable and can raise the blood glucose level if not eaten in proper portions.

Also, carb counting is a useful tool for managing diabetes. Counting the total carb content of foods as well as meals can help in determining how a particular food affects an individual’s blood glucose levels. A physician or dietitian managing an individual’s sugar levels can suggest an individualized daily carb count.

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Whether fried, baked, boiled, mashed, or steamed, it is one of the most well-accepted foods in the meal plan. Consumption of non-starchy foods together with moderate portions of whole potatoes may help in balancing out their GI. It can be cooked by boiling or steaming with no extra constituents, this makes sure they are low in fat, salt, and sugar. Potatoes are rich in potassium and B vitamins, as well as their skin contains a modest amount of fiber. Diabetics may consume this veggie in several forms, but it’s vital to recognize the effect they have on the glucose levels and what is the suitable portion size to eat. It raises the blood sugar levels as carbohydrates get broken down into simple sugars, and then they go into the bloodstream. In diabetics, the sugar does not get cleared properly, resulting in higher blood glucose levels and likely health complications. Eating potatoes in excess may present issues in blood sugar control for people who have diabetes.

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In conclusion, the question of whether diabetics can eat potatoes is not a simple “yes” or “no.” The relationship between potatoes and diabetes is nuanced, and it largely depends on how they are prepared and consumed. Potatoes, as a starchy vegetable, have the potential to impact blood sugar levels due to their carbohydrate content. However, when approached thoughtfully, they can be a part of a diabetes-friendly diet.

The nutritional value of potatoes reveals that they offer important nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. These elements contribute to overall health and can benefit individuals with diabetes. Additionally, potatoes are versatile and can be incorporated into various meals, providing dietary variety.

It’s crucial for individuals with diabetes to consider factors like the glycemic index (GI) and portion size when including potatoes in their diet. Boiled or roasted potatoes have a lower GI compared to mashed or fried options. Sweet potatoes, with their lower GI, are also a favorable choice.

Portion control is key, as consuming smaller servings can help prevent significant blood sugar spikes. Pairing potatoes with high-fiber foods and lean proteins further aids in blood sugar management.

In essence, potatoes can be a part of a balanced diet for individuals with diabetes, offering both nutrition and satisfaction. However, careful planning and monitoring of their consumption are essential.

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Is boiled potato good for diabetes?

Boiled potatoes can be a better option for individuals with diabetes compared to high-GI preparations like mashed or fried potatoes. Boiling helps maintain their nutritional value and results in a lower glycemic index, causing a slower rise in blood sugar levels when consumed in moderate portions as part of a balanced meal.

Is it good to consume potatoes in their raw form?

Raw potatoes are more expected to produce digestive problems and are thought to comprise higher amounts of antinutrients and detrimental compounds. However, they’re seen to have greater vitamin C and resistant starch content, which might offer certain health benefits. As a matter of fact, both raw and cooked potatoes may be enjoyed in limits as part of a healthy diet.

Will potato make me fat?

Potatoes are complex carbs and if consumed in moderation will not make you fat. But, if they are cooked with cream, butter, or any other fatty material can result in weight gain.

Is potato bad for kidneys?

Regardless of the nutritional benefits of potato tuber, people having the problems of chronic kidney disease (CKD) must restrict their intake as potato has a high potassium content.

What is the suggested quantity of a potato for a diabetic?

If a diabetic’s carb goal at a meal is 30 grams, for instance, then the person may consume one cup of mashed potato or one medium potato, as per his or her choice.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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