Dr. Ashwini Sarode Chandrashekara

3-Month A1C Drop: How Much is Realistic and How to Achieve It?

A1C is a simple blood test that tells you about your average blood sugar control over the past 2-3 months. Haemoglobin, a protein in your red blood cells, carries sugar (glucose) throughout your body. The A1C test measures how much sugar is attached to the haemoglobin. So, the higher the A1C, the more sugar has been …

My Blood Sugar Is 250 What Should I Do?

Our bodies rely on a constant supply of energy to function properly. This energy comes from food, broken down into blood sugar (glucose) that travels through the bloodstream.  Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, acts like a key, unlocking cells to absorb this blood sugar for energy. For people with diabetes, the body either doesn’t …

Understanding the C-Peptide Test: Importance, Procedure & Interpretation

Blood sugar balance is essential for good health. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps keep it under control. But behind the scenes, another molecule called C-peptide offers some significant insights about insulin production. The way to measure C-peptide levels. The C-peptide test is a simple blood test or, rarely, a urine test. While C-peptide …

Reverse Diabetes Diet Plan | Free PDF Download

Last updated on April 26th, 2024For millions battling Type 2 diabetes, a carefully crafted diet plan offers a path to reclaiming health. This comprehensive blog delves into the transformative potential of a diabetes reversal diet, exploring its intricacies, benefits, and practical implementation. Discover tips for planning the correct meal plan, an in-depth look at the diabetes …

What To Do If Blood Sugar Level Is Above 500: Causes and Preventions

Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, is the fuel that keeps our bodies running. It’s a simple sugar derived from the carbohydrates we consume, and it plays a central role in energy production at the cellular level. Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential for overall well-being. However, when blood sugar levels rise above a …

What is a Normal Blood Sugar level After Eating

Finding out the normal blood sugar levels after eating can be tricky. This is because the normal levels depend upon various factors. The factors include your age, present illnesses, diabetes and its type, insulin usage, etc. What’s normal for you may not be normal for others. However, there are standard safe blood sugar ranges that you …


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