Seema Goel

A Guide to Low Carb High Fat Diet for Diabetics

Last updated on April 9th, 2022Diabetes is a lifelong disease affecting many individuals worldwide. At present, over 400 million individuals are a victim of diabetes all across the globe. Even though it is a complex ailment, keeping a check on the blood sugar levels considerably lowers down the risk of associated complications. One of the ways …

Avocado and Diabetes: Must-Know Facts About Superfood

Last updated on April 9th, 2022Avocado is a popular fruit nowadays. The creamy green fruit is full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy fats. Can a diabetic patient eat avocado? While avocado is rich in fats, it’s the good fat that benefits diabetics. If a person is living with type 2 diabetes, adding avocado to …

Know How Many Carbs Per Day Good For Person With Diabetes

Last updated on April 9th, 2022Counting carbs is keeping track of all the carbohydrates a person takes in his or her meals, snacks, or drinks. Carb counting makes management of blood sugar easier for a diabetic patient; along with: a long healthy life, improvement in the quality of life, preventing the risk of diabetes complications including …


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