Dr. Ashwini Sarode Chandrashekara

Top 21 Avocado Benefits, Recipes and Side Effects

Last updated on September 26th, 2022The avocado is a tropical tree that contains green, pear-shaped fruit. The term avocado relates to the tree as well as fruit. But, technically avocados are fruits that grow on Persea Americana trees found in Central America and Mexico. Presently, avocados are grown in other regions, including the US. These nutrient-dense …

Is Multigrain Atta for Diabetes a Healthier Choice?

Last updated on September 9th, 2022A diabetic patient must be aware of how to manage high blood sugars with the correct balance between lifestyle and diet. Diabetes care depends profoundly on a person’s diet, which may accompany various changes and limitations. Chapati or Indian flatbread is a fundamental part of a person’s diet. Regrettably, chapati, chiefly …


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