Medical Advisor

Dr. Damanjit Duggal

HIIT For Weight Loss: The Fitness Mantra Everybody MUST Try !!

Last updated on October 22nd, 2021High-intensity interval training also called sprint interval training, HIIT is now a popular choice for people who want to get in shape and stay fit. HIIT is that special cardiovascular exercise approach which includes alternate acute episodes of intense exercise with less-intense exercise during recovery periods. HIIT begins with a warm-up …

Best Exercises For Type 2 Diabetes Patients at Home

Last updated on November 2nd, 2023Physical inactivity is the major contributing factor in the proliferation of several diseases. As per the American Diabetes Association, your blood sugar level tends to drop and stay unchanged for about 24 hours after you work out. Working out helps your body become immediately sensitive to insulin. Therefore, if you want …

Diabetes – Have Surya Namaskar At Your Rescue

Last updated on September 30th, 2022With the cases of diabetes hitting a record incline in recent times, because of a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, many alternative methods are being looked up. Well, India is not only the country with the highest number of diabetes cases, but it has also introduced the healing power of …

The Insane Power of Combining Exercise and Meditation

Last updated on September 27th, 2022There is a very old saying, “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. This is indeed true and proven scientifically. Our brain releases hormones known as Endorphins. These hormones are for making us feel happy and joyful. It is found that the proportion of Endorphins in a healthy body is …


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