Disha Goyal

Know Novomix 30 Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage and Precautions

Last updated on September 28th, 2022NovoMix is ​​a range of injectable suspensions marketed in cartridges (Penfill) or pre-filled pens (flexpen). NovoMix consist of the active substance insulin aspart (100 units per milliliter) in three forms: Novomix 30 contains 30% soluble insulin aspart (fast-acting) and 70% protamine crystals of insulin aspart (long-acting), The Novomix 50 contains 50% …

An Overview of Glyciphage SR 500 MG Tablet for Treating Diabetes Type-2

Last updated on February 4th, 2022Diet and lifestyle modification are an essential part of the diabetes management plan. However, they work in a better way if combined with anti-diabetes medicines. Several pharmaceutical brands have come up with anti-diabetes drugs that help in lowering blood sugar levels. Metformin is the top name in the list of anti-hyperglycemic …

Gluformin Tablet – Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions

Last updated on October 8th, 2021If Containing Metformin as an active ingredient, Gluformin tablet is a very effective oral antidiabetic medication that belongs to the class of ‘Biguanide’. It is highly effective in lowering the heightened blood sugar levels when diet and physical activities are not able to control them. Gluformin decreases the glucose absorption in …

Glucophage: Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions

Last updated on October 8th, 2021Diabetes management and control are highly essential to reduce the risks of diabetes-related health complications. Poor diabetes management and control can increase the risk of heart-related issues, kidney damage, nerve damage, loss of vision, leg amputations, and sexual problems. Therefore diabetologists prescribe medicines, diet control, and lifestyle changes to ensure that …


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