Rohan Verma

How to prevent insulin resistance in your body?

What is Insulin? Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to control the sugar levels in our body. It helps the cells in our bloodstream to absorb sugar from the carbohydrate intake and convert it into energy and store it for future use. Insulin also converts excess sugar, which is present after a meal, into …

6 Sugar-Free Fruits For a Healthy Living

Last updated on March 3rd, 2022If you have a family history of diabetes or other illnesses that require low sugar intake, or if you are someone who’s trying to keep a watch on your carbohydrate and sugar intake (you all should!), then it is important to know what fruit you should and shouldn’t be eating. Fruits …

How can using your mind power help you achieve your fitness goals

Last updated on August 30th, 2022Importance of Psychology Psyche or our mind is one of the most important things that regulates most of our decisions, actions, and activities. It is often said that fitness is a state of mind – but not many people actually understand what it means. It has a deeper meaning – exercising …


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