Freedom from Diabetes

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Mohammad Suleman Hussain, M.B.B.S April 12, 2022

Last updated on April 12th, 2022

Diabetes is considered a terminal and incurable disease. Numerous researches have proved that diabetes can is reversible. Moreover, with proper focus on medication, diet, exercises, and meditation a diabetic person can feel reclaiming the health back to normal. Thus, come out of the idea of stressful diabetic life and enjoy the freedom this beautiful life offers. Read the useful tips that can help you to achieve freedom from diabetes.

The Mantra For Freedom From Diabetes

Diabetic patients may feel the stress of managing the disease. Due to this stress health can worsen. Thus, the first step in freedom from diabetes is to be positive and always keep in mind that diabetes can be reversed. It is your way of living that shall help in reversing diabetes.

Remember reversal of diabetes is a process and it moves in phases. Each phase takes time. It is not a smooth process. Any kind of stress can limit the reversal process. The key to reversal or freedom from diabetes is as follows:

  • Medication: Following proper treatment and medication for ensuring insulin control.
  • Diet plan: Following the proper diet plan
  • Exercises: Doing regular exercises to control weight gain and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Meditation: To increase positive energy and help in inner transformation.

Also Read: Diabetologist and Endocrinologist – The Key Differences

Best Exercises for Diabetics in 2022

Numerous research proves the fact that a healthy lifestyle helps in to get freedom from diabetes. It not only controls diabetes it helps in the smooth reversal of diabetes. An exercise helps in weight management, ensures proper metabolism, improves blood circulation, etc. All these help in managing the blood sugar levels and avoids the complications related to diabetes.

7 Best Home Workouts

Home workouts have become essential in the current pandemic situation. These workouts not only help in controlling our stress but also impart fitness to our body. These workouts manage blood sugar levels, enhance body fitness and thereby help in managing diabetes. 

Home workout - diabetes
  1. Pilates – It is an effective way to manage blood sugar in people with diabetes. It is a low-impact exercise that focuses on strengthening the muscles, improving alignment, and flexibility. Performing Pilates regularly will help to control glycemia, increase cardiovascular health, improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin, and reduce body fat.
  1. Tai Chi – Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art that involves breathing and relaxation techniques and is considered a moderate exercise. It is beneficial for improving cardio-respiratory fitness, peripheral circulation, and reducing stress as well as anxiety.
  1. Stationary Bicycling – A form of aerobic exercise that makes your heart stronger and lungs function better. You don’t even have to leave your house for cycling. Cycling for 30 minutes a day (3-5 times a week) helps to lower the blood sugar levels and lose weight without hurting the knees or other joints.
  1. Dance – Dancing helps to boost fitness, improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin and blood glucose management, as well as build muscle strength. It even helps to lower stress by relaxing the mind.
  1. Resistance Band Exercise – A home workout that is performed by stretching very thick, strong elastic bands. It helps to improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood glucose levels, burn extra calories, and strengthen your muscles.
  1. Calisthenics – Strength training exercise performed using your own body weight (like push-ups, squats, crunches, etc). It helps to lower blood sugar, improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin, and strengthen your muscles. 
  1. Stair climbing – Avoid lifts and use stairs as climbing stairs is considered as one of the most powerful resistance exercises. It helps to burn calories, strengthen the muscles, and improves your lungs and cardiovascular system.

Note: Always measure blood sugar levels before performing any exercise. Avoid exercise if you are feeling dull, or are having a headache. Don’t do exercise on an empty stomach unless specified.


Indoor exercise can be done with little to no aid. These help in improving body fitness, weight management, enhances the cardiovascular system and blood circulation.

Best 7 outside workouts

Remember to monitor your blood sugar levels before doing outdoor workouts. These workouts help in weight management enhances muscles absorption of glucose and improve blood circulation. All these are vital for diabetic management.

Home workout - diabetes
  • Walking – The most basic and effective physical activity which helps to reduce blood glucose levels. Walking helps the muscles to absorb blood sugar and prevents it from building up in the bloodstream. It even helps to control weight and improve cardiovascular fitness.
  • Swimming – Swimming is really helpful for people who are diagnosed with diabetes. It lowers the risk of heart (cardiovascular) disease, reduces weight, increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, and controls the blood sugar levels in Type 2 and gestational diabetes.
  • Weight Training – Weight training helps diabetic people in controlling blood sugar levels. It burns the extra calories, reduces the risk of heart disease, and enhances the muscle’s ability to absorb glucose.
  • Team sports – Playing outdoor sports like basketball, soccer, etc offer a good aerobic workout. It helps to burn off calories and strengthen your muscles. 
  • Rebounding – Bouncing on a mini trampoline is a kind of aerobic exercise. It helps to regulate the blood sugar levels and increase the cells’ ability to absorb glucose.  
  • Skate sports – A fun activity that will help to get rid of a sedentary lifestyle. It acts as a cardio workout which helps to improve balance and muscle activity. It even helps to burn extra calories.
  • Cycling – Cycling helps to lower A1C, burn calories, and fight against insulin resistance ( a major cause of diabetes).


Exercises outdoor or indoor are necessary for diabetic patients to help in overcoming diabetic challenges and have control over it.

 Yoga Asanas For Diabetes

Yoga is a practice that helps in harmonizing our bodies. It is a very effective method that helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Yoga can help in diabetic control. Some top recommended Yoga’s are as follows:

Yoga Exercixe - Diabetes
  • Seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana) – The therapeutic forward bend yoga helps to burn off calories and reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Plow pose (Halasana) – The inverted yoga posture which improves circulation, regulates the breath, and relaxes the mind.
  • Supported shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) – The yoga posture which helps to reduce fatigue and relieve insomnia.
  • Legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparita Karni) – The restorative yoga posture which helps to control blood sugar levels, alleviate insomnia, and reduce stress.
  • Reclining bound angle pose (Supta baddha konasana) – A classic restorative yoga which stimulates the kidneys and heart, lowers stress, and maintains blood glucose levels.


Yoga helps in diabetes management. It helps by improving physical fitness and by enhancing the mental well-being of the patient.

Meditation For Freedom From Diabetes

Meditation impacts the brain areas by increasing your focus and eliminating fear and stress. It also helps in increasing good memory. Meditation is good for diabetic patients to combat the stress of disease. It also helps them to gain positive energy for maintaining the healthy lifestyle required for freedom from diabetes.

Different breathing techniques based meditation for diabetic people are as follows:

  1. Shamatha (Breathing as is) – Samatha, often translated as the “tranquility of the mind”, is achieved by practicing single-pointed meditation.
  2. Kundalini (Diaphragm breathing) – this helps to strengthen your nervous system and awakens your inner willpower and creativity.
  3. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing) – It helps to rejuvenate the nervous system and reduce anxiety and stress.
  4. Zhuanqi (Breathing until the breath is soft)– It helps to reduce stress, sharpen memory, alleviate insomnia, and prevent depression.
  5. Kumbhaka Pranayamas (Anatara and Bahya breath retention)– It triggers the brain for better oxygen retention and interchange. It even helps to reduce strain on the circulatory system.

The Best Diet for Diabetics in 2021

The proper diet plan for a diabetic patient shall help in maintaining the best levels of carbs, proteins, fats, and other nutrients. The choices of food products shall control the carbs levels and shall include other important nutrients that shall help in getting freedom from diabetes. 

Diet Plan Key Points

Key points for a diabetic diet plan are as follows:

  1. Consume more fiber: Fiber helps to manage blood glucose levels and decreases cholesterol levels. It also helps in weight control.
  2. Avoid or limit the usage of processed carbohydrates and soda. 
  3. Avoid added sugar like cookies and candies and consumption of dairy products. These products increase blood sugar levels in a quick time. 
  4. Include fresh vegetable juice and in your diet.
  5. Perform intermittent fasting.
  6. Avoid eating applesauce and processed fruits. Such fruits are rich in sugar content.
  7. Eat low GI and Low GL-based fruits like apples, Cherries, Strawberries, Oranges, etc.
The best diet for Diabetics in 2020

14 Anti-Diabetic Vegetables 

Include the following list of vegetables in your diet to reverse diabetes:

  • Methi (Fenugreek) – Methi has anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a high concentration of soluble fiber, which slows down glucose absorption and eventually helps to reduce blood sugar levels.  Methi even helps to revamp the metabolic symptoms related to diabetes.
  • Spinach – Spinach is a green leafy low-carb vegetable rich in calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Potassium reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The presence of plant chemicals, Lutein in spinach lowers the risk of retinopathy (diabetes complication).
  • Rajgira – Rajgira has an antioxidant property which helps to reduce tissue damage caused by hyperglycemia. It is used to prevent inflammation, heart-related problems and indigestion.
  • Mint – Mint leaves have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidation properties. It helps to relieve acidity, dizziness, and abdominal pain.
  • Moringa – It has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. It is a nutrient laxative that helps to improve cardiovascular health.
  • Pumpkin – Include pumpkin in your diet only after reaching stage 3 of Diabetes Reversal as it has a high glycemic index. However, it has some anti-diabetic properties.
  • Garlic – The health-promoting components of garlic prevent and control various ailments like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and infectious diseases. It even has an anti-oxidation property.
  • Onion – Onion contains oligofructose, an insoluble fiber that can increase the level of ghrelin i.e. hunger hormones and lowers blood glucose levels.
  • Ginger – It helps to reduce blood sugar levels and prevent cardiovascular diseases (by improving blood lipid profile).
  • Okra – The high dietary fiber content in Okra helps improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin and control glycemic levels. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Tomatoes – Tomato is a rich source of phytonutrients including lycopene (a powerful antioxidant). 
  • Bitter melon – it contains polypeptide-p, an insulin-like compound which enhances insulin secretion. Charantin in bitter melon is famous for its blood glucose-lowering effect.
  • Carrot – The Beta-carotene in carrot helps to lower the risk of diabetes mellitus. It even has an antioxidant property.

In a nutshell

The fight against Diabetes is a long process. Remember the biggest enemy is your inner fear. To achieve Stage 7 of Diabetes Reversal, you need to work with patience and consistency.

If you follow all the above-mentioned formulae of Diabetes, you are surely going to acquire freedom from Diabetes Mellitus.


How long do I need to practice yoga to manage my diabetes?

There are no set guidelines for how much yoga is good for diabetes or how long you should practice. Yoga improves your overall health and doesn’t cost much. Thus, you can continue yoga lifelong. If you feel any pain or discomfort, carefully read about the yoga poses to practice correctly. You can join yoga classes with a professional yoga trainer near you. You can watch yoga tutorials online and practice yoga at home.

What is the best yoga pose for diabetes?

There are so many yoga poses for diabetes patients that help in lowering their blood glucose levels. You can pick any four poses and practice them regularly to see the benefit on your health. However, if you are looking for the best yoga pose, Sun Salutations is the best. It includes a group of yoga poses that you need to practice one after another. If you practice around 10-12 rounds of Sun Salutation, you will gradually control your diabetes.

Can yoga permanently cure diabetes?

Diabetes is an incurable disease, but you can control your blood sugar levels. Yoga is one of the healthiest ways to manage your diabetes. You need to practice yoga asanas like kapalbhati and pranayama to keep blood sugar spikes. People with high diabetes should practice yoga asanas for diabetes for at least 30 minutes every day.

What are the preparations required to start yoga for controlling diabetes?

Well, there is no need for special preparations to practice yoga for diabetes control. You can practice yoga asanas at any time of the day. Nevertheless, you get the maximum results if you practice yoga asanas empty stomach in the morning. Those who are on insulin or some medications for diabetes control should discuss with their doctors before starting. You may need to eat something before yoga to avoid lowering blood sugar levels. 

How yoga helps in controlling your blood sugar levels?

Various yoga poses help in improving the sensitivity of beta-cells attached to the glucose in your body. It results in better insulin secretion, relaxes the muscle, and increases the blood supply to your muscles. Thus, improving the blood sugar levels.

Are there any asanas that should be avoided while you are diabetic?

Avoid any asanas that require twisting and heavy exercises. Avoid fast-paced yoga which is done at hot temperatures if you are diabetic.

I am diabetic and I have heard about yoga. Can I practice yoga daily at my home?

Yes, yoga shall be beneficial to you but before practicing yoga at home consult a yoga instructor and get trained.

Can yoga cure diabetes completely?

Yoga is one of the best and cost-effective ways of managing a healthy lifestyle if you are diabetic. Research has proven it to help control diabetes especially type-2 diabetes. But completely curing it is not proven so far.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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