Glucobay 50 Tablet – For Treatment of Type-2 Diabetes

Last updated on July 17th, 2023

Glucobay 50 is an oral tablet diabetes medication useful for treating type 2 diabetes mellitus. It falls under the class of diabetes medications called alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. The medicine is particularly helpful for those type 2 diabetic patients whose glucose levels are not regulated by diet and exercise. People can use Glucobay 50 either alone or with other medications.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic health problem that has an impact on the way a person’s body processes glucose. Type 2 diabetic patients either fail to form enough insulin or the insulin formed is not able to carry out its function in the body (insulin resistance).

Uses of Glucobay Tablet

Tab Glucobay 50  comprises an active medicament, Acarbose. People use this medication in the treatment of diabetes. The medication helps to achieve good blood sugar control when combined with diet, exercise or yoga, weight loss and other precautionary measures. These are some of the effective Acarbose uses.

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Acarbose Mechanism of Action

glucobay 50 usage

How does Arcarbose work? Glucobay 50 blocks the activity of intestinal enzymes that break down starches and complex sugars into simple sugars. As a result, the medication slows down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. Hence, it lowers the abnormal spikes in glucose levels after meals. It is vital to control increased sugar levels to prevent any additional diabetes complications. These may be vision problems, eye damage, renal damage, or loss of limbs.


Glucobay 50 consists of an active compound, Acarbose. The medication works by blocking the activity of intestinal enzymes that break down starches and complex sugars into simple sugars. Consequently, Acarbose slows down the glucose absorption into the blood. Hence, it lowers the irregular spikes in the blood sugar levels after eating something.

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Who is Glucobay Appropriate for?

Tab Acarbose is intended for treating type 2 diabetic adults who face difficulty in achieving adequate glycemic control via diet, physical activity, and weight loss alone. People may use Glucobay either alone (monotherapy) or along with other medications for type 2 diabetes.

Directions for Use

A person is recommended to take Glucobay 50 tablets in dosages as instructed by a healthcare provider. People must consume this medication with food and if possible, chew it with the initial bite of every meal or gulp it whole with some water. Avoid breaking or crushing the tablet. And, it is a must to follow meal planning as suggested by a physician.

The advisable initial Acarbose dose is 50 mg one time a day, while the maximum dosage is 100 mg thrice every day. A healthcare provider would determine the dose and regularity of dosage based on a person’s glucose levels. Also, these guidelines are available on the dispensing label on the medication packet.

If a person forgets to take Acarbose 50 mg, start the medicine regimen again with the subsequent meal. Avoid consuming a double dose to compensate for a missed one. Before a person starts consuming a medicine, it is good to inform a physician about any medicines one is taking.


Store these tablets in a dry and cool place. Also, protect it from direct heat or sunlight.


People must take Glucobay 50 mg with food and chew it preferably or swallow it as such with little water. Avoid breaking the tablet. The physician recommends the duration of this medication depending upon the patient’s condition.

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Acarbose Side Effects

Like all other drugs, Glucobay Tablet may at times lead to common side effects like flatulence (acidity), loose stools, or stomach pain. Many ill effects of Glucobay 50 tablet do not demand medical help and slowly resolve over time. Yet, if the side effects continue or deteriorate, it is better to consult a doctor.

Drug Interactions

Drug-Drug Interaction: Glucobay 50 tablet might show interaction with other medications for diabetes (insulin, metformin tablet), heart medications (digoxin), cholesterol-lowering drugs (cholestyramine), antibiotics (neomycin), intestinal absorbents (charcoal), and medications with digestive enzymes (lipase, amylase).

Drug- Food Interaction: Acarbose 50 might show interaction with household sugar (cane sugar) and lead to diarrhoea or serious uneasiness in the stomach. As a result, it is good to avoid household sugar (cane sugar) and food products consisting it. In addition, people must avoid alcohol intake while consuming tab Glucobay as it might cause high or low glucose levels.

Drug-Disease Interaction: Individuals suffering from serious kidney or liver disorders, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease (health problems that result in inflammation of the bowel, diarrhoea, vomiting, bowel pain, weight loss) and large hernia (swollen tissue or organ via a rare opening) in intestine must contact a physician prior to using this diabetes medication.


If a person experiences severe liver or kidney ailments, digestive problems, diarrhoea, vomiting, and a large hernia in the intestine, it is better to talk to a doctor before consuming Glucobay 50. Moreover, the medicine is not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding females. Hence, pregnant or breastfeeding females are recommended to contact a doctor before consuming this medication.

Read More: Best Home Remedies To Control Your Blood Sugar 

Safety Advice

  • Glucobay m 50 is a Category B pregnancy medication. Hence, it is usually not advisable for pregnant females as no clinical data exists on its use in pregnant females.
  • Avoid lactating while consuming Glucobay m 25 as it might get excreted in breast milk.
  • Glucobay 50 generally does not has an impact on the ability to drive or operate machinery.
  • Take tab Glucobay 25 with care, particularly for patients with a history of liver diseases/conditions. The dose might require a dose change by a physician.
  • Take tab Glucobay 50 with proper care, particularly for patients with a history of renal problems. The dose might require a dose change by a physician.

Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations

  • People must perform regular physical activities like cycling, walking, Zumba, swimming, or jogging for at least half an hour a day. It is good to devote 150 minutes of the week to exercise.
  • Maintain healthy body weight as being overweight increases the risk of diabetes.
  • Maintain a low-sugar and low-fat meal plan. Substitute the carb-containing foods with diabetic fruits, veggies, and whole grains. As carbs may convert into sugars causing high blood sugar.
  • Avoid the intake of alcohol and quit smoking.

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Special Information

  • Keep consuming Acarbose 50 Tablets even if a person believes that his or her blood sugars are controlled. If a person misses a dose, avoid consuming a larger dose, and contact a doctor for information.
  • Take brief recurrent meals and do not practice prolonged fasting while having a Glucobay tablet. Beware of the signs of hypoglycaemia (low glucose levels) which are drowsiness, sweating, extreme thirst, shivers, palpitations, dry mouth, dry skin, often urination etc. If a person encounters any of the symptoms listed above, eat 5-6 candies, three glucose biscuits, or three teaspoons of honey/sugar right away and contact your doctor. Make sure that the person has all these handy at all times, especially if you’re going on a lengthy trip.
  • It is always good that the concerned healthcare provider knows about any causal conditions such as liver or kidney ailments, previous heart attack, or alcohol consumption before the doctor recommends a tablet of Glucobay 50.
  • Frequent blood tests are also advisable while on Acarbose 25 mg tablet. This helps in monitoring the blood sugars and checking the enzyme levels in the blood.

Also Read: HbA1c Test for Adults

Expired Medication

Using a single dose of expired Glucobay 50 is doubtful to bring about a side-effect. Yet, it is vital to discuss with a doctor or pharmacist, if a person feels unwell or ill. Expired medication may not be effective in curing the prescribed conditions. To be on the safe side, it is vital not to use an expired drug.

Safe Disposal of Medication

  • In case of availability of the disposal instructions on the package, it is better to follow those.
  • If exactly given on the package that it must be flushed when no longer needed, it is better to follow the mandatory step.

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Is Acarbose insulin?

No, Acarbose is not a form of insulin and carries a negligible effect on the quantity of insulin in a person’s body. In its place, it reduces glucose levels by delaying glucose absorption from the foods that are consumed.

Can a person gain weight while taking a Glucobay tablet?

Acarbose is generally related to weight loss when taken along with exercise and diet changes. Studies found weight loss, even if not substantial, was possible with the help of treatment with Acarbose. Other medicines in combination with Acarbose may result in weight gain.

How long does Acarbose stay in a body system?

Acarbose considerably reduces the postprandial blood glucose evaluated 60, 90, and 120 minutes after a meal. The effects are noticed after the initial dose and may continue for 3 to 5 hours. Even though a short-term effect is apparent within some minutes.

Does Acarbose have an impact on the kidneys?

The portion of Acarbose absorbed as a complete medication is nearly completely eliminated by the kidneys.

Does Glucobay 50 have an effect on the blood pressure?

Studies found that Acarbose efficiently weakens the fall in blood pressure post-meals in people with serious autonomic failure. This proposes its potential therapeutic use in the treatment of Postpartum hemorrhage.

What is good to avoid while consuming acarbose?

Avoid consuming a digestive enzyme including a pancreatin, amylase, or lipase together with Acarbose. These enzymes may increase the difficulty of a person’s body to absorb Acarbose.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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