An Overview of Glyciphage SR 500 MG Tablet for Treating Diabetes Type-2

Last updated on February 4th, 2022

Diet and lifestyle modification are an essential part of the diabetes management plan. However, they work in a better way if combined with anti-diabetes medicines. Several pharmaceutical brands have come up with anti-diabetes drugs that help in lowering blood sugar levels. Metformin is the top name in the list of anti-hyperglycemic agents that manage diabetes. But, many other pharmaceutical brands are manufacturing more effective diabetes drugs that contain Metformin as the active ingredient. Read this blog to know about Glyciphage SR 500 tablet uses, side effects. dosage, composition and interaction.

Introduction to Glyciphage SR 500 Tablet

Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets contain Metformin that belongs to a class of medicines called biguanides.  It helps control the blood sugar levels in people with diabetes type-2 and reduces the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. This medicine works well with proper diet and exercise programs to control high blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. The use of this medicine is not limited to managing diabetes. It is also helpful in treating cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and hypertension in diabetes patients.

Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablet


Working Action of Glyciphage SR Tablet

Tab glyciphage 500 mg contains Metformin is the primary ingredient. It is helps lower the hepatic glucose production in the body to lower the blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. The reduced production of glucose in the liver reduces the rate of absorption of intestinal glucose. It improves peripheral glucose uptake and its utilization in the body. Overall, it promotes better insulin sensitivity.

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Meaning of SR in Glyciphage SR 500mg Tablet

The pharmaceutical companies use different abbreviations to denote the short-acting and long-acting effects of the medicines. Some popular abbreviations include, “CR” which means Controlled-release, “IR” means Immediate-release, “ER” means Extended-release, and “SR” means Sustained-release. The sustained-release effect of Glyciphage shows that this drug slowly releases in the body over an extended period. Thus, it sustains the therapeutic effects for a longer time.

Key highlights of Glyciphage SR Tablet

The key highlights of Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets are:

  • Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets do not have habit-forming tendencies. Therefore, diabetes patients can start or stop this medicine after consulting with a doctor. If the doctor feels, the dosage can also be increases or decreased depending upon the health of the diabetes patients.
  • Glyciphage tablets have a lasting effect for an average duration of four to eight hours.
  • After one to three hours of administering this drug, the peak effect of this medication is visible in diabetes patients.
  • Store Glyciphage SR Tablets at a cool and dry place that is away from the reach of children.
  • Make sure to use the tablets before the expiry date.
  • If you are going for an operation, dental work, or any X-ray procedure that uses dye injection, stop taking Glyciphage before the procedure. You need to wait for at least 48 hours to restart this medicine.

Uses of Glyciphage SR 500 mg


Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets is an anti-diabetes medicine that manages the blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes type-2. However, its use is not limited to controlling blood sugar levels. Glyciphage helps treat PCOS in women, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and hypertension associated with diabetes type-2.

Glyciphage 500 mg tablets are for treating diabetes mellitus type-2. It removes extra glucose from the body through urine. Thereby, it helps in lowering blood sugar levels. In diabetes type-2, insulin hormone is not sufficient in the body to manage the blood sugar levels effectively. Glyciphage SR 500 tablets help improve the responsiveness of insulin hormone levels in the body of diabetes type-2 patients. It enables the patients to have better glycemic control.

Other uses of Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets include in treatment of the following:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: Glyciphage SR tablets contain Metformin that has anti-inflammatory properties. People with diabetes often suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, a doctor may prescribe Glyciphage to them
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a condition of imbalance in hormone levels in women. Glyciphage is an effective medicine in treating PCOS. There are surgery options as well for treating PCOS in severe cases. Otherwise, medical treatment works well. Medical treatment aims at treating metabolic derangements, anovulation, hirsutism, and menstrual irregularity to treat PCOS.
  • Obesity: Glyciphage helps in weight loss. However, it is limited to diabetes type-2 patients. Glyciphage is not a weight loss drug in general. Glyciphage helps in weight loss in diabetes patients by reducing their appetite. It alters the way how the body of the patient stores and uses the body fat. It also helps in improving insulin sensitivity that leads to low glucose production in the body. Consequently, it reduces the fat deposition in the body and leads to weight loss in diabetes type-2 patients.
  • Hypertension: The high insulin levels in your body can lead to several cardiovascular problems like high cholesterol and fatty acid levels. Some medications are not effective in treating such health problems when a person experiences hypertension. Glyciphage helps in reducing cholesterol and the level of fatty acid in a person experiencing hypertension.

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Usage Direction of Glyciphage SR 500 mg Tablet

There are specific instructions for taking Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets. Diabetes patients should follow the below-mentioned instructions for taking this medicine:

  • Take Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets orally with the help of water.
  • Diabetes patients should take Glyciphage SR tablets with the morning or evening meals after consulting with a doctor.
  • Do not crush, cut, or break the tablet.
  • Swallow it as a whole.
  • Do not consume more than the prescribed dosage.
  • Take advice from a doctor for skipping or stopping this medicine.

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Side Effects of Glyciphage Tab

Generally, Glyciphage SR Tablets do not have side effects because of Metformin. It is the safest anti-diabetes medicine for diabetes type-2 patients. However, sometimes there are mild side effects due to improper intake of this medicine and drug interaction. Most of the side effects do not require any medical attention. They may disappear when your body gets habitual or adjusts with Glyciphage. Some of the common side effects of Glyciphage SR tablets are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Headache
  • Change in taste

The rare side effects of Glyciphage SR are the same as that of the side effects of Metformin. It includes lactic acidosis and Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).

Drug Interaction Effect of Glyciphage Tab


Drug interaction often occurs with diabetes medicines. You have to not worry about it. However, take some precautions to avoid the drug interaction effect of Glyciphage and avoid the related side effects. When a doctor prescribes Glyciphage for treating diabetes mellitus type-2, you need to inform the doctor about the medicines you are already taking at present, including the herbal medications. The doctor will consider the potential drug interaction effect before prescribing Glyciphage.

Drug interaction with diabetes medicines is not new. You have to not worry about it. However, take some precautions to avoid the drug interaction effect of Glyciphage. It helps to avoid glyciphage 500 side effects. When a doctor prescribes Glyciphage for treating diabetes mellitus type-2, you need to inform the doctor about the medicines you are already taking at present. The doctor will consider the potential drug interaction effect before prescribing Glyciphage. Some of the drugs that interact with Glyciphage are:

  • Diuretics: It increases urine production.
  • Ibuprofen and celecoxib: These drugs treat pain and inflammation.
  • ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists: These drugs are for the treatment of high blood pressure.
  • Salbutamol or terbutaline: It is helpful in the treatment of asthma
  • Corticosteroids: These drugs treat severe inflammation of the skin or in asthma.

In addition to these, Verapamil, rifampicin, cimetidine, dolutegravir, ranolazine, trimethoprim, vandetanib, Isavuconazole, crizotinib, and olaparib are the other drugs that interact with Glyciphage SR tablets. Due to interaction, some anti-diabetes drugs such as sulphonylureas, insulin, and meglitinides, also alter the positive effects of Glyciphage SR Tablets. Even if you are taking any herbal medicine or supplement, inform your doctor before buying Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets without prescription.

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Advise of the Patients Taking Glyciphage SR 500 mg Tablet


Diabetes patients taking Glyciphage SR tablets should follow the advice. It helps them to get the maximum benefits of this medicine and avoid the side effects. When you consult a doctor for anti-diabetes medications, and the doctor prescribes Glyciphage, do not forget to ask for the advice to follow.

Diabetes patients should follow some tips to get the maximum benefits of this medicine. Here are some of the lifestyle-related and special-advice for diabetes patients taking Glyciphage tablets:

Lifestyle-related Advice

  • The risk of cardiovascular diseases is higher in diabetes patients. Therefore, they need to keep their blood pressure at normal levels (140/90).
  • The blood sugar levels abnormally rise when you are under stress. Diabetes patients should avoid taking stress. They can learn stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, and mindfulness to control stressful conditions.
  • Regular exercise helps in maintaining your body weight and keeps your blood sugar levels in the normal range. You can work out at home or join a gym. You must involve in moderate physical activity for at least three days a week. Walking every day for around thirty minutes also gives you better results in controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Replace saturated fat with omega-3 fatty acids. It prevents diabetes patients from taking unhealthy fat that often leads to high cholesterol levels in the body. It reduces the effect of Glyciphage and prevents diabetes patients from getting its benefits.
  • Reduce consumption of unhealthy refined carbohydrate-rich food items like cakes, pastries, biscuits, and other bakery items. Increase the intake of wholegrain foods, fruits, vegetables that contain more fiber content. Such food items help in the slow absorption of carbohydrates and control the blood sugar spikes.
  • Reduce your body weight to achieve a healthy body mass index. It helps in managing your blood sugar levels.
  • Replace your popular dairy products with low-fat dairy products.

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Special Advice 

  • Remember that lifestyle management is a crucial step for controlling blood sugar levels even if you are taking diabetes medicines.
  • Avoid stopping Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets once your doctor prescribes it to you. If you notice that your blood sugar levels are under control, inform your doctor. If your doctor thinks that you can stop the medicine, then you can stop taking it.
  • Avoid overdosing on Glyciphage SR. Once you miss the dose, do not try to cover up the missed dose. Make sure that you do not take more than one dose at the same time. There should be enough time gap between the two doses of Glyciphage. It will prevent hypoglycemia in diabetes patients. If you notice that your blood sugar levels are normal still, do not make changes in your dosage without prescription.
  • Avoid prolonged fasting while taking Glyciphage SR tablets. Take small meals. Otherwise, it will cause hypoglycemia. The symptoms of hypoglycemia include sweating, dizziness, dry mouth, frequent urination, etc. On experiencing such symptoms, immediately eat something sugary to increase your blood sugar levels.
  • If you have kidney, liver, and heart problems, you should discuss them with your doctor before starting Glyciphage.
  • Avoid intake of alcohol while taking Glyciphage SR tablets. Glyciphage SR tablets interact with alcohol and lead to low blood sugar levels. It can be fatal if you are not aware of the symptoms of low blood sugar levels and do not control them immediately.

Glyciphage SR 500 tablets are the anti-diabetes agents that Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd manufactures. It is one of the cheapest and the most effective drugs for treating diabetes mellitus type-2. It suppresses the amount of glucose that the liver produces to lower the overall blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. This drug also has some side effects and drug interaction effects. Therefore, people with diabetes should follow the instructions from a doctor to take this medicine correctly. It will help in getting the maximum benefits of Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets.

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How can you avoid the side effects of Glyciphage SR tablets?

There are potential side effects of Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets that range from mild to severe strength. Diabetes patients taking Glyciphage SR 50 mg tablets can avoid the side effects in many ways. They need to be strict with the dosage that a doctor prescribes. Do not exceed the dosage. They should also inform the doctor of the medicines they are taking and their medical history. They need to tell their doctor their existing and pre-existing health conditions as well.

Are there substitutes for Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets?

The substitutes of Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets are available in the market. The doctors may prescribe Glyciphage SR 500 mg substitute if there are potential risks of a drug interaction or the patient is allergic to any of its ingredients. Some substitute medicines of Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets are Diabeta 500 mg tablet SR, Emnorm 500 mg tablet SR, Gluconorm 500 mg tablet SR, Insumet 500 mg tablet SR, and Zomet 500 mg tablet SR.

What is the price of Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets?

Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets is an Indian product. Franco-Indian Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is the manufacturer of this medicine. Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets are available in a pack of ten tablets at a very affordable price. You can buy it online or from a local medical store. Its MRP is around Rs. 21, inclusive of the taxes for a strip of ten tablets. On buying it online, the buyers may get more discounts.

Is Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablets safe during pregnancy?

Women with diabetes mellitus type-2 or gestational diabetes can take Glyciphage SR tablets to control their blood sugar levels. Animal studies of Glyciphage have shown no adverse effect on the mother and the developing baby but may be limited to humans. Therefore, it is a must to consult a doctor before taking glyciphage sr 500mg for pregnancy. Glyciphage SR 500 mg tablet is a prescription medicine. Thus, it can be dangerous if you take it without a prescription.

When should I take Glyciphage SR 500 mg Tablet?

Glyciphage 500 mg Tablet is an anti-diabetes drug. Diabetes patients should take it with meals to avoid abdominal pain and nausea. They need to take this medicine regularly at the same of the day. In this way, it will help you to get most of its benefits. They should not stop taking Glyciphage until a doctor recommends it.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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