ICMR Issues New Guidelines for Type 1 Diabetes Management

 The Indian Council of Medical Research has issued new guidelines for Type 1 diabetes. This is the first time when ICMR released guidelines for type 1 diabetes, prior to its being released for Type 2 diabetes.

These guidelines have come as a post-pandemic concern for diabetic people. Covid-19 has been lethal for diabetic patients and the mortality rates were higher for diabetic patients.

Globally over 4 million people died because of diabetes in 2019. It is also the reason for worsening kidney disease, blindness, and heart-related diseases.

India has the second-largest population of diabetic-affected people where every 6th person is diabetic. These statistics are worrisome. In the last decade, the number of diabetic patients in the country has increased by about 150 percent.

Along with that, the number of pre-diabetics is increasing exponentially. Diabetes has reached high-income to middle-income and deprived sections. Also, type 2 diabetes is affecting the people in the age group of 25-34 however, there is a progressive decrease in the prevalence of the cases in both urban & rural areas.  But this is the biggest concern for ICMR.

As time passes the number of diabetes patients will eventually increase in numbers.

According to the International Diabetes Federation

icmr guidelines

Over 1 million children & adolescents are diabetic globally in India has the largest count. Thus, ICMR’s Department of Health Research & Director General’s Secretary Balram Bhargava has issued new guidelines for managing type 1 diabetes.

These guidelines provide a practical approach to the management of this condition and its complications. The contributors include specialists in the field of endocrinology, diabetology, pediatrics, nephrology, ophthalmology, cardiology, neurology & nutrition sciences.

ICMR research paper includes various key points that address the concern of type 1 diabetes. These key points include a healthy diet, exercise, insulin therapy side-effects, blood glucose monitoring, diabetic ketoacidosis, vision loss, kidney disease, neuropathy, increased death risk, etc.

Over time, diabetes management has been advanced with the inclusion of technologies like new insulin analogs, pumps, automated insulin delivery systems, and sensors. Also, many healthcare providers are addressing this issue by incorporating scientific approaches & lifestyle changes into their management practices. These advancements are benefitting diabetic people.

The ICMR Type-1 Diabetes Guidelines are a comprehensive research document providing advice on diabetes care in children, adolescents, and adults. All chapters of this guideline are provided to reflect recent advances in scientific research and clinical care. ICMR updates this document from time to time to inform doctors and diabetes care providers about the progress made in type 1 diabetes care.


https://medicaldialogues.in/news/health/management-of-type-1-diabetes-icmr-releases-guidelines-94104Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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