Diabetic Diet Chart: Diet Plan For Diabetes Patients (PDF)

Last updated on April 5th, 2024

Making simple and effective changes in your diet can help you lower your blood sugar levels naturally.


Easy to follow and is effective & sustainable. We don’t believe in crash diets and we’re definitely not after you for a quick transformation. And this is not advised by our experts as well.

Our renowned Head Coach, Dt. Seema Goel has changed the lives of more than 10,000 diabetes patients with her expertise in nutrition & diet. She holds an experience of 25+ years in this field and says, “A nutritional diet doesn’t need to have you feeling starved.”

Rather, our nutrition experts design a wholesome diet. A diet that fulfils all your cravings, gives you energy, offers you all the nutrients you need, and, most importantly, it’s super easy to follow!

What Does An Effective Indian Diabetes Diet Chart Look Like?

What Does An Effective Indian Diabetes Diet Chart Look Like?

A well-formulated meal plan for a diabetic patient is the most effective when customized according to your needs, preferences, time and lifestyle. The below-mentioned inclusions make for an ideal diabetic diet plan:

Balanced meals
Right Portion Size
Short Intervals Between Meals
Healthy Snacking
Unrestrictive Dieting (A Few Cheat Meals)

1. Balanced Meals

Rather than focusing on just protein and fiber, a diabetes diet chart should have a balanced combination of all necessary nutrients.

2. Right Portion Size

According to the American Diabetes Association, the plating method is very effective in controlling blood sugar. Create a plate consisting of a good mix of all essential nutrients with the following strategies:

Smaller Plates: A balanced diabetic patient food chart should have smaller plates and bowls to help control portion sizes.

Half Plate Filled With Veggies: The food chart for diabetes patients should necessarily contain veggies. By filling half your plate with veggies, you naturally reduce portions of other calorie-dense foods.

Measured Portions: Sticking to the Indian diabetes diet chart also involves using simple techniques like measuring cups or using your hand for grains, proteins, and fats. For example, a serving of cooked rice should be about the size of your fist.

3. Short Intervals Between Meals

If you’ve not eaten anything for hours and are covering up for your skipped meals, it’s probably not a good idea. According to the National Institute of Health’s publications, diabetic patients having five to six small meals have lower blood sugar fluctuations. Eating too much at once can increase blood sugar levels. Instead, to follow our diabetic diet plan, try eating smaller meals more often as it helps in:

Blood Sugar Regulation: Consistent eating prevents extreme sugar level fluctuations, helping stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Managing Hunger and Overeating: An ideal diet plan for diabetic patients doesn’t have long gaps between meals. Avoiding long intervals between meals reduces hunger and prevents overeating. (Rewrite this)

Weight Management: Regular meal patterns support weight control by preventing excessive calorie intake and improving metabolism.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Our type 2 diabetes diet chart focuses on improving insulin sensitivity. We have ensured to place regular meals that help your body utilize insulin more effectively..

4. Healthy Snacking

Following a perfectly customized diabetes diet chart is not about eating bland food. You also get to munch on delicious, healthy snacks. According to a Michigan State University report, healthy snacking plays a big role in blood glucose management. Healthy snacking plays a crucial role in Breathe Well-Being’s food chart for diabetes patients for several reasons:

Blood Sugar Control: A diet chart for diabetes having well-planned, healthy snacks can help prevent blood sugar spikes and dips between meals, promoting more stable glucose levels throughout the day.

Hunger Management: Another critical yet ignored aspect of normal diabetic diet charts is that they don’t take into consideration hunger management. But in our diabetes diet plan, we have ensured you snack between meals. This will help you curb hunger and prevent overeating during full meals.

Sustained Energy: Smart snacking provides a steady source of energy, preventing energy crashes and fatigue. This is an important aspect that has been taken care of in our diabetes patient diet chart.

5. Unrestrictive Dieting (A Few Cheat Meals)

Following an unrestrictive diabetes diet chart with occasional cheat meals is feasible in diabetes management with careful planning and moderation. Here’s how you can incorporate cheat meals while still prioritizing your health:

Consult Your Healthcare Team: Before incorporating cheat meals into your Indian diabetes diet chart, discuss your plan with your doctor. Or you can also choose Breathe Well-being. We have an expert team of experienced health professionals who will personally guide you on managing your blood sugar levels during cheat meals.

Choose Your Cheat Meals Wisely: A diabetes patient diet chart should also have some cheat meals to curb your hunger pangs. Opt for indulgences that you truly enjoy, and be mindful of portion sizes and frequency to avoid excessive spikes in blood sugar levels.

Plan Ahead: Parties and Gigs in your schedule? No problem; our diet to reverse diabetes can be modified accordingly. Attending parties and social gatherings definitely increases your chances of munching on cheat meals. So, adjust your other meals and snacks that day to accommodate the extra calories and carbohydrates from the cheat meal.

Monitor Blood Sugar Levels: Regularly check your blood sugar levels, especially after cheat meals. This will help you make informed choices in future and make the required changes in your diabetic patient food chart.

Be Mindful of Carbohydrates: Cheat meals often involve carb-rich foods. Consider spreading out your carbohydrate intake throughout the day and pair them with protein and healthy fats.

Avoid Frequent Cheat Meals: While occasional cheat meals can be manageable, avoid turning them into a regular habit.

Learn From Your Choices: Pay attention to how your body responds to cheat meals and learn from the experience. Use this knowledge to make better choices.

6. Promoting Sustainable Changes

It’s essential to remember that depriving yourself of your favorite foods or following a strict Indian diabetes patient diet chart isn’t necessary to reduce blood sugar levels. Making simple and practical changes to your existing diet is enough.

Additionally, indulging in occasional treats is okay as long as you stick with a diet chart for diabetes patients and maintain portion control. Do remember consistency and mindful eating are the keys to success.

Read More: Best Indian Diet Plan Chart for Weight Loss

Diabetes Diet Plan Chart

An ideal diet plan for diabetic patients is packed with nutrients yet compromises less on taste. Following these guidelines, we present to you a wholesome diet chart for diabetes patients with delicious yet healthy meals distributed evenly throughout the day. Remember not to stuff everything at once and never try to make up for the skipped meals. Instead, just stick to this diabetes diet plan, and all your nutritional needs will be taken care of:

Here’s a sample diabetes mellitus diet plan, curated keeping the common food choices in mind that also fulfil your nutritional requirements.

Meals What To Eat
Early Morning A serving of poha (flattened rice) + mixed vegetables + a cup of buttermilk.
Breakfast A portion of sliced papaya or some unsalted almonds
Lunch 2 rotis or a small bowl of brown rice + small portion of fish or paneer curry + a side of sautéed greens, dal, cucumber-tomato salad + a bowl of yogurt
Evening Snacks A cup of freshly brewed green tea + small bowl of moong dal chilla (pan-fried lentil pancakes)
Dinner 2 small bajra or jowar rotis +  bhindi masala (okra small curry) + moong dal + a side of mixed salad
Bedtime Snack One glass of warm milk with a sprinkle of turmeric

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How a Good Diabetic Diet Helps You Reverse Diabetes

A good diabetes reversal diet plan is centered around lowering or reducing insulin resistance along with helping people with diabetes reduce their HbA1c and blood glucose levels naturally and eliminating the need for diabetes medication.

Normalize HbA1c Levels

A personalized reverse diabetes diet plan consists of food items with high nutritional value but generally with a lesser glycemic index, helping you control HbA1c levels through diet.
A good food chart for diabetes that can help you reverse diabetes will surely include low GI foods like green leafy vegetables. It will have some low-GI Indian food for diabetics, like spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, etc.

Achieving Healthy BMI

A sugar diet chart should not be about eating raw salad or boiled vegetables. Our diabetic diet chart is nothing like that. It is flavorful and easy to follow. Apart from normalizing your HbA1c and blood glucose levels, our diabetic food chart is focused on reducing your weight, achieving a healthy BMI level and improving your metabolic age.

Diabetes reversal is much more effective and fast when a diabetic patient food chart has cereals like Oats, Bajra, Jowar, Barley, etc. These cereals are a part of our effective diet to reduce diabetes. Moreover, they are rich in fiber, proteins, and healthy fats that help you achieve a healthy BMI.

Total Body Control

What you eat is what you become, so following a personalized sugar diet chart helps you reduce stress and be energetic throughout the day by providing the body with the best levels of carbs, proteins, fats, and other nutrients.

The most important and most neglected aspect of most sugar patient food charts is pulses. Pulses like kidney beans, moong, chickpeas, chana dal, etc also help improve your all-round health. They are packed with nutrients and should definitely be a part of the diabetes reversal diet plan that you choose to follow.

Read More: Can Type 2 Diabetes be Reversed Permanently?

5 Easy To Cook Indian Foods For Diabetes Patients (Best Alternatives)

5 Easy To Cook Indian Foods For Diabetes Patients (Best Alternatives)

The list is long for preferred lists of food for diabetes patients. However, there are some specific foods that should be in a diabetes patient diet chart. These foods are scientifically proven to help prevent blood sugar spikes. Some examples are:

1. Brown Rice – Alternative For White Rice

A study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine 2014 investigated that the participants who consumed brown rice regularly experienced significant reductions in fasting blood sugar levels compared to those who consumed white rice. Brown Rice can be a good super food for diabetes patients as it has a lower glycemic index of 50-55 compared to White Rice’s GI of 64-72.

Brown rice, a sugar control food, is a whole grain containing bran and germ layers rich in dietary fiber. Fiber plays a crucial role in diabetes management as it slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, leading to better blood sugar control.

2. Besan Cheela – Alternative For Regular Paratha

Besan cheela is not only a delicious choice but also a versatile addition to your diabetes diet chart, as you can customise it by adding various vegetables and spices. Compared to Aloo Paratha, Besan cheela is rich in fiber and protein, thereby an excellent food for diabetes patients. Besan is chickpeas flour, and chickpeas, in various studies, have proven to be effective in diabetes management.

The GI values for Aloo Paratha can range between approximately 60 to 80 or even higher, depending on factors like the proportion of wheat flour to potatoes and the cooking technique. The glycemic index of Besan Cheela may vary from 35 to 45. This lower GI indicates that besan cheela causes a slower increase in blood sugar levels, making it suitable for a diabetes diet.

3. Bajra Roti – Alternative For Wheat Roti

Bajra Roti (Pearl Millet Roti or Wheat Roti) is a low glycemic whole grain and a healthy choice addition to the type 2 diabetes diet chart. The glycemic index (GI) of Bajra Roti is about 54 (an ideal food for diabetes patients should not have a GI of more than 55), compared to Wheat Roti’s GI of 62. Bajra has more dietary fiber than wheat and is naturally gluten-free, making it a suitable choice for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

4. Mixed Dal Dosa (Without Rice) – Alternative For Masala Dosa

Mixed dal dosa is typically made from various lentils and pulses, such as urad dal, moong dal, chana dal, etc. and can be a great addition to the diet chart for diabetes patients. These lentils have a lower glycemic index than rice, which is a primary ingredient in masala dosa. Lentil-based foods are good diabetes-friendly foods you can go for. Mixed Dal Dosa has a Glycemic Index of 32-35, compared to the GI of Masala Dosa, 55-87. Moreover, Lentils and Pulses used in Mixed Dal Dosa are high in dietary fiber and protein, making it a good addition to the diet for diabetic patients.

5. 100% Multigrain Bread – Alternative For White Bread:

The idea that replacing white bread with brown bread benefits diabetes management is a common misconception. Brown bread may be a better option, but the healthiest choice for a diabetes diet is 100% multigrain bread. Multigrain bread is made using different grains like wheat, oats, barley, millet, flaxseed, etc. These grains are rich in dietary fiber, which is beneficial for food for diabetes patients. Various grains in Multigrain Bread contribute to a Lower Glycemic Index (41) compared to White Bread’s GI (100).

Read More: 7 Day Indian Diet Plan for Diabetic Patients

Indian Foods To Avoid In Diabetes

Indian Foods To Avoid In Diabetes

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential when following a sugar patient diet chart. Cutting down on certain foods is extremely essential to reduce the risk of complications. Here are some foods to avoid if you have diabetes:

Sugary Beverages

Soda, fruit juices, energy drinks, and sweetened teas can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar. Opt for water, unsweetened herbal tea, or plain sparkling water instead.

Processed Sweets

Avoid candies, cookies, cakes, and pastries laden with refined sugars. These items should not be included in the meal plan to reverse diabetes, as they can shoot up your blood sugar levels.

White Bread and Refined Grains

A sugar patient diet plan has no place for white bread and refined grains. Foods made from white flour, such as white bread, white rice, and most breakfast cereals, have a high glycemic index and can lead to rapid blood sugar spikes.

Fried Foods

Deep-fried foods, especially those prepared in unhealthy oils (palm oil), can increase the risk of heart disease and negatively impact blood sugar. Opt for baked, grilled, or steamed options instead.

Full-Fat Dairy

A dietitian chart for diabetic patients will never have full-fat dairy. High-fat dairy products like whole milk, full-fat yogurt, and regular cheese can be high in saturated fats, which may contribute to insulin resistance.

Processed Meats

Processed meats like bacon, sausages, and deli meats often contain unhealthy additives and high levels of sodium, which can affect blood pressure and overall health.

Sauces and Condiments

Many condiments and sauces are packed with added sugars and unhealthy fats. Check labels and opt for low-sugar or sugar-free alternatives.


While moderate alcohol consumption can be safe for some people with diabetes, excessive drinking can lead to blood sugar fluctuations. It’s important to monitor your alcohol intake and consult with a healthcare professional.

Read More: 15 Foods To Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Indian Diet Plan For Diabetic Patients (Breakfast To Dinner)

Here are some typical Indian dishes that can be included in an Indian diet chart for diabetic patients that you can follow. However, consuming these dishes is not a strict rule and may vary depending on individual food preferences and needs. Our Indian diet plan for diabetes patients will blend well into your daily schedule. We have taken care of both taste and nutrition, so following it doesn’t require much of your effort.

Pre-Breakfast Option

Start your day with a glass of warm water with lemon or fenugreek to kickstart your metabolism and aid digestion.


Vegetable omelette (upma or besan cheela in case of vegetarian) with 100% multigrain toast and fresh fruit.


Brown rice with mixed dal (lentils), a portion of green salad, and a small serving of yogurt.

Evening Snack

A handful of mixed nuts (almonds, walnuts) or roasted chickpeas.


Grilled fish or paneer (cottage cheese) with sautéed vegetables and small portion of quinoa.

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Why a Personalized Diabetic Diet Chart is the Best

A regular diet plan might help you reduce a few inches from your waist or shed some weight.
However, it is not aimed towards controlling your sugar or HbA1c levels.

  Non-Customized Diabetic Diet Customized Diabetic Diet
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
Normalizes HbA1c Levels
Homemade and No Superfood
Restrictive and Fad Dieting
Eliminated Diabetes Medications
Includes Food Preferences
Allows Cheat Meals
Satisfies Your Cravings

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the best food chart for a diabetic patient?

An ideal diabetes patient diet chart must focus on controlling carb count and cutting off food with a high glycemic index (above 55), such as:

Sweets and desserts
Sugary beverages
Fried foods
Food that is salty or high in fats

Instead, go for readily available Indian foods. A good Indian diet chart for diabetic patients will include green and non-starchy vegetables, low-GI fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and low-fat dairy products. People with diabetes must eat regularly to keep their blood glucose levels steady.

What should I avoid eating if I am a diabetic?

If you have diabetes, avoid sugary foods, refined carbohydrates, sweetened beverages, and processed foods. Limit trans fats, saturated fats, high-sodium foods, alcohol, fruit juices, and dried fruits. Choose low-sugar fruits and opt for low-fat dairy products. A personalized meal plan with a dietitian’s guidance is crucial for effective diabetes management.
Breathe Well-being has some best-in-class dietitians, diabetologists, and nutritionists who can help you with our personalized Indian diet chart for diabetic patients. Our dietician chart for diabetic patients has no fancy foods and consists of readily available Indian foods.

What should diabetics eat daily?

People with diabetes should focus on a balanced diet of vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. An ideal sugar patient diet chart should have moderate fruits and low-sugar options. Choose foods with a low glycemic index to manage blood sugar levels. Personalized meal planning with a dietitian’s guidance is essential for optimal daily nutrition.

Which dal is not good for diabetes?

Among the various types of dals (lentils), those with higher glycemic index values are generally not considered a good option for sugar patient food. Dals like Red Lentils have a higher glycemic index compared to some other lentils, so it’s advised to avoid it. Also, instant moong dal or a pre-cooked version of moong dal may have a higher GI compared to whole moong dal.

Is chapati good for diabetes?

Chapatis are typically made from whole wheat flour, which makes it food with a moderate glycemic index. But here are some tips to include chapatis in your sugar diet chart. Consider eating Multigrain, Jowar or Bajra roti, which have a much lower glycemic index. It is best to pair chapatis with a bowl of salad for better blood sugar level readings.

Is a high protein diet good for diabetic patients?

A high-protein diet slows the rise of blood sugar levels. However, it cannot be recommended for all patients with diabetes. Some patients having kidney disease, heart disease and obesity problems have more risk of further problems with a high protein diet. It is thus recommended to include complex carbohydrates with some proteins and fats when following a diet chart for diabetes management.

What vegetables and fruits are good for controlling diabetes?

Vegetables: Eat more green leafy vegetables and non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, greens, carrots, etc.
Fruits: Most fruits enhance the effects of diet for diabetic patients. Fruits recommended are Oranges, berries, apples, grapes, grapefruit, peach, and pear.

Can a diabetic drink alcohol at all?

People with diabetes should approach alcohol with caution. Consult your healthcare provider and monitor blood sugar levels. Drinking in moderation, avoiding sugary mixers, and having alcohol with food can help manage risks. Some diabetes diet charts may restrict or remove the alcohol entirely based on personal health and medication regimen.

Men with diabetes should not consume more than two alcoholic drinks in a day. Women should drink only one alcoholic drink a day.

What should be my carbohydrate count?

People with diabetes should get half of their calories from carbohydrates. For example, if you choose an 1800-calorie sugar diet chart for type 2 diabetes, then 800-900 calories should come from the carbs you eat. It will help you to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Does bitter gourd juice control diabetes?

Yes. Many doctors suggest individuals drink bitter gourd juice. Bitter gourd contains an insulin-like compound called polypeptide-p or p-insulin. It helps in bringing glucose to the cells for energy. Adding neem juice to a sugar patient diet can help lower blood sugar levels. Neem leaves contain flavonoids, triterpenoids, glycosides, and antiviral compounds. You can have boiled bitter gourd juice or Neem juice or chew a few Neem leaves in the morning.

Consuming bitter gourd juice in moderation is essential, as overconsumption can also lead to some side effects. Consult your personal health coach at Breathe Well-being to know the right amount of bitter gourd juice and other foods or drinks to consume.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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