Is Banana Good For Diabetes Patients

Last updated on November 21st, 2022

Diabetic patients require careful consideration of the contents of their diets. Some fruits and veggies are very nourishing, while few may result in a blood sugar rise. The question that comes to people’s minds is whether bananas are safe for diabetics.  Read this blog to know “Is Banana Healthy for Diabetics?”.

Consuming bananas at a moderate limit is considered safe for individuals with diabetes. Bananas are cultivated on plants, and there are 50 to 150 fruits in every bunch. They differ in size, ranging from small to extra-large. Read further to know why bananas are safe for high sugar patients.

Banana Glycemic Index

The ripe banana glycemic index is 51, which classifies it as a low-glycemic food. Foods that score less than 55 on the glycemic scale are considered low glycemic foods. Plus, the ripe banana glycemic load is 13, which comes in the moderate GL category. The glycemic index score of an unripe banana is 42, and it has a glycemic load of 11. But can diabetics eat bananas? Keep reading further to find the answer.

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Is Banana Good for Diabetics?

Let’s now answer the question, is banana good for diabetics or not? The answer is diabetic patients can have bananas in moderation. This is because banana has a good amount of fiber and starch (resistant), which delay their digestion rate. However, bananas also have carbs and sugar which can cause your blood sugar level to increase. Therefore, a diabetes patient should only add well-measured quantities of bananas to their diet. The quantity you eat will decide whether bananas for diabetes good or bad. Fiber, vitamin, and mineral content in this fruit may give nutritional benefits for diabetics, provided the person does not consume excess portions.

To answer the question, ‘Does banana increase sugar level?’ further, the ADA proposes that diabetics must add fruits to a controlled diet. So you can consume a small piece of banana or a ½ serving of large banana with every meal as a sweet course. There are studies that suggest that bananas are good for sugar patients. The consumption of bananas regulates blood sugar and improves the lipid profile of diabetics.

Nutritional Information of Banana

Nutritional Information of Banana

In total, bananas contain fewer saturated fats and sodium. The fruit is rich in nutrients and fiber. Also, they contain high amounts of potassium, a mineral that aids in balancing sodium levels in the blood.

In addition, bananas contain a good blend of other nutrients, such as:

  • vitamin C
  • vitamin B6
  • magnesium
  • Manganese

Let’s now look at the nutritional value of 100 grams of ripe banana:

Nutritional Value of Ripe Banana
Nutrients per 100 grams Amount
Calories 98 kcal
Water 75.3 g
Protein 0.74 g
Carbs 23 g
Fats 0.23 g
Fiber 1.7 g
Sugar 15.8 g
Calcium 5 mg
Potassium 326 mg
Vitamin C 12.3 mg
Vitamin A 1 ug

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Green Bananas Comprise Resistant Starch

The carbohydrate content of fruit often differs with ripeness (age). Green or unripe bananas contain highly resistant starch and low sugar in comparison to yellow bananas. Resistant starch is not affected by digestion in the upper gut. And this implies that it works similarly as fiber. Consequently, it does not increase the glucose levels in the bloodstream. The GI value of green bananas is around 42.

Furthermore, green bananas are friendly to gut bacteria and aid a person in managing diabetes. As per studies, resistant starch is more expected to aid type 2 diabetics. This is possible by decreasing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity.

Bananas Contain High Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is important to prevent diabetes-associated complications, including:

  • Decreased glucose tolerance
  • Neuropathy
  • Pregnancy-related diabetes

Bananas Packs Rich Antioxidants

As per studies, antioxidants exert a defensive effect against the development of type 2 diabetes. They obstruct the production of free radicals. Yet, more studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of antioxidants against diabetes type 2. Too many antioxidants are not advisable.


Approximately all fruits contain phytochemicals that reduce the cardiac ailments risk, cancer and stroke. As diabetes is associated with a high risk of heart problems or other chronic ailments, diabetics must have bananas within limits.

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Cooking and Method of Preparation

The preparation of processed banana items may make them less appropriate for diabetics. For instance, few manufacturers would sell dried banana chips in the form of a healthy treat or snack.

Yet, these might consist of added sugars or syrups to improve flavor. Diabetes patients can go for traditional banana chips. The banana chips good for diabetes patients as they occasionally can be a good snacking option. Consumption of one serving of banana chips is more expected to bring about a glucose spike than having a small, fresh banana. Make sure to read the nutrition label in a careful manner. Also, people must avoid or limit dried fruits containing added sugar.

Diet and Safety Tips

There are some tips that aid a diabetic in adding bananas to their diet and snack times.

Take Bananas With A Protein Or Healthy Fat Source

Healthy Fat Source You Can Take With Bananas

Consuming a banana along with a source of unsaturated fat like:

  • walnuts
  • almond butter
  • pistachios
  • peanut butter
  • sunflower seeds

They have a positive effect on the levels of blood glucose and improve its flavor. Another healthy alternative for diabetic patients is to combine a banana with a protein like Greek yogurt. This would aid an individual to feel fuller for a longer duration. Also, it decreases the desire to snack during the day, assisting them in proper glucose control.

Consider consuming an under-ripe form of banana. Unripe fruit might enhance blood glucose more deliberately in comparison to ripe bananas. The Unripe form may liberate glucose at a slower pace in comparison to the ripe form. Unripe bananas consist of a higher amount of starch than ripe form. A person’s body fails to break down starches as effortlessly as fewer composite glucose. This causes a slower, more controllable increase in the levels of blood glucose.


Portion control might have an impact on the quantity of glucose an individual takes in a banana. Bananas come in various sizes. An individual would absorb a smaller number of carbs if they opt for a smaller fruit. A small banana (six to seven inches in length) contains 23.07 grams of carbs per serving. Whereas an oversized banana contains more than 35 g of carbs.

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Keep A Check On The Carbohydrates

A medium size banana comprises around 28 grams of carbohydrates. Discuss with a healthcare provider to set a person’s target carb consumption.

A doctor or nutritionist would educate a person on portion control and regulating the consumption of fiber, fats, carbs, and proteins practically. An individual must follow their diabetic diet closely. Remember that consuming a banana together with a carb source like a piece of toast or cereal. This signifies that the overall carb consumption from that diet is greater.

Based on the nutritional suggestion from your diabetologist, it might be essential to substitute carbs in a later meal. Instead, after having a meal containing fewer carbs, a person may spend the carbs they have saved on a small banana as a snack item. This would make sure that no one meal or snack supplies an excess of carbs.

How many bananas can a diabetic eat a day?

The answer to this query is based on the person, their exercise levels, and the effect of fruit on blood glucose levels. Few individuals’ blood sugar might be more sensitive to bananas as compared to others. Knowing how bananas have an impact on specific blood glucose levels may aid them in managing their drugs and insulin shots, if essential. Discussion with a doctor or dietitian about adding bananas to a diabetic diet is a must.


So, we have elaborately answered all the doubts regarding whether can we eat banana in diabetes. Banana is a safe and nourishing fruit for diabetic people. People can have this fruit in moderation as part of a healthy and balanced meal plan. A diabetic individual must add fresh, plant food alternatives to his or her meal, like fruits and veggies. Bananas deliver enough nutrition without including a number of calories. For a precise meal plan, it is always better to talk to a dietitian or diabetes specialist.

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FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can banana increase blood sugar?

Banana has a low glycemic index, but its glycemic load is moderate. This means the carbs content in per banana serving you eat will be moderate. Therefore, if you eat bananas in uncontrolled amounts, it can spike your blood sugar, so exercise restraint.

Is banana fruit good for diabetic patient?

Banana fruit is good for diabetes patients only if you eat it in regulated amounts. Diabetic patients eat bananas because it has a good amount of nutrients. These include complex carbs, vitamins C, A, and B6, iron, potassium, etc. Include bananas as part of your daily diet plan to enjoy their benefits.

Which banana is good for diabetes?

Comparing raw and ripe bananas, raw banana good for diabetes patients because raw banana glycemic index and load is lower. Moreover, the raw green banana glucose level is less than that of a ripe banana.

Can a person having diabetes eat banana daily?

People with diabetes may consume banana, but in limits. A small banana two or three times a week is considered safe for diabetic patients. However, a diabetes individual must not take this fruit daily.

What is the correct time to have banana?

The best time to have banana is in the morning time. Best is to have bananas with other fruits or oatmeal. And the combination can work wonders for individuals who wish to undergo a weight loss session. Banana can be consumed in the form of banana-oatmeal cookies. This alternative is healthy and delicious and helps in refuelling a person.

What are the side effects of bananas?

Side effects of this fruit are rare. However, acidity, cramping, bloating, nausea, softer stools, vomiting may result as side effects. In very high doses, the fruit may result in high blood levels of potassium. Few individuals are also hypersensitive to banana.

Is a banana daily causes an excess of sugar?

Bananas do not contain too much sugar.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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