Is Garlic (Lahsun) Good for Diabetes?

Reviewed By Dietitian Dt. SEEMA GOEL (Senior Dietitian, 25 Years of Experience) January 15, 2024

Last updated on July 18th, 2023

Diabetic patients are incapable of producing adequate insulin or utilizing the insulin their body forms effectively. This may have an impact on blood glucose levels. It’s vital to distinguish natural foods like garlic. Garlic is also ‘lahsun’ in Hindi. It is not rich in carbs but may affect blood glucose levels. Keep on reading this article to know about garlic glycemic index and is garlic good for diabetes.

One approach to doing this is by keeping track of the GI value of every food item. GI indicates the extent to which a food product increases glucose levels. GI aids in planning daily meals and preventing any high-carb mixes. A low GI score ranges from 1 to 55, and a high GI score means 70 and more than that. Hence, it becomes vital to keep a check on a diet to keep a normal blood sugar level.

Garlic (Lahsun) Nutrition

Garlic (Lahsun) Nutrition

Garlic is the rarest food product having ‘ZERO GI SCORE’. That is, the garlic glycemic index is negligible. It is free from any carbs, which makes garlic good for diabetes.

This table represents several nutrients and their amounts present in 100 g of garlic:

Nutritional Value of Garlic
Nutrients (in 100 grams of Garlic) Amount
Carbs 33grams
Protein 6.6 grams
Fat 0.5 grams
Calcium 181 mg
Potassium 401 mg
Phosphorous 153 mg
Magnesium 25 mg
Sodium 17 mg

A lot of individuals call garlic the ‘Wonder herb’. Also, it is not tough to appreciate why. Garlic comprises powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties. In addition, garlic contains rich amounts of minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc. Furthermore, it comprises an exceptional compound named ‘Allicin,’ accountable for its strong smell and taste.

Raw Garlic Benefits for Diabetics

Many adults may safely eat raw garlic. For a few individuals, taste, pepperiness, or odour might be problematic. Conventionally, garlic is suggested to lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Garlic intake might also decrease the occurrence of heart problems. Cardiovascular diseases are conditions that have an effect on around 80% of diabetic patients.

Is garlic good for diabetes? Based on a study by the National Institute of Health, it was observed that raw garlic may aid in decreasing blood glucose levels along with decreasing the risk of atherosclerosis. Diabetes enhances an individual’s risk of atherosclerosis-associated inflammation. Another study also supported that consistent intake of garlic might aid in reducing blood sugar levels. Thus, we can say that adding garlic is good for diabetes.

Additionally, garlic contains rich amounts of vitamins C and B6. Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in carb metabolism. Also, Vitamin C is important to maintain normal blood glucose levels. So, generally, garlic has been proven to:

  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Improve heart health by lowering the levels of cholesterol, blood lipids, triglycerides
  • Exert a powerful antimicrobial effect
  • Exert an anti-tumor effect and avoid the growth of cancer cells


Garlic results in a significant decrease in glucose levels. Also, it brings about an increase in insulin levels in the body. Garlic is among the rarest foods with No GI value and is helpful in blood sugar control.

Health Benefits of Garlic (Lahsun)

Health Benefits of Garlic (Lahsun)

Helps Relieve Cough And Cold

According to research conducted by the NLM, raw garlic comes with the potential to protect against cough and cold infections. Consumption of 2 crushed garlic cloves in a fasting state gives extreme benefits. When garlic cloves are hung on the necks of children and infants, congestion signs get relieved.

Provides Digestive-Aid

The addition of raw garlic to your meal improves digestive issues. Garlic has been found to benefit the intestines and lower inflammation. Consumption of raw garlic aids in clearing out intestinal worms. The best thing is that garlic damages the harmful bacteria and defends the good bacteria in the GIT. Moreover, the National Library of Medicine has found that garlic has the potential to fight the H. Pylori bacteria.

Garlic Benefits Cardiac Health

According to research published in The Journal of Nutrition, garlic is found to prevent cardiovascular problems. Allicin is a compound present in garlic known to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). This lowers the levels of cholesterol and recovers heart health. Regular intake of garlic lowers the occurrence of blood clots. So, it aids in preventing thromboembolism. Moreover, garlic reduces blood pressure. Hence, it is good for hypertensive patients.

Garlic Prevents Heart Blockages

In addition, garlic is thought to lower the adhesiveness of the platelets in the blood. These platelets account for blood clotting. Intake of a healthy dose of garlic aids in decreasing the clotting effect of platelets present in the blood. Thus, it might aid in preventing unwanted blood clots inside arteries that might reach up the heart leading to a heart attack.

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Acts As An Immunity-Booster

Garlic defends the free radicals and avoids any damage to the DNA. Zinc present in garlic acts as an immunity booster. Vitamin C aids in protecting the body against infections. It is found helpful against eye and ear infections as garlic contains strong antimicrobial properties.

Decreases Exercise Fatigue

As per research, when added to an alcohol-water mix, raw garlic might exert considerable effects on exercise endurance. Also, studies have been conducted to prove the role of garlic in improving the signs of exercise fatigue.

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Garlic Pearls Help In Weight Loss

Garlic lowers the gene expression accountable for the production of adipose cells which store fat. Additionally, garlic enhances thermogenesis in the body. Also, it causes fat burning and reduces the levels of LDL (bad cholesterol).

Besides the fact that garlic promotes weight loss, it is rich in nutrients. In actual fact, 1 raw garlic clove is about 3 g and it comprises:

  • Fiber
  • Vitamins C and B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Selenium
  • Manganese
  • Small quantities of copper, calcium, iron, potassium, iron, etc.

Improves Brain Functions

Garlic supports effective brain health due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. According to the findings of the University of Missouri School of Medicine, garlic works efficiently against neurodegenerative conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Improves Skin Health

Garlic aids to prevent acne and reduces acne scars. Skin conditions such as rashes, cold sores, psoriasis, and blisters all benefit from the use of garlic juice. Additionally, garlic helps in defending against UV rays and in turn prevents aging.

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Prevents Cancer and Peptic Ulcer

Due to a rich quantity of antioxidants, garlic helps defend the body against stomach, lung, prostate, liver, bladder, and colon cancer. Garlic’s ability to fight colorectal cancer has been proven by a study published by the American Institute for Cancer Research. The antibacterial property of garlic helps in preventing peptic ulcers. It has the power to remove contagions from the digestive tract.

Garlic Helps Manage UTIs And Improve Kidney Health

Fresh juice of garlic is equipped with the potential to lower the growth of E. Coli bacteria responsible for UTIs. In addition, it aids to prevent renal infections. Garlic works by:

  • Lowering infections in wounds
  • Supporting hair growth
  • Promoting liver and bone health.

A majority of home remedies are effectual only if garlic is taken in raw form.

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Garlic Improves Athletic Performance

Garlic is one of the most excellent “performance improving” compounds. Traditionally, garlic was utilized for treating fatigue and improving the work capability of laborers. Studies propose intake of garlic aids in improving exercise performance. Individuals having a history of cardiac problems who had garlic for six weeks gave a 12% decrease in their heart rate and improved exercise ability.

Garlic Lowers Blood Toxicity

For individuals prone to lead poisoning because of occupational hazards, garlic might be the best organic option. Studies have found that garlic is better and safer at decreasing lead poisoning of the blood in comparison to d-Penicillamine. It is the most common medication for treating lead poisoning.

Garlic Pearls Side Effects

Garlic Pearls Side Effects

Garlic is quite effective both in odor and flavor. Even though it’s usually safe for consumption, a person might experience minor side effects. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a person with garlic intolerance can experience the symptoms mentioned below:

  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Acidity
  • Loose stools

A person might be more likely to experience side effects if he or she consumes raw garlic. If a person is using anticoagulant drugs, it is good to speak to a doctor. Garlic intake can increase the effects of these drugs.

The common ill effect of intake of garlic can be bad body smell or bad breath. Allicin is a sulfurous compound accountable for the useful effects of garlic. It gives garlic its unusual and pungent flavor and odor.

To prevent these side effects:

  • People must avoid intake of raw garlic. As body smell or bad breath gets increased with raw garlic intake.
  • Having milk with any diet consisting of garlic lowers bad breath and body odor.


Garlic is densely full of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Consequently, even a slight amount is enough to offer extreme benefits to the user. Its over-intake may sometimes lead to nausea, vomiting, acidity, or heartburn. These effects get stronger when raw garlic is consumed.

How to Add Garlic to a Diet?

If you don’t mind the taste, add a couple of finely chopped garlic cloves to your salads or potato salad. There isn’t a standard dosage for eating garlic, so feel free to add garlic whenever a recipe or snack allows.

If you prefer a less strong odor and taste, look for garlic greens, which are young plants, and garlic scapes, which are curly shoots that appear as the plant matures. They’re available at farmer’s markets and local produce stores during the spring season. Both have a milder flavor. You can chop them and mix them in salads, dips, and savory spreads.

It’s recommended that you let chopped garlic sit for at least 5 minutes to allow allicin, one of the herb’s main components, to be at its highest concentration. This may enhance the herb’s potential health benefits.

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Ways of Giving Garlic to Diabetics

Garlic is a herb gained popularity all across a lot of cultures and cookeries. According to a famous Italian proverb, ‘no cuisine is complete without garlic.’

Garlic is extensively employed in sauces, curries, infusions, pickles, soups, garnishes, etc. Dieticians globally have observed garlic milk to be very efficacious in treating high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis, tuberculosis, and other illnesses.

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Something in Relation to Garlic Supplements

If a person discovers the flavor of raw garlic too aggressive or is incapable of eating it, then supplements are a good option for them. Search for garlic extracts like aged garlic extract or others comprising allicin.

Here are some things to remember while buying supplements:

  • Discuss with a healthcare provider prior to including any supplements in a regimen. Doctors always aid a person to determine whether supplements are good for health.
  • Always purchase from a trustworthy manufacturer that does not make use of heat processing. This might damage the active constituents present in the garlic, which offers most of the health benefits.
  • Avoid entirely odorless items. They’ve potentially uncovered forms of sulfur compounds that deliver the characteristic smell. Also, they are accountable for many of its likely health benefits.


A person may make use of garlic to improve the flavor and quality of meals. Intake of it can also aid a person to maintain better overall health as garlic is good for diabetes and for excellent outcomes, a person must take garlic regularly in limited amounts. Cooking garlic reduces its therapeutic potential, hence ensuring to use of fresh and raw garlic in various cuisines. Also, supplements are good alternatives. However, a person must contact their doctor before making use of them.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is garlic not good for insulin resistance?

Allicin or other substances in garlic may result in an increase in blood insulin levels and are helpful for diabetic patients.

Can garlic harm liver?

As per a study by the NIH, garlic in high doses may induce liver damage and low doses can be safe for liver health.

Does garlic interact with metformin?

Garlic alone, and when combined with metformin is known to improve body weight. Also, the combination is more effective in lowering blood sugars. This highlights that garlic extract increases the hypoglycaemic effect of metformin.

What occurs if a person consumes garlic every day?

Garlic is extremely nourishing and provides a range of health benefits. Yet, if a person consumes garlic in excess, it might lead to side effects. These can be acid reflux, bad breath, enhanced bleeding, and digestive problems.

Does garlic amplify the level of insulin?

The compounds present in garlic, such as allicin, S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide, and allyl propyl disulfide, assist in increasing insulin levels in the blood.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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