Is Ghee Good for Diabetes? Ghee for Sugar Patients

Reviewed by Dt. SEEMA GOEL (Senior Dietitian) November 14, 2023

Last updated on October 25th, 2023

Diabetics need to be cautious of their dietary options. They must consider the choices as diet has a great effect on blood glucose levels. For example, the ‘healthy cooking oils’ that usually promise good health are doing more damage than good. Is Ghee Good For Diabetes? Even though ghee comprises a rich quantity of fat, it ranks among the top list of many health experts. Traditionally, ghee has been utilized as a medicinal constituent comprising vital nutrients. These might maintain the overall health of a diabetic patient. What makes ghee a great component for diabetic patients? Let’s find out.

According to various nutritionists, “Ghee is a medication for people with diabetes”. Ghee contains fatty acids that aid in stabilizing and metabolizing high blood glucose levels. Furthermore, if ghee is included in rice, it becomes simple for people with diabetes to digest glucose from rice efficiently. Ensure that a person uses Vedic ghee. People must make use of milk from desi Gir cows to attain the utmost benefits.

Nutritional Facts of Ghee

Nutritional Facts of Ghee

This table represents several nutrients and their amounts present in 14 g of ghee:

Nutritional Value of Ghee
Nutrients (in 14 grams of Ghee) Its amount
Calories 110
Fat 13 grams
Saturated Fat 8 grams
Monounsaturated Fat 4 grams
Polyunsaturated Fat 1 gram
Carbs and Protein Low
Vitamin A 12 %of RDI
Vitamin E 2% of RDI

All calories in ghee are derived from the fat it contains. Ghee carbs are tremendously negligible. And, it means that glucose levels won’t get affected because of the intake of ghee. As a result, people can safely add ghee to their diabetic diets and it would exert many beneficial effects.

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Is Ghee Healthy For Diabetics?

Even if ghee is fat and oily kitchen ingredient, it is amazing too healthy for a person’s body in many ways. People must add ghee strategically to their diabetic diet plans. Also, the ghee glycemic index is quite low, it is proven to be safe for a regular intake.

Ghee is found to contain various medicinal effects on a person’s blood sugar control. Amongst the endless list of fats employed in cooking, Ghee ranks top on the list. To begin with, Ghee is a natural product. Ghee is an item that does not need excessive processing or manufacturing which makes it damaging. It is moderately all-natural.

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Ghee Health Benefits

Owing to this, ghee is free of any trans-fat, additional preservatives, or unnatural additives. The processed and extra products used during manufacturing make ghee unsafe for diabetics. But when the topic of ghee in diabetes comes up, a person does not need to worry about that.

The fatty acids present in ghee are good for body functions and body organs. In addition, it helps in keeping the levels of blood glucose low. Fatty acids in ghee are wonderful ways of improving metabolism. These fats are not damaging. It contains properties of managing high blood sugar levels.

Besides, people may pair this healthy fat with other foods. This makes them more effective and simpler to digest. Certainly, they are a healthy inclusion in any diabetic’s life.


Including ghee in other high GI foods aids in reducing their GI values. People may spread ghee on those items or add them on/in paratha, rice, Dosa, and dals. This helps to reduce their GI values and makes them a safe option for diabetics.

Reasons for Including Ghee in a Daily Diet

Reasons for Including Ghee in a Daily Diet

Ghee is also a better alternative to butter. It can be used in a variety of recipes and is also better than better in some minimal properties and nutrients.

Source of fats

Clarified butter or Desi ghee is a rich source of healthy fat. It aids in absorbing nutrients from the food a person consumes. This process aids in proper blood glucose control, further certifying good diabetes care. Also, it has a very low carb content. Carbs are not perfect for a diabetic-friendly diet. Consequently, ghee acts as a great option that provides ample other healthy nutrients.

Better digestion

Ghee is found to control the smooth working of the gut. Adding a correct quantity of ghee to one’s daily diet makes sure proper constipation care. Adding ghee to other foods works great for improved digestion. For example, including ghee in rice makes it simpler to digest. This is of great importance, particularly for diabetics.

Maintains Heart Health

The presence of linoleic acid in ghee aids to lowering the potential for heart problems. And, cardiovascular problems are one of the most common complications of diabetes. The intake of ghee helps to improve the working of gut hormones (GLP-1).

Another advantage of an improved GLP-1 working is that it helps to delay carb absorption. Gradual digestion is effective as it aids in preventing any abrupt spikes in normal blood sugar levels. As a result, ghee is a great alternative to regulate other underlying problems of diabetics.

Improved Insulin Levels

Fatty deposits build up in the body meltdown when the correct amount of ghee is taken. Thus, it aids in effective diabetes management. This function enables an improved secretion of insulin, and this indeed aids in managing diabetes.

Rich Source of Vitamin K

Ghee is also a rich source of vitamin K and other antioxidants that acts as an immunity booster. Diabetics usually have a weak immune system. Vitamin K together with fatty acids is found to be useful in supporting better food absorption. Hence, ghee promotes an improved metabolism and aids to manage blood sugars.

Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels

Organic ghee is useful in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol. Including ghee in high-carb foods such as white bread, rice, and parathas might aid in reducing their GI and benefit diabetics.


Ghee or clarified butter is a great food product. It is found to contain ample medicinal qualities on diverse body parts. Luckily, ghee works great for a diabetic. It is a useful product and promotes safety and maintains health.

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Some Exceptional Health Benefits of Ghee

Some Exceptional Health Benefits of Ghee

On top of the benefits for diabetic health, Ghee is also beneficial for other health problems. Below are a few advantages that a person can obtain from a regular intake of ghee:

Supports Immunity

Ghee aids in overall better immunity. The absorption of nutrients gets promoted in an improved way. This helps to improve the complete nutrient content of a person’s body and supports better immunity.


Additionally, ghee contains rich amounts of antioxidants. Beta-carotene, Butyrate, are a few of the antioxidants present in ghee. They aid in evading the ill effects of free radicals on a person’s body and stop a number of chronic problems.

Weight Management

Regulated and proper intake of ghee may support a great fat loss. Too much weight might be detrimental and may give rise to health problems. Ghee might be a useful agent in managing and losing weight.


Ghee improves and promotes an overall course of digestion. Digestion becomes simpler and avoids issues associated with digestive health. Also, it helps to escape gut problems like constipation, indigestion, etc.

Blood Sugar Control

People with prediabetes or diabetes have a tremendous backup of vitamins from taking ghee. Ghee consists of several vitamins like vitamins A, E, D, K, and beta-carotene. All of them are found effective for several body functions.

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Cardiovascular Health

Ghee contains linoleic acids that work great to fight heart problems. Often, people with diabetes are at a high risk of developing cardiac disorders. Ghee may be a great component for reducing the possibilities of a heart problem. In addition, ghee aids in lowering the susceptibility to heart failures, heart attacks, blockages, and strokes. The omega-3 fats in ghee aid to regulate these problems.

Also, ghee contains monounsaturated fats that aid in keeping the heart away from ailments and maintaining health. Good and organic forms of ghee helps in keeping the cholesterol levels low. It might manage cardiovascular health by keeping LDL cholesterol away. People must choose amounts of ghee for achieving these benefits.


Ghee also contains linoleic acids that are found to prevent and control cancer-causing roots. It is constituted with powerful anti-cancer properties. Moreover, the anti-oxidants work as anti-cancer agents.

Hair and Skin Health

Ghee is also an effective nutrient supplier for skin and hair. Ghee contains a rich quantity of fats that work as moisturizing agents. They aid in hydration of the scalp and skin, and also offer nourishment.


Ghee comes with countless benefits to a person’s overall diabetic lifestyle. In addition to managing and lowering glucose levels, it helps to keep the heart-healthy. People may add organic ghee to other foods to enhance their nutrient quality. Yet, it becomes essential to consume ghee in moderated amounts as per one’s health. Too much intake of ghee is strictly prohibited.

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Daily Limits of Ghee for Diabetic Patients

ghee for diabetes

Even though, how useful ghee might be, people must be careful to not overeat it. A safe overall quantity for a month’s ghee intake is roughly 500 g per month. Make sure not to exceed this recommended quantity of ghee.

It implies that a healthy daily limit of ghee intake for people with diabetes is one or two tablespoons. Ensure that diabetics do not take more than these advised amounts. It might not be bad for the glucose levels, however, might considerably affect their cholesterol levels.

Safety Measures for Having Ghee if a Person is Diabetic

Even if, ghee is safe for people with diabetes in many ways, it is still recommended to remember some points. These are:

  1. Ghee might exert considerable effects on a person’s body weight. If not regulated, the fats gradually may get built and cause weight gain. Diabetics must take care of this as they require extra caution regarding keeping and managing their healthy body weight.
  2. While purchasing ghee from the market, buy desi ghee. They come with maximum benefits and are very less damaging. The perfect benefits are present in the ghee prepared from the milk of cows having natural grass.
  3. Instead of purchasing ghee from stores, people may even prepare it in their kitchen. It is a lot better, healthier, and free from any preservatives or chemicals present in commercial ghee.
  4. While discussing the daily addition of ghee to one’s diet, it should be carefully done. Ensure that a person must consider one’s regular glucose levels and postprandial effects. Often, ghee is good for a diabetic person to speak with a doctor for a detailed review of ghee use as per one’s health stats.


So, can diabetics eat ghee? YES, certainly!! Ghee is a great constituent for diabetics. People must remember that moderation is important. Avoid overdosing on ghee. In addition, make sure that the ghee is homemade and not purchased from the store. Visit an expert diabetologist prior to having a spoonful of the astonishing ghee so as to reap its maximum benefits. Daily intake of safe quantities of ghee is useful for overall health and well-being.


What is the best time of consuming ghee?

It is advisable to consume a teaspoon of ghee on an empty stomach early in the morning.

What is the recommended amount of ghee for a day?

An average of three to six teaspoons of ghee is advisable for good health. People must ensure that they take ghee from cow milk, if possible homemade.

What are the ill effects of ghee?

Side effects of ghee may be diarrhea, indigestion etc. Overweight individuals must avoid ghee. Individuals experiencing jaundice must not have it. Also, heart patients are strictly banned its use.

Which ghee is best for people with diabetes?

Because of a higher-than-average heating point, desi cow ghee preserves all the vital nutrients while cooking. That indicates that a person’s body derives most of the benefits of omega-3 fats and vitamin A.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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