Is Jamun Good for Diabetes Patients?

Last updated on September 27th, 2023

We all know how tempting it is to sink our teeth into the juicy goodness of Jamun. Jamun’s other name is Indian Blackberry. But for those dealing with diabetes, it’s not just about the flavour; it’s about keeping those sugar levels in check too. Today, we’re delving into a juicy and delicious topic – the delightful jamun fruit and the question, is jamun good for diabetes patients? If you’re someone with diabetes or know somebody who is, you might be interested in whether this vibrant, purple-hued fruit is a friend or foe for blood sugar management.

Jamun, also known as the Indian blackberry, java plum, black plum, etc., has long been celebrated for its unique sweet and tangy taste. But it’s also renowned for its potential health benefits. But wait, does that mean it’s safe for diabetics to indulge in this fruity goodness without worry? Well, we’re about to find out! In this article, we’ll explore the nutritional value of jamun, its connection with diabetes, jamun fruit benefits, side effect of jamun and much more. So, let’s indulge in this flavourful fruit and carve out the sweet truth!

What is Jamun?

Jamun, also known as java plum, black plum, or Indian blackberry, is a tropical fruit native to the Indian subcontinent. The jamun fruit scientific name is Syzygium cumini. And it is a Myrtaceae family member. The fruit is typically small, about the size of an olive, and has a unique dark purple to almost black colour when ripe. The colour gives it the name kala jamun fruit or black jamun fruit. The jamun fruit has a sweet and slightly tangy taste, making it a favourite among many for its unique flavour. It is often enjoyed fresh, but it can also be utilised to make kala jamun juice, jamun seed powder, jams, etc. And even jamun leaves are popular in India.

Beyond its delectable taste, jamun fruit benefits have been traditionally used in Ayurveda. Jamun fruit also finds its use in other traditional medicine systems for its potential health benefits. It is believed to possess various medicinal properties, including being a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins (like vitamin C), and minerals (such as potassium). Additionally, jamun fruit has been studied for its potential anti-diabetic properties, which has led to some interest in potential jamun fruit benefits for diabetes patients. Overall, jamun fruit is a fascinating fruit which not only satisfies your taste buds but also offers some possible health privileges. This makes it an alluring fruit to explore! But is jamun good for diabetes patients? Keep reading to find the answer.

Jamun Nutritional Value

Nutritional Value of Jamun
Nutrients (per 135 grams of Jamun) Its amount
Calories 60 cal
Carbohydrates 14 g
Proteins 1.4 g
Fat 0.3 g
Fiber 1.4 g
Vitamin C 14%
Iron 1%
Calcium 1%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

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Glycemic Index of JamunGlycemic Index of Jamun

The glycemic index of jamun is just 25, categorising it as a low-GI food. Generally, low GI food is recommended for people having diabetes. Jamun fruit benefits for diabetes patients include causing a minimal spike in sugar levels due to its low GI attribute but when consumed in moderation. Jamun fruit also has a low glycemic load.

Is Jamun Good for Diabetes?

Jamun has garnered interest among individuals having diabetes due to its potential blood sugar management properties. Several studies have been conducted to analyse black jamun’s impacts on sugar levels, and the findings have been promising. One of the key jamun fruit benefits is its potential anti-diabetic effects due to the presence of bioactive compounds like anthocyanins and ellagic acid. These compounds have been linked to improved glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

One study published in the Journal of Food Science in 2011 found that jamun seed powder or extract exhibited significant anti-diabetic properties in animal models. The extract was shown to reduce blood glucose levels and increase insulin secretion, indicating its potential as a natural remedy for diabetes management. Another study published in the International Journal of Food Properties 2018 investigated the impact of jamun powder on glycemic response in healthy individuals.

The research revealed that the consumption of jamun powder led to a slower rise in blood glucose levels after meals, suggesting its potential usefulness in controlling post-meal glucose spikes. While these studies show promising results, it’s essential to note that more research is needed to fully understand the effects of jamun for diabetes and its long-term implications. Therefore jamun is good for diabetes patients. But remember, it’s mandatory to consult with your doctor before making any considerable alterations to your diet.

In conclusion, jamun fruit shows potential as a diabetes-friendly fruit due to its bioactive compounds and their impact on blood sugar levels. However, further extensive studies are needed to substantiate its effectiveness and safety as a complementary approach to diabetes management.

Disclaimer: As always, individual dietary choices should be made in consultation with healthcare providers to ensure they align with specific health needs and conditions.

Benefits of Jamun for Diabetes

Health Benefits of Eating Jamun for diabetes


Jamun or black jamun fruit for diabetes patients offers several potential benefits, making it a valuable addition to their diet. Here are some of the ways jamun for diabetes may be beneficial:

1. Aids in Better Blood Sugar Management

Kala jamun fruit has been shown to display some hypoglycemic properties. These properties mean that they will help lower the levels of blood glucose. The black jamun contains bioactive compounds like anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Another glycoside called Jambolin is also present in the jamun fruit. These compounds have been associated with improved glucose metabolism and thus increase insulin sensitivity.

2. Low Glycemic Index Food

Jamun categorises in the low GI food category. This means it results in a slower and more sluggish rise in sugar levels compared to high-GI substances. Jamun for diabetes patients is fine because consuming foods with a lower GI can help prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Stable sugar levels are beneficial for diabetes management.

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3. Houses Powerful Antioxidants

The jamun nutritional value consists of antioxidants, like vitamin C, polyphenols, etc. Antioxidants assist in neutralising toxic free radicals in your body. The removal can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation – factors that play a role in heightening diabetes complications.

4. Dietary Fiber

Jamun for diabetes patients, has a fairly high content of dietary fiber. Fiber slows down the absorption rate of carbs and promotes more prompt sugar control. Fiber also promotes good digestive health and encourages weight management. Maintaining a consistent good amount of weight is crucial for diabetes management.

5. Potential Heart Health Benefits

Some research and studies also cite that jamun benefits include having positive effects on heart health. Kala jamun fruit may reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and regulate blood pressure too. As diabetics are at an increased danger of heart-related troubles, these jamun benefits are noteworthy.

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6. Weight Management

Other jamun benefits for diabetes patients include its inclusion into a balanced diet will encourage weight management. Retaining a decent amount of weight is vital for diabetes patients. Jamun for diabetes patients can enhance insulin sensitivity, along with promoting overall glycemic control.

While black jamun and jamun leaves offer these potential benefits, it’s important to remember that it is not a substitute for diabetes medication or a well-balanced diet. It can be a fraction of an overall diabetes management plan but not the main ingredient. As with any dietary changes, individuals having diabetes should first consult with their doctor to determine how jamun fruit can fit into their specific diabetes management plan, especially considering individual medical histories and treatment requirements.

Ways to Consume Jamun for Diabetes Patients

Ways to consume jamun

Jamun for diabetes patients is consumed in various forms and can be a tasty and beneficial addition to their diet. Here are some ways to relish jamun for diabetes patients:

Fresh Jamun

Enjoy the natural goodness of fresh kala jamun fruit as a snack or part of a meal. Eat them whole or slice them up to add to salads for a burst of colour and flavour.

Jamun Juice

The jamun juice recipe is extremely easy to make. Extract the juice of fresh jamun fruit and dilute it with water. You can also add some lemon juice. Resist sugar to keep the dish beverage diabetes-friendly. Kala jamun juice for diabetes patients is a great addition to their diet.

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Jamun Smoothie

Blend fresh jamun fruit with plain yoghurt or low-fat milk for a creamy and nutritious smoothie. You can also put in other diabetes-friendly fruits, like berries, melons, etc., for added sweetness.

Jamun Vinegar

Jamun vinegar is readily available in the market, and you also try to make it at home. Jamun vinegar benefits are many as they perform a variety of positive effects on the body. Jamun vinegar for diabetes patients has a laxative effect on the stomach.

Jamun Chutney

Prepare a tangy and spicy black jamun chutney using fresh jamun, mint leaves, green chillies, and a hint of lemon juice. Use it as a dip or a spread for whole-grain crackers or bread.

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Jamun Shrikhand

Mix pureed kala jamun with strained yoghurt, a touch of cardamom powder, and a pinch of stevia. Blend to create a delectable and diabetic-friendly shrikhand (a traditional Indian dessert).

Jamun Infused Water

Add some crushed jamun or a few slices to a jug of water and let it infuse for a refreshing and lightly flavoured drink.

Jamun Ice Pops

Mix fresh jamun with plain yoghurt or coconut milk. Drop the mixture into ice pop moulds and freeze for a delightful and guilt-free treat.

Jamun Seed Powder

Jamun for diabetes patients can be turned into a good beverage option. Jamun seed powder or jamun guthli powder is a very popular ayurvedic medicine too. Extract jamun pulp from the seed. Keep the seeds in the sun to dry for a few days. Blend the dry seeds into powder in a blender. And the jamun seed powder is ready to be mixed in water. The jamun powder benefits are many, but its main ability is its control and regulate sugar levels in diabetics.

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Jamun Fruit in Salads

Toss some fresh jamun fruit into green salads for a burst of colour and sweetness. The fiber in jamun fruit can also help slow down the absorption of other carbohydrates in the salad.

Jamun Leaves

These Jamun leaves benefits for diabetes are many. Jamun leaves are soaked in water for a few hours. Then the water is to be consumed.

Remember to enjoy jamun fruit, jamun seed powder, or jamun leaves in moderation, as excessive consumption of any food can impact blood sugar levels.

Jamun Side Effects for Diabetes PatientsSide Effects of Jamun


While jamun for diabetes patients can offer potential benefits. It’s essential to be aware of possible side effects or considerations when consuming jamun fruit, especially if you have diabetes. Here are some facets to be careful of:

Hypoglycemia Risk

Although jamun fruit has been associated with blood sugar-lowering properties, excessive consumption may lead to low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). If you are taking diabetes medications or insulin, combining them with jamun without proper monitoring can cause hypoglycemia. It’s critical to check your sugar levels regularly and work closely with your healthcare provider to adjust medication dosages if needed.

Mess Up with Medicine

Jamun for diabetes patients might mess up with certain medications, potentially impacting their efficacy. It is crucial to discuss with your doctor before combining jamun on a full scale in your diet, specifically if you are on medications.

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Another side effect of jamun fruit is some diabetics may be allergic to it or other related fruits, leading to allergic responses. If you encounter any allergic warnings like blisters, itching, swelling, etc., after consuming jamun, seek immediate medical aid.

Digestive Problems

Overconsumption of jamun fruit, or high-fibrous fruit, can result in digestive distress, such as bloating, diarrhoea, etc. Keeping jamun for diabetes patients in reasonable amounts, therefore, is advised, especially if you are not habituated to high-fiber food.

Interference with Blood Sugar Monitoring

Jamun for diabetes patients relying on continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices can give them trouble. CGM uses interstitial fluid glucose readings, consuming jamun fruit might cause temporary discoloration of the skin around the sensor site. This can formulate inaccurate readings, so it’s crucial to be familiar with these likeable effects.

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Latent Effects

While several studies and surveys have brought out jamun fruit benefits, long-term consequences in humans are still not fully examined. Additional research is still needed.

As with any dietary change or new food, it’s crucial for diabetes patients to consult with their healthcare provider or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalised advice and help you understand how jamun fits into your diabetes management plan, taking into account your specific health needs, medications, and blood sugar levels. Overall, while jamun fruit can be a part of a diabetes-friendly diet in moderation, it’s essential to be cautious and vigilant, ensuring that it complements your overall diabetes management strategy.


In conclusion, jamun for diabetes patients, with its delightful taste and potential health benefits, holds promise as a diabetes-friendly fruit. Studies suggest that its bioactive compounds may contribute to blood sugar regulation and improved insulin sensitivity. Its low GI profile, high dietary fiber content, and antioxidant properties further strengthen its allure for diabetes patients. However, while jamun benefits include anti-diabetic abilities, it is vital to exercise portion control and vigilantly monitor sugar levels. Undue consumption of black jamun may progress to ultra-low sugar levels (hypoglycemia), along with interacting with specific diabetes medicines. Therefore it necessitates close monitoring and supervision.

Anyway, it is crucial and mandatory for diabetes patients to discuss with their doctor before including jamun in good amounts into their diet. Incorporated thoughtfully and in moderation, kala jamun fruit can be a delicious and nutritious addition to a well-balanced diabetes management plan, offering a tangy burst of flavour while complementing an overall healthy lifestyle. Remember, the key to effective diabetes management lies in a comprehensive approach that includes regular monitoring, a balanced diet, physical activity, and adherence to prescribed medications and treatments.


What are the Disadvantages of Jamun?

Generally, jamun for diabetes patients has a positive effect, but overeating fruit can also cause trouble. Problems like diarrhoea or upset stomach can happen. Jamun can make your sugar levels extra low and also interfere with your medications.

Does Jamun Control Sugar?

Yes, jamun for diabetes is beneficial because it has anti-diabetic properties, which help control sugar levels. The black jamun contains compounds like anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Also, jamun has a glycoside called Jambolin. All these help you better manage sugar levels. management.

Who Should Not Eat Jamun Fruit?

Individuals and diabetics with upset stomachs should avoid jamun. Also, atherosclerosis patients and individuals with past records of blood clotting should resist jamun.

What is the Best Time to Eat Jamun?

The best time to eat jamun is after meals. Jamun fruit will ease digestion and enhance body metabolism. However, it is not advised to take jamun or jamun leaves or jamun seed powder empty stomach. Include these in between meals.

How Many Jamun to Eat in a Day for Diabetics?

Generally, 100g of jamun fruit is ok to consume. However, the daily consumption limit totally depends on your body and its present condition. In the case of kala jamun juice, 3-4 spoons are enough. A doctor or dietician will deduce the appropriate amount for you.


Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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