Is Turmeric Good For Diabetes? Check Benefits & Side Effects

Reviewed By Dietitian Dt. SEEMA GOEL (Senior Dietitian, 25 Years of Experience) February 26, 2024

Diabetes, a metabolic disorder affecting millions globally, poses significant health challenges. Despite available medications and supplements, none offer a cure, merely managing symptoms. However, many opt for these synthetic options, often overlooking potential lifelong complications. Yet, a simple solution lies in dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments.

Managing diabetes doesn’t have to be complicated. Adding something healthy to your routine diet can do wonders if done consistently. One such magical ingredient is turmeric. But is turmeric good for diabetes? Let’s understand how turmeric, a simple ingredient, boasts a nutritional powerhouse and can help you manage diabetes and improve your overall well-being.

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma longa, is a flowering plant from the ginger family, native to Southeast Asia. It is widely cultivated in tropical regions and renowned for its rhizomes, which are dried and ground into a vibrant yellow-orange powder. This spice has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and cooking, prized for its distinct flavour and potential health benefits. But is turmeric powder good for diabetes? The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, is believed to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other therapeutic properties, garnering attention in modern research and alternative medicine.

Nutritional Value of Turmeric

Nutritional Value of Turmeric

According to the USDA, here is the nutritional breakdown of a 100-gram serving of turmeric:

Nutritional Value of Turmeric (100 grams)
Nutrients Amount
Water 12 g
Energy 312 kcal
Protein 9.68 g
Total lipid (fat) 3.25 g
Carbohydrates 67.1 g
Dietary fiber 22.7 g
Sugars 3.21 g
Calcium 168 mg
Iron 55 mg
Magnesium 208 mg
Phosphorus 299 mg
Sodium 27 mg
Potassium 2080 mg
Vitamin C 0.7 mg

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Glycemic Index of Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice with a low glycemic index (GI), typically ranging from 0 to 15. The GI measures how quickly a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood sugar levels. Therefore, turmeric for diabetes is considered a good option. Foods with a low GI (below 55) are digested and absorbed slowly, leading to gradual and steady increases in blood sugar levels. Turmeric’s low GI makes it a favourable option for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to manage blood sugar levels. However, it’s worth noting that turmeric is often consumed in small amounts as a spice, so its impact on blood sugar is generally minimal compared to carbohydrate-rich food.

Is Turmeric Powder Good For Diabetes?

Turmeric shows potential benefits for diabetes management, with studies suggesting its positive impact on blood sugar levels. According to John Hopkins Medicine, haldi for diabetes exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as it is rich in curcumin. This may aid in regulating glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. While research is ongoing, preliminary findings highlight the importance of turmeric powder for diabetes. Incorporating turmeric into the diet, alongside other lifestyle modifications, could offer a natural and holistic approach to controlling blood sugar levels. 

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Benefits of Turmeric For Diabetes

Benefits of Turmeric For Diabetes

Turmeric, or Haldi, is a popular Indian spice with various health benefits. Let’s find out the specific benefits of turmeric for diabetes.

Helps Improve Liver Health

Turmeric supports liver health, indirectly benefiting people with diabetes due to the liver’s crucial role in glucose metabolism. According to Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, studies have shown a positive effect on the liver upon the consumption of turmeric. Turmeric’s active compound, curcumin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help protect liver cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. 

By maintaining liver function, turmeric promotes efficient regulation of glucose production and release into the bloodstream, thereby aiding in the management of blood sugar levels. 

Carries Antioxidant Properties

According to the National Institutes of Health, turmeric carries antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric’s antioxidant properties play a beneficial role in diabetes management by combating oxidative stress, a key factor in developing and progressing diabetes-related complications. Oxidative stress occurs when there’s an imbalance between the production of harmful free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralise them with antioxidants.

In diabetes, high blood sugar levels contribute to increased oxidative stress, damaging cells and tissues throughout the body. Turmeric, rich in the antioxidant compound curcumin, helps neutralise free radicals, reducing oxidative damage and inflammation. This antioxidative action protects cells and supports overall metabolic health, potentially aiding in the prevention and management of diabetes and its complications.

Promotes Heart Health

Turmeric’s benefits for heart health can help with diabetes by addressing cardiovascular risk factors often associated with the condition. As stated by the Nutrition Journal, turmeric can help prevent cardiovascular diseases as it helps improve serum lipid levels. Diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes due to factors like high blood sugar levels, inflammation, and oxidative stress. 

Turmeric contains curcumin, which has been shown to have cardioprotective effects, including improving endothelial function, reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol levels, and preventing plaque buildup in arteries.

By promoting heart health and reducing cardiovascular risk, turmeric may help mitigate the risk of diabetes-related cardiovascular complications, contributing to overall diabetes management and well-being.

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Is Haldi Milk Good For Diabetes?

Is Haldi Milk Good For Diabetes?

Haldi milk, also known as turmeric milk, has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, including its impact on diabetes management. Turmeric, the key ingredient in haldi milk, contains curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties may help improve insulin sensitivity (as per a study by Nutrition & Metabolism), regulate blood sugar levels, and reduce diabetes-related inflammation. Additionally, the combination of turmeric and milk provides protein and essential nutrients, contributing to overall health. 

But to be specific, ‘Is turmeric milk good for diabetes?’ since turmeric powder works differently when sprinkled on food and when taken with milk. 

Well, combining haldi (turmeric) with milk offers unique benefits compared to consuming turmeric alone or with other foods. Milk contains protein and fat, which can help slow the absorption of turmeric’s active compound, curcumin, into the bloodstream. This slower absorption rate may enhance curcumin’s bioavailability, allowing for better utilisation of its health-promoting properties. Moreover, the combination of turmeric and milk provides a comforting and soothing beverage often consumed before bedtime, potentially promoting better sleep quality and overall well-being. However, individuals with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies should consider alternative milk options to reap the benefits of haldi without milk.

How To Take Turmeric For Diabetes?

Enhancing turmeric’s effectiveness for diabetes requires addressing its low bioavailability. When taken alone, the body struggles to absorb turmeric efficiently, leading to rapid breakdown and elimination. Mixing turmeric with other substances can improve absorption. Opting for bioavailable turmeric supplements ensures proper absorption and utilisation. However, turmeric alone isn’t a standalone solution for diabetes management. It should complement lifestyle changes like diet modifications, increased physical activity, and potentially prescription medications. Collaborating with a healthcare professional is vital to tailor an effective treatment plan for diabetes management.

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Side Effects of Taking Turmeric for Diabetes

While turmeric offers potential benefits for diabetes management, it may also pose certain side effects.

  • According to WebMD, large doses of turmeric can lead to gastrointestinal issues like upset stomach or abdominal pain. 
  • Some individuals may experience allergic reactions, manifesting as itchiness or skin rash. 
  • Turmeric may interact with certain medications, particularly those for blood thinning, potentially altering their effectiveness.

Moreover, turmeric is not recommended for those who are: 

  • Breastfeeding
  • Pregnant
  • Undergoing any liver treatment

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In conclusion, while turmeric holds promise for managing diabetes and improving overall well-being, further research is needed to understand its potential benefits and risks. Turmeric’s rich nutritional profile, antioxidant properties, and potential to support liver and heart health make it a valuable addition to diabetes management strategies. However, individuals should be aware of potential side effects, including gastrointestinal issues and allergic reactions, especially when consuming large doses or in combination with certain medications. Devising an individual meal plan with your healthcare professional is necessary to determine turmeric’s safest and most effective use in diabetes management.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is turmeric milk good for diabetic patients?

Turmeric milk can be beneficial for diabetic patients due to turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in regulating blood sugar levels. However, it’s essential to monitor sugar intake by using unsweetened milk alternatives and consulting with a healthcare professional.

What is the way to take turmeric?

Turmeric can be consumed in various ways, such as adding it to dishes during cooking, making turmeric tea or golden milk, or taking turmeric supplements. The choice of consumption method depends on personal preference and desired health benefits.

Is raw turmeric good for diabetes?

Raw turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may benefit diabetes management by improving insulin sensitivity and regulating blood sugar levels. Incorporating raw turmeric into the diet, such as in smoothies or salads, can be beneficial for diabetic individuals.

How much turmeric per day?

The ideal amount of turmeric per day varies depending on individual health conditions and dietary preferences. Generally, consuming 1-3 grams of turmeric per day is considered safe and effective for obtaining its health benefits. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

Is turmeric good for you raw?

Raw turmeric contains curcumin, a bioactive compound with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Consuming raw turmeric can provide health benefits such as improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and enhanced immune function.

What is better for diabetes, turmeric or cinnamon?

Both turmeric and cinnamon offer potential benefits for diabetes management due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, individual responses may vary, and incorporating both spices into the diet may provide synergistic effects in controlling blood sugar levels.

Is turmeric water good for diabetes?

Turmeric water, infused with turmeric powder or slices of raw turmeric, can be beneficial for diabetic individuals due to turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Drinking turmeric water regularly may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve overall health.

Is turmeric good for type 2 diabetes?

Turmeric contains curcumin, which has been studied for its potential benefits in managing type 2 diabetes. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may help improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels, making it potentially beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Is turmeric and black pepper good for diabetes?

Combining turmeric with black pepper can enhance the bioavailability of curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, making it more effective in managing diabetes. Black pepper contains piperine, which enhances curcumin absorption, potentially improving its therapeutic effects on blood sugar levels.

Is turmeric ginger tea good for diabetes?

Turmeric ginger tea combines the health benefits of both turmeric and ginger, making it potentially beneficial for diabetes management. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties and ginger’s ability to improve insulin sensitivity may help regulate blood sugar levels, making turmeric ginger tea a healthy beverage option for diabetic individuals.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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