Measuring Sugar in Urine: Know About Test Procedure and Result

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Damanjit Duggal, MD, MBBS January 11, 2022

Last updated on July 28th, 2023

A urine sugar test is a simple and rapid method of checking for unusually high glucose levels in a person’s urine. The body needs glucose and makes use of it for energy. The body converts the carbs a person consumes into sugar. Consuming an excess of sugar by a person may indicate a health issue. If a person fails to receive suitable treatment and his or her sugar levels remain high, he or she can develop severe complications. In the urine sugar test, a sample of urine is taken.

Once the sample is provided, a small cardboard device called a dipstick will be used for measuring the sugar levels. The dipstick changes the color based upon the amount of sugar in a person’s urine. If a moderate or high quantity of sugar is present in the urine, the concerned healthcare provider would carry out added testing for determining the basic reason for this.

urine sugar test

A diabetic person must always have a urine test if they observe blood in their urine, or to measure high blood glucose, diabetic ketoacidosis, or any underlying urinary tract infection. This test is completely non-invasive. Individuals frequently use this test at home. But doctors might use a urine test if they a vein can’t be accessed for a blood test, or if an individual suffers from anxiety or has a fear of needles. The outcomes might be less precise as compared to those of a blood test, but urine tests still play a key role. This article explains the urine tests for diabetics and how to understand the results.

The most common reason behind the raised levels of glucose in the blood is diabetes, a medical condition affecting the body’s ability to manage sugar levels. It’s vital to monitor the sugar levels if a person has already been diagnosed with diabetes, or if a person shows signs of prediabetes. These signs can be tiredness, excessive thirst, or unclear vision. If left untreated, diabetes might bring about certain long-term complications such as nerve damage or kidney failure.

Why is Sugar in Urine test performed?

A urine sugar test is carried out in order to check for diabetes. Moreover, diabetics can make use of this test as a means of monitoring the extent of glucose control or assessing the effectiveness of treatments. Urine tests were considered the major form of testing utilized to evaluate the sugar levels in individuals who possibly had diabetes. On the other hand, they are less commonly used now, and blood tests are gaining popularity as being more precise and simpler to use. In certain cases, a doctor can instruct a urine test for checking the kidney problems or a urinary tract infection (UTI).

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What is a Urine Glucose Test Used For?

Sugar in urine test might be part of a urinalysis, a test that assesses various chemicals, cells, as well as other substances in a person’s urine. Urinalysis is repeatedly considered a vital part of a routine assessment. Sugar in the urine test can also be helpful for screening for diabetes. On the other hand, a urine glucose test may not be as precise as a blood sugar test. Few individuals can’t get blood drawn as their veins are too little or too damaged to get punctured repeatedly. Others also avoid blood tests owing to intense anxiety or fear of needles.

How to Get Prepare For Urine Sugar Test?

It’s significant to inform the doctor regarding prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, or supplements a person has been taking. Various medicines may have an impact on the test results as well. On the other hand, a person should never stop consuming his or her medicines unless the doctor tells him or her to do so.

A doctor carried out the urine sugar test in his or her office or at a diagnostic laboratory. A plastic cup with a lid is given to the patient for the purpose of collecting the urine sample. When a person goes to the washroom, he or she must wash hands properly and a moist towelette must be used for cleaning the region around the genitals.

The sample can then be given to the concerned lab person. He or she uses a device called a dipstick to evaluate the sugar levels. Dipstick tests generally are done on the spot; thus, a person must be capable of receiving the results within a few minutes.

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Abnormal Results

The standard amount of sugar in the urine is 0 to 0.8 mmol/L (millimoles per liter). If the values come higher than this, it might indicate a health problem.

In a few cases, a raised quantity of sugar in urine might be because of pregnancy. Pregnant females are expected to have greater urine sugar levels as compared to non-pregnant females. Females who already have enhanced sugar levels in their urine must be cautiously screened for gestational diabetes if they get pregnant.

Raised sugar levels in urine might also indicate renal glycosuria. This occurs rarely, and in this condition, sugar is released from the kidneys into the urine. Renal glycosuria may bring about high urine sugar levels even though the blood sugar levels are normal. If the outcomes of this urine sugar test come irregular, the doctor would perform further testing for detecting the cause.

Take care the doctor has a list of every prescription or OTC drug the patient is taking. As few drugs may restrict sugar levels in the blood and urine. A person must also inform the doctor if the patient is under a great deal of stress, as this might also raise the sugar levels.

Diabetes and Urine Sugar Test

The most common reason behind the raised sugar levels in the urine is diabetes. Diabetes impacts the method by which the body processes sugar. Usually, a hormone named insulin is responsible for regulating the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. In a diabetic patient, however, the body either fails to manufacture a sufficient amount of insulin or the insulin produced fails to work efficiently. This leads to the accumulation of sugar in the blood.

Type 1 diabetes

This is one of the two major types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, also called juvenile diabetes, is an autoimmune problem that develops when the insulin-producing pancreatic cells get attacked by the person’s immune system. This implies that the body fails to produce enough insulin. This leads to sugar getting built up in the blood. Individuals having type 1 diabetes should use insulin every day to manage their condition.

sign of diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a medical problem that generally develops over time. This condition is also called adult-onset diabetes; however, it might have an effect on children. In individuals having type 2 diabetes, the body fails to produce insulin and the cells become resistant to its effects. This indicates that the body cells are incapable of taking in and storing sugar. In its place, sugar remains in the blood. The development of type 2 diabetes is more common in individuals who are overweight or who have an inactive lifestyle.

symptoms of diabetes

What Does a Positive Urine Glucose Result Indicate?

If the test result is positive, that means the kidneys are leaking protein into the urine. This is an indication that the kidneys are not properly functional as they should, even if the person feels well and show no signs. A physician better suggests medicines or lifestyle modifications in order to help control such conditions:

  • High blood glucose. Research studies demonstrate an association between tight control of blood glucose and reduction in kidney damage. Thus, the doctor might put a diabetic patient on more hostile treatments.
  • Kidney damage. A person can begin taking particular medications in order to prevent added harm. If the person’s microalbumin level is high, his or her doctor may recommend another type of test that demands a collection of samples for 24 hours. This may better state the degree of damage to the kidneys as well as can see how well they’re functioning.
  • Cholesterol. As enhanced microalbuminuria with time has been associated with heart disease risk, the doctor would coordinate with the patient to keep the cholesterol and other fats within healthy limits.
  • Blood pressure. Reduction of blood pressure lowers the risk of diabetes-associated renal damage. Thus, it is suggested to get it checked each time. The suggested reading for many diabetics is below 130/80.
  • Other factors like smoking or obesity also lead to an increased risk of kidney disease.

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How to Measure Sugar in Your Urine Yourself?

A person might also measure the blood glucose levels in his or her urine. Having sugar in the urine is typically a sign of very high blood glucose levels. The additional glucose in the bloodstream is frequently removed through the kidneys at blood glucose concentrations of approximately 10 mmol/l (180 mg/dl) and more than that. For assessing the quantity of glucose in the urine, a urine test strip and a container might be required for collecting urine.

It’s also vital to discuss with a doctor the most appropriate time of day to perform the urine test, as well as whether to perform it prior to or after eating. While evaluating glucose in the urine by the person himself or herself, a sample of urine will be required that hasn’t been in his or her bladder for long. Thus, a person would not utilize morning urine which has been collected overnight. As a substitute, it’s better to urinate and collect a sample approximately 60 minutes after the last time a person went to the toilet. Then, the test strip is dipped into the sample. After 2 minutes, the results appear on the color pads of the test strip.

Also Read: Normal Blood Sugar Level

What Does Sugar in Urine Test Reading Indicate?

To notice what the outcomes signify, a comparison of the colors on the test strip is done with the color chart available on the package. If there is no modification of the colors on the test strip, then the person does not have sugar in the urine. The more there is a color change, the more glucose will be present in the urine, and thus in the blood. However, this urine test is not considered appropriate for visualizing how efficacious treatment with drugs is as it fails to deliver the exact blood glucose readings. Urine tests can only be used for detecting very high blood glucose as the body doesn’t usually dispose of glucose in urine if any person’s glucose levels are ordinary or somewhat high.

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Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes, may it be of any type can be managed and now can be reversed as well. Breathe Well-being has one such excellent platform, Diabetes Reversal Plan. 1000+s of diabetics have reversed their condition by including changes in their eating, exercising, and sleeping routines. This plan has been proven to be valuable for many diabetics. Breathe works on your diet, exercise routines, and stress patterns, and never muddles with your routine. Breathe Well-being’s Diabetes reversal program not only helps reverse the condition but also maintains the overall health in the long run. People dropped off their medications or insulin after opting for this “Diabetes Reversal Plan”. You only can better figure out how to control your sugar levels.


Urine tests are performed in diabetics to evaluate severe hyperglycemia (seriously high levels of blood glucose). This test also looks for the presence of protein in the urine, which is again an indication of kidney damage. Urine glucose assessment is less accurate as compared to blood glucose assessment and is not usually not employed to diagnose diabetes or assess a diabetes treatment. Urine test is generally carried out in a clinical laboratory or at home employing self-test kits as well as a sample of the patient’s urine.


What color is urine with diabetes?

Diabetes may result in cloudy urine when there is an excess of sugar accumulated in your urine. Your urine can also smell fruity or sweet.

How can I remove sugar from urine?

Use the following remedies:

  1. Cut down the sugar and processed foods from your diet.
  2. Diet must contain mostly whole foods with enough veggies.
  3. Also, carb intake must be lowered to below 180 grams per day.
  4. Have more and more water instead of soda or juice.
  5. Carry out daily exercises and lose weight.

Do people with diabetes always have sugar in their urine?

Classically, sugar is not present in urine. But, in a diabetic patient, sugar may pass from the kidneys into the urine.

At what level sugar come in urine?

In many individuals, blood sugar levels of more than 10 mmol of glucose per liter of plasma would result in sugar coming into the urine. This level can also be termed the ‘renal threshold’ for sugar.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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