Metformin 1000 mg Tablet Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Surajeet Kumar Patra, MBBS, MD, FDIAB, MBA & APMP March 7, 2022

Last updated on October 17th, 2022

Managing diabetes with medicines is now the simplest and the effective way. It enables the patients to get quick and better results than following diet and exercises alone. These days, many medicines for managing blood glucose levels are available in the market but, Metformin is the best. It is a drug that controls blood glucose levels with minimum side effects. A doctor can prescribe Metformin alone or with some other diabetes medication. However, if you are allergic to any of its ingredient or have kidney, liver or heart problems inform you, doctor, before taking Metformin. Read this blog to know about Metformin 1000 mg tablet uses, side effects, dosage and interactions.

Diabetes medications have been a boon for diabetes patients. It helps them to manage their diabetes and live a healthy life. A lot of pharmaceutical companies have come up with diabetes medications. Out of their several products, Metformin is the leading choice for sugar patients to manage their diabetes. It is an effective and cheap medication for diabetes. Moreover, there are no side effects of Metformin if you take it according to the prescription.

Metformin 1000 mg Tablet Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions

Key facts about Metformin 1000 MG Tablet


Metformin has been the first choice of doctors for sugar patients with diabetes type-1 and type-2. It helps in managing the blood sugar levels in sugar patients without causing side effects.

Metformin is a prescription drug that treats diabetes type-2 and prevents the risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Metformin helps to improve the insulin sensitivity of your body when your body is unable to handle the Insulin that your body makes. Therefore, it helps in lowering your blood sugar levels. Doctors usually prescribe this medicine to patients when diet and exercise alone cannot manage the blood sugar levels. Some key facts about Metformin are as follows:

  • Metformin is available in the form of tablets and liquids that you can drink.
  • It is available in two strengths: 500 mg, 850 mg, and 1000 mg.
  • It is best to take Metformin along with the meals. Because it reduces the chances of developing side effects.
  • Unlike some other diabetes medications, Metformin does not cause weight gain.
  • Bolamyn, Diagemet, Glucient, Glucophage, and Metabet are some brand names of Metformin.
  • Riomet is the name of liquid Metformin.

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Difference between Metformin 500 and Metformin 1000

Metformin is available in different strengths. Therefore, Metformin 500 and Metformin 1000 serve the same purpose but have different strengths. When diabetes patients experience a sudden increase in blood sugar levels, then Metformin 1000 mg is helpful. The patients who are not getting the benefit from Metformin 500 mg may increase their dosage and start with Metformin 100 mg to control their blood sugar levels.

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Working on Metformin 1000 MG Tablet

Metformin 1000 mg is an anti-diabetic drug and belongs to the biguanide class of medicine. It lowers the production of glucose in the liver. It, therefore, results in the delay in absorption of glucose from the intestine. As a result, it increases insulin sensitivity and enables your body to manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Combination of Metformin 1000 MG Tablet with Insulin

In case of the rapid rise in blood sugar levels, the doctor may suggest using a combination of Metformin and Insulin. This combination therapy helps in better control of blood sugar levels. The combination therapy also reduces the risk of adverse cardiac events and death due to diabetes compared to the individuals taking Insulin only for lowering blood sugar levels. Regular intake of Metformin helps to reduce the dosage of Insulin intake and provides superior glycemic control.

Dosage of Metformin 1000 MG Tablet


The correct dosage of Metformin helps in achieving the goal of managing blood sugar levels. Exceeding the dosage may result in hypoglycemia or other related side effects. The doctors do not recommend Metformin for older people and people with liver and kidney problems as it can lead to Lactic Acidosis and other gastrointestinal problems in the patients. The dosage of Metformin can also be divided in a day to have better control of the blood sugar levels.

The dosage of Metformin varies from individual to individual. Lifestyle, health condition of the sugar patients, and blood glucose levels are the main factors to decide the dosage of Metformin for the patients.

  • Usual adult dose for diabetes type-2 patients: The initial dosage of extended-release Metformin may vary from 500 mg to 1000 mg per day. The doctor may increase the dosage by 500 mg per week depending upon the toleration limit of your body. However, the maximum dosage of the extended-release Metformin should not exceed 2000 mg per day. If a doctor prescribes the dosage of 2000 mg, the patients can divide their dosage into two parts. Hence, they can take Metformin 1000 mg twice a day after consultation with their doctor. The patients should also check with the doctor about the timings of taking the medicine. It will prevent overdosing on Metformin.
  • Usual pediatric dose for diabetes type-2 patients: The initial dosage of extended-release Metformin for children of 10 years or older is 500 mg once a day Based on tolerability and glycemic control, the doctor may increase the dosage by 500 mg per week. Titrate the dose slowly to avoid gastrointestinal side effects. The doctor prescribes Metformin to improve glycemic control in children with diabetes type-2 as an adjunct to exercise and diet.

The dosage of Metformin to older people, people with renal impairment, kidney problems, and liver diseases depends upon the individual to individual. Generally, doctors do not prescribe Metformin to such patients. If they have to prescribe Metformin in some cases, they ensure to do not recommend titration to the maximum dose.

Drug interaction with Metformin 1000 MG Tablet

Drug interaction with Metformin is not so rare. When a drug interacts with Metformin, it may either decrease its effects or have side effects. Drug interaction not necessarily means that you have to stop taking either of the medicine. Speak to your doctor about managing the drug interaction. As a precaution, you must discuss the medications that you are already taking with your doctor. It will help in preventing drug interaction.

Common medications that may interact with Metformin include:

  • Antidepressants
  • Vancomycin
  • Aspirin And Other Salicylates
  • Digoxin
  • Nicotinic Acid
  • Vandetanib
  • Thyroid Agent
  • Verapamil
  • Ondansetron
  • Oral Contraceptives
  • Calcium Channel Blockers
  • Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Many medications like some anti-diabetes drugs easily interact with Metformin. Therefore, you should inform your doctor about your other health problems for which you are taking medicines. You should also avoid taking other medicines while taking Metformin.

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Side Effects of Metformin 1000 MG Tablet


Considering the downsides of Metformin, it is essential to discuss your medical history with your doctor. It will help you to avoid the side effects of Metformin while controlling your blood sugar levels. Further, it will also reduce the risk of developing diabetes-related complications.

Sugar patients who are between 18 and 60 years of age, do not take any medications, and have no other medical conditions can experience some side effects like:

  •  Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, indigestion, lack of energy, taste disturbance, or inflammation are some side effects of Metformin.
  • Lack of Vitamin B12 in the body as your body stops the absorption of Vitamin B12. However, it barely leads to anemia in the patients.
  • Metformin is unsuitable for sugar patients with liver disorders and chronic metabolic acidosis. It increases the potential risk of diabetic ketoacidosis.
  • Some diabetes patients have to live with dietary restrictions to get better results from diabetes control therapy. They may have to stop temporarily taking Metformin. It increases the risk of dehydration, kidney damage, and low blood pressure.
  • The worst side effect of Metformin includes lactic acidosis, and it can be fatal for the patients. The risk of lactic acidosis is higher in older people and those who have kidney disease. Some diabetes medications are there as well that affect the function of the kidney. If people with kidney disease take Metformin without prescription, they are also at the risk of developing Lactic Acidosis.
  • Metformin is also unsuitable for diabetes patients with renal impairments. Strictly avoid Metformin in the sugar patients having estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 45 mL/min.

Metformin 1000 mg Tablet Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions

Tips to Follow


Taking Metformin with some precautions provides the best results to diabetes patients in controlling their blood sugar levels. You need to know about the tips for taking Metformin, foods that you have to avoid, the way to take Metformin, and the dosage of Metformin. It will help you to avoid the side effects of Metformin.

Sugar patients may get the maximum benefits of Metformin by following some tips. Such tips include:

  • Take Metformin 100 mg with meals. It will avoid the problem of stomach upset and prevent indigestion as well.
  • Do not crush, chew or break Metformin slow-release tablet. Swallow the Metformin tablet as a whole.
  • Patients taking Metformin should regularly monitor their blood sugar levels. It helps in preventing low blood sugar levels. They should also monitor other laboratory tests like kidney function to avoid the side effects of Metformin due to the development of kidney problems.
  • Depending on Metformin and the combination of Metformin with other diabetes drugs should be alone. Make sure to focus on lifestyle management and diet to have better control on the management of diabetes type-2.
  • Do not drink alcohol daily or in large amounts often while taking Metformin. It increases the risk of Lactic Acidosis.
  • Stop Metformin temporarily after consultation with your doctor on experiencing the side effects.
  • Ensure that your doctor prescribes the lowest dosage of Metformin in the starting. Do not start with the higher dosage of Metformin. It can lead to low blood sugar levels.  However, the dosage may vary from one individual to the other.

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How long does Metformin take to show an effect on your body?

You can see the peak effects of Metformin within 2-3 hours with immediate-release tablets and around 4-8 hours with the slow-release tablets. It may take up to a week or two with the regular dosage of Metformin to get the maximum effect. Once your body starts responding to the dosage of Metformin, your doctor may increase or decrease the dosage depending upon your body’s requirement to adjust the blood sugar levels to the normal levels.

What are the foods that you should avoid while taking Metformin?

Avoid consuming a large amount of alcohol while taking Metformin. It can drastically drop your blood sugar levels and cause hypoglycemia. It can even cause lactic acidosis. You should also avoid eating high-fiber food after taking Metformin. Fiber can bind to the drug and lower its concentration. Therefore, the effectiveness of Metformin to keep your blood glucose levels low decreases and when you take a large amount of fiber.

What to do if Metformin is not benefiting the person with diabetes type-2?

Metformin is one of the most effective medications for people with diabetes type-2. It helps in maintaining your blood glucose levels in the normal range. Nevertheless, there are sugar patients for whom Metformin is not enough in controlling their blood sugar levels. Such patients need to consult with their doctors. The doctors may add another drug to their diabetes treatment. The secondary prescription drug for diabetes management depends upon individuals.

How long Metformin stays in your body?

Metformin stays in your system for about four days. It has an elimination half-life of approximately 17.6 hours. It takes approximately 96.8 hours for Metformin to clear from your body. However, the duration for which Metformin stays in a person’s body varies from person to person. Some factors that determine Metformin’s stay duration in your body are your metabolic rate, age, health, and body mass.

Can I take two Metformin 500 mg at the same time?

Taking Metformin 500 mg or 1000 mg according to the prescription helps in lowering your blood sugar levels. However, trying to cover up the missed dosage or taking more dosage for instant diabetes control can be harmful. It can lead to the side effects like hypoglycemia, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, and Diarrhea. If a doctor prescribes you Metformin, either 500 mg or 1000 mg, make sure to take the correct dosage at a time. In case you miss the dosage then, do not overdose.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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