Metformin 500 MG Tablet: Know All About Generic Medicine For Diabetes Patients

Last updated on September 30th, 2022

People with diabetes need proper care and medications to live a healthy life. Negligence to their health can give them serious health complications and sometimes prove fatal for their life. Lifestyle modification is a great help to control blood sugar levels. However, many people with diabetes need medications to keep their blood sugar levels in control. Several medicines are available in the market, Metformin 500 MG tablet is the most common, effective, and safe medication.

About Metformin 500 MG Tablet

It is a prescription drug that treats high blood sugar levels due to diabetes mellitus or diabetes type-2. Metformin 500 MG tab is ideal for people with type-2 diabetes. It is not suitable for patients who are insulin-dependent or have diabetes type-1. The reason is that pancreas does not produce insulin in such patients. The insulin injections control their blood glucose levels. However, sometimes doctors prescribe Metformin together with insulin and other medications.

what is metformin 500 tablet

Metformin 500 MG Tablet

It is available in different dosages. Metformin 500 mg is the lowest dose that is effective in controlling blood sugar levels. When your diabetes test shows your blood sugar levels on the higher side, your doctor may prescribe Metformin 500 mg tablet in the starting. It helps them to know how your body is responding to this medicine. It also helps them to know if there is a need to increase your dosage. If your blood sugar levels get normal, with a 500 mg dose, the doctor may continue this drug.

Also Read: How to Lower Blood Sugar?

metformin 500 tablet usage and side effects

Working of Metformin 500 MG Tablet

Glucose or blood sugar is a vital source of energy in the body. You get glucose from the food you eat, and the liver also produces it in your body. When the carbohydrates from your food convert into glucose, insulin moves the glucose in your bloodstream for energy. However, people with diabetes type-2 are not able to use insulin which makes their body insulin resistant. Metformin increases the sensitivity of the muscle cells to insulin to reduce their blood sugar levels.

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Metformin 500 MG Tablet Interaction


Easy interaction of Metformin with drugs increases the risk of health complications. Therefore, you need to inform your doctor about the other medications you are taking before starting Metformin. The doctor will assess the risk of interaction hence accordingly changing or continuing the Metformin prescription. People taking Metformin should also avoid alcohol. It will enable Metformin to give the best results in controlling your blood sugar levels.

Drug interaction is the reaction between two or more drugs or between drugs and food. It changes the action of the drugs or medication. Sometimes, it increases the risk of serious side effects. Metformin also interacts easily. Thus, you need to learn about Metformin 500 mg Interactions.

  1. Metformin interaction with drugs: There are at least 74 drugs with which Metformin interacts in moderation. Also, there are at least 87 different drugs that have mild interaction effects with Metformin. Some of the drugs that easily interact with Metformin include:
    • Cationic drugs
    • Aspirin
    • Blood pressure drugs
    • Cholesterol drugs
    • Topiramate
    • Hormone drugs
    • Tuberculosis drugs
    • Thyroid drugs
    • Phenothiazines
    • Glaucoma drugs
  2. Metformin interaction with food/beverages: People with diabetes type-2 who take Metformin 500 to control their blood sugar levels should avoid alcohol. Alcohol impairs the ability of the liver to store and release blood glucose. Therefore, patients taking Metformin should avoid alcohol.

metformin 500 tablet precautions

Side Effects of Metformin 500 MG Tablet


Generally, most of the medicines have the side effect that ranges from severe to mild. Metformin also has some side effects but they are mild. You need to discuss with your doctor your previous medical conditions, any illness, lifestyle, and daily routine before starting Metformin. It will help you to avoid the side effects.

In some cases, Metformin can cause side effects. Therefore, the patients should avoid taking Metformin in certain conditions. Some significant side effects of Metformin include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Acidity and gas
  • Heartburn

These are the mild side effects that may go away on their own within a few days. If these side effects turn severe, you can consult your doctor.

Apart from the mild side effects, there are some serious side effects of Metformin. These include:

In case of serious side effects, do not ignore the symptoms and immediately take help from your doctor.

side effects of metformin tablet

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Metformin and Hypoglycemia (Low blood sugar levels)

Hypoglycemia is one of the most common but serious side effects of anti-diabetes medications. It can occur as a side effect of Metformin 500 mg as well. However, it is rare with Metformin 500 mg. It happens because Metformin does not increase insulin levels in your body. Hypoglycemia generally occurs if you are taking some other medications along with Metformin. Following are the symptoms of hypoglycemia that you may experience while taking Metformin with other medicines:

  • Sudden sweating
  • Shaking
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Hunger
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Tingling hands/feet

When you experience the mentioned symptoms or your blood glucose test level is between 55 mg/dL and 70 mg/dL, you have hypoglycemia. To treat hypoglycemia, you can drink around 15-20 grams of glucose or a sugary solution. It will help you to treat your low blood sugar levels within 15 minutes. If it doesn’t work, contact your doctor for quick medication. Lack of treatment for hypoglycemia can result in seizures or develop brain damage.

symptoms of hypoglycemia

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Metformin and Lactic Acidosis


Lactic Acidosis is a severe side effect of Metformin. It happens due to the build-up of lactic acid in your body. On noticing the symptoms, immediately take help from your doctor to avoid the seriousness of this side effect.

Lactic Acidosis is a rare but critical side effect of Metformin therapy. The estimated mortality rate of Metformin-induced Lactic Acidosis is 50%. Lactic Acid formation takes place in your body when you take Metformin. When your body produces lactic acid but cannot mobilize quickly, it results in Lactic Acidosis. Symptoms of lactic acidosis include:

  • Feeling Dizzy
  • Feeling Cold In Your Hands Or Feet
  • Nausea Or Vomiting
  • Slow Or Irregular Heartbeat
  • Muscle Pain
  • Lethargy
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Stomach Ache

People more than 60 years of age or who have heart, liver, or kidney impairment are at a high risk of developing lactic acidosis. Also, people who have undergone any surgery and are under the alcohol intoxication process can develop lactic acidosis. It is temporary in some people, while other diabetes patients may have to live with it for a long time. Intravenous fluid to promote circulation, oxygen with a face mask, vitamin therapy, and hemodialysis with bicarbonate are the treatment for Lactic Acidosis.

metformin and lactic acidosis

Metformin Dosage For Diabetes Type-2 Patients


Take the medicines in the prescribed dosage to get their benefit on your health. Under dose will not give effective results, whereas the overdose can lead to serious side effects like hypoglycemia. Your doctor will provide the dosage instructions, so you need to follow them strictly for the best results. If you experience any Metformin 500 mg side effects, contact the doctor immediately.

The dosage of Metformin differs from one person to another depending upon their:

  • Age
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Sex
  • Chronic illness
  • Other medications
  1. Metformin for Adults: For the adult, the initial dose of Metformin 500 mg pills is twice a day. Take the medicines after the meals to control your blood sugar levels. Depending upon your body’s tolerance level, your doctor can later change the dosage. Your doctor can increase 500 mg of dosage per week to control your diabetes without side effects. The maximum permitted dosage of Metformin 500 is 2550 mg per day.
  2. Metformin for Children: Metformin is not suitable for children below 10 years of age. However, children above 10 years to 18 years of age and suffering from diabetes can take this medicine. However, they should take Metformin under the strict supervision of a doctor. It helps them to control their blood glucose levels without any side effects. The initial dose for the children is 500 mg twice a day. The dosage later increases to 500 mg per week. The maximum dosage for children is 2000 mg per day.

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When to Stop Using Metformin 500 MG Tablet


It is an inexpensive and effective drug for treating diabetes type-2. It is difficult for many diabetes patients to manage their diabetes alone with lifestyle balance and diet control. The doctors prescribe them Metformin 500 mg to control their blood sugar levels. There are fewer side effects of Metformin. Hence, it is safe to use but on prescription only. Some diabetes patients experience Lactic Acidosis or hypoglycemia as the serious side effects of Metformin.

Although Metformin has rare severe side effects still, patients should be cautious using Metformin. You should avoid taking Metformin 500 immediately in the following conditions:

  • Elder people: People above 60 years of age should take Metformin only after consultation with the doctor. Ensure that they don’t have any kidney-related issues and should be given in case of emergency only. This medicine is strictly not for people above 80 years of age.
  • Liver diseases: Patients suffering from liver diseases can develop serious health problems due to Lactic Acidosis. It is a rare but serious side effect of Metformin. There are some medications for liver diseases that easily interact with Metformin and give additional health complications. Thus, avoid Metformin for patients with liver diseases.
  • Heart issues: Any heart-related health issue can get worse due to Lactic Acidosis. Thus, avoid taking Metformin. If you need to take Metformin, you need to consult with your doctor and stop taking medicines for heart diseases.
  • Kidney issues: Patients suffering from mild to moderate kidney disease should avoid Metformin. They can get the eGFR test done before taking Metformin. If the test value is less than 30mL/min/1.73m2 then stop Metformin immediately.
  • Diabetes Ketoacidosis: The production of Lactic Acid in your body while you are already having diabetes ketoacidosis can make your health worse. Therefore, avoid Metformin if you are suffering from diabetes ketoacidosis or on its medication

metformin and diabetes ketoacidosis

Also Read: Metformin Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & Interactions


Can I take a Vitamin B12 supplement while taking Metformin?

People taking Metformin may experience a deficiency of Vitamin B12. It happens because Metformin may reduce the absorption of Vitamin B12 from the gut. People who are vegetarian or vegan and take Metformin are at a higher risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency. If your doctor checks your Vitamin B12 levels and your levels are low, he/she will prescribe a Vitamin B12 supplement.

Should I stop taking Metformin if I am unwell?

Diarrhea and vomiting are the common side effects of Metformin. If you are dehydrated due to diarrhea and vomiting and feel unwell, you need to consult your healthcare provider. They may recommend you to stop taking Metformin until your feel better. 

Is Invokana the same as Metformin?

No. They are different. Invokana and Metformin are both the medicines to treat diabetes type-2. They are responsible for lowering blood sugar levels but, they work in different ways. Invokana inhibits a protein that increases the amount of sugar passing through urine to reduce blood sugar levels. Metformin makes the body insulin sensitive, reduces the amount of sugar the liver produces, and reduces the rate of absorption of sugar from the intestines.

What are the instructions for the storage of Metformin 500?

Store Metformin 500 mg in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight and store the medicine in its original packaging.  Keep this medicine away from the children and pets. Take help from your doctor on how to dispose of this medicine. 

What is the dosage required for Metformin 500?

Dosage instructions of Metformin 500 are different for a different patient. An adult can take Metformin 500 mg pills two times a day along with the morning and evening meals. When you miss the dosage of Metformin 500, you need to take it as soon as you remember. Avoid over dosage. In case of overdose, contact your doctor immediately.



Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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