Top Six Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water

Last updated on September 27th, 2022Coconut is a fruit that comes with several potential health benefits and is commonly known for its water, milk, oil, and tasty meat. It is commonly known as Nariyal Pani, is a blessing for the scorching heat and it is the best way to cool yourself during the summer season. Coconut …

Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes

The chance of an individual developing type 2 diabetes depends on a range of risk factors. Some risk factors are simple to control in comparison to others. An individual may alter, or control, some risk factors including diet and the amount of physical activity they do. When individuals are conscious of the risk factors that they …

Top 21 Avocado Benefits, Recipes and Side Effects

Last updated on September 26th, 2022The avocado is a tropical tree that contains green, pear-shaped fruit. The term avocado relates to the tree as well as fruit. But, technically avocados are fruits that grow on Persea Americana trees found in Central America and Mexico. Presently, avocados are grown in other regions, including the US. These nutrient-dense …


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