Diabetes and Artificial Sweeteners: Know Why are Artificial Sweeteners not Good for Diabetics?

Last updated on August 30th, 2022Sweet foods acts as a barrier in any diabetic’s healthy and balanced diet. Usually, every person must be consuming less sugar. Yet, having something sweet makes a person happy sometimes. Understanding artificial sweeteners in diabetes is a must if: a person wishes to lose weight a person tries to keep the …

10 Winter Foods for Diabetics

Last updated on September 27th, 2022Diabetes prevalence across the globe has increased. When the body either becomes insulin resistant or has a deficiency in producing the insulin it results in diabetes. This results in decreased absorption of blood glucose by cells for metabolism. When left untreated diabetes can cause health ailments like heart diseases, kidney diseases, …

Can Diabetics Eat Mango? | Know About Mango Glycemic Index & Nutritional Facts

Last updated on March 29th, 2022Mango, often named “the king of fruits”, is one of the most cherished tropical fruits present globally. It’s well-known for its bright yellow skin as well as its sweet, exceptional taste. This stone fruit, or drupe, is grown in the tropical areas of Africa, Asia, and Central America, however now it’s …

Does Black Coffee Affect Blood Sugar?

Last updated on April 18th, 2022Coffee was once destined as being harmful for a person’s health. But an increasing number of evidences state that coffee helps in guarding several forms of cancers, liver problems, and even depression. In addition, there is convincing research suggesting that when the coffee consumption is increased, the risk of developing diabetes …

Best Vitamins and Supplements for Diabetes

Last updated on April 9th, 2022Type 2 diabetes also referred to as adult-onset diabetes, is commonly found in children. This type of diabetes occurs when a person’s body either resists insulin or fails to produce a sufficient amount of it. It disturbs the sugar levels in the blood. No cure exists for this. But it is …


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