Diabetes and Skin Problems: Know About Diabetic Skin Disorder Causes, Types, Prevention

Last updated on September 30th, 2022When a person is diabetic, skin problems can be the initial symptom indicating the same. Diabetes has an impact on almost every body part, including the skin. Many diabetics experience a skin problem caused or tormented by diabetes at some time. Most common examples of these conditions may involve itching, fungal …

Diabetic Foot Problems – Know What Happens to Your Feet and Legs Due to Diabetes

Last updated on April 12th, 2022Diabetes problems arise when too much glucose (sugar) is in the blood for a long time. High glucose levels in the blood (also called blood sugar) can damage many organs in the body, such as the eyes, blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. Heart and blood vessel disease can cause heart attacks …

Alcohol and Diabetes: Know How Drinking Alcohol Affects Diabetes

Last updated on April 9th, 2022Diabetes occurs commonly marked by the presence of uncontrolled levels of blood sugar. Alcohol can produce extensive swings in these levels and may result in both low and high blood glucose readings. If any diabetic person wishes to drink alcohol, some approaches can be used to drink more safely, like keeping …


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