Diabetic Retinopathy Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

Last updated on August 30th, 2022As the name itself infers, Diabetic Retinopathy is a diabetes-related complication that affects the eyes of the patient. The main cause of this problem is harm to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue present at the retina. At the initial stage, diabetic retinopathy may not show any symptoms but can …

Chart of Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Adults With Diabetes Age Wise

Last updated on September 8th, 2023 The amount of glucose (“sugar” expressed in mg/dL) present in blood fluctuates during the day and at night. Our body maintains a level of blood glucose for metabolism. The normal sugar level in a healthy body is between 90 to 100 mg/dL. But sometimes, these blood sugar levels may go …

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes of All Types – An Overview

Last updated on September 27th, 2022Nearly 400 million people in the world have diabetes.  In addition, it is estimated that 8 million people may be undiagnosed by the disease or are unaware of their health condition . It is therefore essential that we increase awareness regarding diabetes. The first step is to know about the key …

Know About Insulin Resistance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Last updated on September 9th, 2022Insulin resistance occurs when an excess of glucose reduces the ability of blood cells to absorb and use blood glucose for energy. When your body’s insulin resistance is high, there is a lot of pressure on your pancreas to produce more insulin to balance blood sugar levels in your bloodstream. It …

Yoga For Diabetes: Control Your Blood Sugar Level Naturally at Home

Last updated on August 30th, 2022Yoga is an additional treatment for those living with diabetes type-2. It helps in improving all the health parameters to promote physical and mental health. Yoga helps in managing diabetes better if you practice yoga for long enough. It will also reduce the risk of complications related to diabetes. Yoga in …


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