Health Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroot is a red-colored root vegetable that is used in multiple dishes. Beetroot health benefits are versatile and good for the brain, digestive system, liver conditions, high blood pressure, muscle soreness, and heart health. What is Beetroot? It belongs to two different families, its beets are related to the Amaranthaceae family which also includes chard. Spinach …

16 Health Benefits of Turmeric or Haldi 

Last updated on July 27th, 2022In India, turmeric is one of the most widely used spices. . Its scientific name is Curcuma Longa which comes from the Ginger family. Turmeric or People are using Haldi for both edible and medicinal purposes for centuries Its medicinal uses in Ayurveda are notable to treat multiple health conditions. Haldi …

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer

Amongst alcohol, beer is one of the major consumed and popular beverages. It contains less alcohol than other hard liquors and has numerous health benefits. The Health benefits of beer have a wide range as lowering the risk of cancer, diabetes control, preventing kidney stones, reducing cholesterol and blood clots, etc. It also helps with digestion, …

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are edible oval-shaped flat seeds that are sweet and nutty in taste. It is also known as a folk remedy because of its extensive use from ages for different health conditions. It is believed that pumpkin seeds are good for diabetes. Read the blog to understand more about the “health benefits of pumpkin seeds” …


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