What is Normal Blood Sugar Level?

Last updated on September 26th, 2022

Blood sugar is basically the glucose that is present in your blood. It comes from what you eat and is the main source of energy for your body. Everyone’s body responds uniquely to food, surroundings, medications, and even blood sugar levels. When people are diagnosed with diabetes, they obviously asked what their normal blood sugar level should be. This is because having a high or low blood sugar level indicates that your health needs immediate medical attention.

Level of blood glucose in a healthy person

blood glucose

The amount of blood glucose or sugar of individuals depends upon what they eat and how their body responds. It can be measured easily when they fast or eat or after eating.

Level of blood glucose In kids:

The normal blood glucose level in kids under 6 years of age should range from about 80 to 200 mg/dL each day. However, for kids between 6 and 12 years of age, should have blood glucose levels from 80 to 180 mg/dL in a day. In teens, this range can be from 70 to 150 mg/dL.

Level of blood glucose In Adults:

The normal glucose level range from 100-180 mg/dL in a day. Generally, when they wake up after fasting for around 7-8 hours the sugar level in their blood is at its lowest. The normal fasting blood sugar level can be less than 100mg/dL. After 2 hours of having a meal, the blood glucose level ranges between 90 to 110 mg/dL.

Range of blood sugar in pregnant women

blood sugar in pregnant women

Women are at the risk of getting diabetic during their pregnancy. This happens because of the hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy. The blood sugar or glucose levels in pregnant women with pre-existing or gestational diabetes ranges less than 95mg/dL at fasting. After 2 hours of meal, the normal sugar level for female range is less than 120mg/dL.

Maintain normal blood glucose during pregnancy:

Pregnant women are supposed to take more care of them because it will help in avoiding the complications during delivery. It will help in maintaining their long term health and their babies. If you are obese at the beginning of your pregnancy or have a family history of diabetes then you should get diabetes sugar levels checked. If there is no as such high risk of gestational diabetes then you can get the blood sugar test between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

How the blood sugar level goes up and down?

Anyone having the blood glucose levels outside the range mentioned is known to have either high or low blood sugar. You may have a high blood sugar if your glucose level is over 130 mg/dL before a meal or 180 mg/dL within 2 hours of your meal.

The carbohydrates in your food break down into a usable form of energy which is known as glucose or sugar. It can easily enter into your bloodstream to provide energy to your body. However, the body hormone insulin helps to move glucose into your cells. Therefore, the amount of glucose is maintained in your blood. When the secretion of insulin is altered in your body, the level of glucose in your blood also gets altered and affects your health.

Also Read: How to Lower Blood Sugar?

Reasons for uneven blood glucose:

On an average, more than 33% of adults suffer from diabetes all over the world. There are a number of reasons that has led to the increase in the number of diabetes patients. Some of the most common reasons for uneven blood sugar levels are:

  1. Lack of physical activity
  2. Smoking
  3. Insulin over or under production
  4. Side effects of Medication
  5. Hormonal deficiencies
  6. Stress
  7. Skipping meals
  8. Improper diet
  9. Inadequate sleep
  10. High or low consumption of carbs

Symptoms of high blood sugar:

There are a number of symptoms of high blood sugar. Some of them are:

  1. Frequent urination and feeling of thirst
  2. Sudden and unexplained weight loss
  3. Numbness in hands and legs
  4. Damage to eyes and loss of vision
  5. Infections and wound doesn’t get healed easily

Symptoms of low blood sugar:

Following are the symptoms by which you can recognize that your normal sugar level in body is getting low:

  1. All time weakness
  2. Extreme hunger
  3. Irritation
  4. Faster heartbeat
  5. Dizziness

Deal with uneven sugar level instantly:

When you know the symptoms of high or low sugar levels in your body, it is easier for you to encounter the sudden or immediate effects. There are few home remedies also which can give you quick relief before you see your doctor. The most effective home remedy for quick relief is to drink salt or sugar water when you notice the symptoms of high or low sugar levels in your body. Liquids are quickly absorbed by your body and you will feel bit comfortable to see your doctor.

When should you test blood sugar?

Sugar level in human body can vary throughout the day but on identifying the symptoms of high or low blood sugar in your body, you should go for the blood sugar test. These days you don’t have to worry about how to check sugar level, you can easily get the blood sugar test done at the pathology or even at your home with diabetes testing kit. These kits contain a continuous glucose meter and testing stripes. Just put a drop of your blood on a strip and place it under glucose monitor to know your diabetes level test.

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Methods for assessing fasting blood sugar:

Basically, two common methods are used for assessing fasting blood glucose levels.

  1. Conventional blood sugar test: It is the method in which the value of blood sugar is measured at a specific time. It is highly recommended to get this test done in the morning empty stomach. This will give you the most accurate value.
  2. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) test: In this type of test, Hemoglobin A1c levels are checked over a period of 2-3 months. The higher the Hemoglobin A1c level, the higher the chance of being a diabetic.

Methods for assessing non-fasting blood sugar:

Like fasting blood sugar, non-fasting blood sugar can also be measured by two methods.

  • Exercise regularly to keep your body weight in control. This helps in improving insulin sensitivity in your body
  • Control the intake of carbohydrates which break down into glucose. When the intake of carbohydrates is high, the blood sugar levels also get high. Low carbohydrate diet keeps amount of blood sugar normal.
  • Increase the intake of high fiber diet which helps in regulating the blood sugar. Fiber is slows down the digestion of carbohydrates by the body which ultimately keeps the blood glucose level in control.
  • By drinking plenty of water in a day one can easily maintain the limits of blood sugar. Adequate amount of water in your body enables the kidney to easily flush out the excessive amount of glucose in your body.
  • Manage your stress levels to keep the blood sugar level normal. Along with the carbohydrates, the hormones, glucagon and cortisol are also responsible for increasing the blood sugar.

Apart from these, you need to change your lifestyle to keep your blood sugar in normal range or if you want to reverse your diabetes. You need to plan your day wisely so that you can take out the ‘me time’ to maintain your glucose levels which ultimately helps in managing your health.


What is normal blood sugar level for a non-diabetic person?

For a nondiabetic person the blood sugar level should range between 70 to 130 mg/dL depending on the last meal they had.

Can walking help reduce blood sugar level?

Walking is highly beneficial in brining down blood glucose level.

Which foods help in lowering the blood sugar level?

Foods like oatmeal, oats bran, legumes, nuts, and garlic can help lower blood sugar level.

How can one lower blood sugar level quickly?

By consuming fast acting insulin one can lower the blood sugar level


  1. https://www.singlecare.com/blog/normal-blood-glucose-levels/
  2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/15-ways-to-lower-blood-sugar
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371451
Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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