World Diabetes Day

Last updated on April 18th, 2022

Diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of kidney failure, heart attack, blindness, leg amputations, and stroke. 500 million people across the globe are diabetic.

The main challenge in controlling diabetes rising rates across the globe is a lack of awareness and poor access to the proper treatment. Thus, World Diabetes Day came into existence intending to bring in global efforts to fight against this disease.

World Diabetes Day
World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day History

Both the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization (WHO) came together with the World Diabetes Day idea in 1991. The idea of this day is to reach out to the world with an awareness program regarding diabetes and to come together to fight this disease.

November 14 was selected as it is the birthday date of Sir Frederick Banting. He is the co-discoverer of insulin (in 1922) that helps in fighting diabetes.

The forum idea came into existence in 1991. But UN adopted the idea of the importance of multilateral efforts in increasing awareness and improvising human health by providing communication, and access to treatment in 2007. Thus, in 2007 14 November became UN official World Diabetes Day.


14 November is World Diabetes Day. The day aims to increase awareness against the disease and put in global efforts to overcome the disease.

World Diabetes Day Objective

Diabetes is a treatable disease. It requires proper care and treatment. If left untreated it can result in numerous serious consequences. It is therefore, through proper medication and treatment, the complications of diabetes can be avoided.

The World Diabetes day aims to reach wider audiences across the globe with the following objectives:

  • Be the forum promoting the IDF efforts across the globe
  • To raise awareness regarding the disease,
  • Eliminate stigma and taboos associated with the disease
  • To be a platform promoting the importance of coordinated efforts and actions for overcoming diabetic rise across the globe.
  • Promote the development of the proper health infrastructures for treatment
  • Support people who are susceptible to or fighting against Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.


Diabetes is a disease that occurs when our body fails to produce enough insulin or when it becomes resistant to insulin. With decreased levels of insulin, our body is unable to process glucose from the blood to release energy.

Diabetes types:

  • Type-1: this occurs when there is a deficiency in the production of the insulin hormone. Consequently giving rise to blood sugar levels.
  • Type-2: this occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin. This is mainly due to obesity and less physical activity.
  • Gestational diabetes: This occurs due to the rise in blood sugar in pregnancy.

Studies have proven the fact that early detection of diabetes, proper management of lifestyle, and proper treatment are the key things for diabetic control. Consequently, there is a need to increase awareness regarding the disease.

Finally, there is a need to come together globally to combat the disease. World Diabetes Day is for this united global effort.


Type 2 diabetes is hard to detect. Early detection and proper lifestyle can help in controlling diabetes consequences.


The World Diabetes Day campaign logo is a blue circle. It was under the 2007 resolution of the UN general assembly; this blue circle logo was finalized.

Blue is the color of the UN flag. Hence blue color was selected. The blue circle represents the unity of all countries on the globe. All countries are united globally against diabetics pandemic is the sound message of the logo. The blue circle represents life, health, and earth.

World Diabetes Day Themes

World Diabetes Day launches its campaigns based on themes. The theme of World Diabetes Day focuses on a particular diabetes issue faced by the global diabetes community.

The forum motto and objectives are represented in these themes. World Diabetes Day Themes so far:

  1. 2018-19: The Family and Diabetes – diabetes concerns every family
  2. 2017: Women and Diabetes – our right to a healthy future
  3. 2016: Eyes on Diabetes
  4. 2015: Healthy Eating
  5. 2014: Go Blue for Breakfast
  6. 2013: Protect our Future – Diabetes Education and Prevention

World Diabetes Day Theme 2020

The theme for 2020 is Nurse and Diabetes. This camping aims to raise awareness on the crucial role of Nurses across the globe in supporting and preventing diabetes.

Half of the global workforce comprises nurses. Their efforts should be appreciated. So that they feel respected and recognized. More and more infrastructure which nurses need for enhancing treatment should be supported.

Also Read:  What is Normal Sugar Range?

How to celebrate World Diabetes Day?

To make a big difference, you need to begin with a small change. Why not start it from your own home with your family members?

  • Get tested – Participate in the Big Blue Test. Test your blood sugar level, do 14 minutes of exercise, test again, and share your test results on an online platform.
  • Make people aware of the chronic disease, Diabetes by uploading write-ups on your social media accounts.
  • Organize physical activities at your home – race, cycling, or yoga.
  • Light up a monument, local building, or even your house with the color blue. 
  • Organize exhibitions, conferences, lectures, and meetings to create awareness regarding diabetes.

Possible reasons for the sudden hike in Diabetes Cases

Certain urban habits have caused a three-fold increase in the number of people suffering from diabetes. Those habits include: 

  1. Sedentary lifestyle 
  2. Unhealthy Diet
  3. Stress and anxiety
  4. Family History (a close relative diagnosed with Diabetes)
  5. Obesity 
  6. Smoking and drinking habits

Last but not least

Positivity leads to stress free life. Therefore, make a positive move towards a healthy lifestyle. Don’t forget that Diabetes can’t be cured but it can be reversed.

World Diabetes Day celebrates YOU and your fight against Diabetes. Remember, you are not alone; the entire global Diabetes community is with you. So, keep fighting till you reach Stage 7 of Diabetes Reversal.

Last Updated on by Dr. Damanjit Duggal 


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